MoP BiS Arms Warrior

0.021% is quite a lot
You did not get it.
And piglet is still right, sorry to jump on anyones toes.
A higher number here means nothing-math is math is math.
If u think it looks higher or more bis to you ok but it wont get any better by that.
Is it possible to do a physical damage crit >2381 before armour, after resil? Yes or no? That's what I wrote above: "Need to check the max crits thread - what is the current physical crit record?"

If it is possible, then yes, the extra 6 armour may (or may not, depending on how rounding works in WoW) reduce the damage by 1. (If it's truncated instead of rounding, then a crit of >4761 would be necessary).

The point of your lack of cognitive abilities still stands. You had written a couple of very stupid posts before you finally tried to understand my valid arguments (and congratulations to your efforts! you finally understood them!).
Is it possible to do a physical damage crit >2381 before armour, after resil? Yes or no? That's what I wrote above: "Need to check the max crits thread - what is the current physical crit record?"

A 24 feral at 10 stacks gemmed and zerker with a lucky crit would prolly go close to 3k even on a prot warrior on an arms warrior or a paladin the number would be higher.
If it is possible, then yes, the extra 6 armour may (or may not, depending on how rounding works in WoW) reduce the damage by 1. (If it's truncated instead of rounding, then a crit of >4761 would be necessary).

The point of your lack of cognitive abilities still stands. You had written a couple of very stupid posts before you finally tried to understand my valid arguments (and congratulations to your efforts! you finally understood them!).

1 Damage is still 1 damage, thus foremans will become better in those rare situations.
The chances are so low that there is no diffrence but foremans are still better.
First off, I'll agree none of this matters much at all. But for the sake of true BiS and math I say we go down this rabbit hole lol.

Let's just take an example. Let's say you are fighting a rogue and he's behind you (we'll leave out dodge, block, and parry right now) and he hits you for 500. That 500 hits your table. It’s cut down by resilience by a certain amount and then by armor. That amount will show up on your screen as damage done to you.

The real questions are how many places does WoW carry to calculate these values? It really doesn’t have to do with number theory or limits or anything else going around this thread.

That answer, I do not know. The tooltip is only shows a few decimal places, but I personally don’t know what’s going on behind the scene. And so far no one has demonstrated they do either.

It’s an interesting topic, I’d like to resolve this discussion once and for all, it seems to come up a lot lol. (May need it’s own thread?)

But until someone has some information on places carried and WoW’s rounding I don’t think we’ll get too far.
This thread is demonstrating why I used the Spinal Tap quote as a summation of the discussion.

It's a difference of value only in the perception of the user when the objective outcome is in fact exactly the same.

If my friend and I walk into the store and want to buy a candy bar for 99 cents (with tax) and I have a dollar, and he has a dollar and 95 cents, we're both still only going to get one candy bar. His extra pocket change doesn't matter at that scale.

Edit: And mind you, this is coming from a person who had never seen the math before on how much difference the armor made, but who was convinced by the numbers shown here.
He can get a larger candy bar than you.

Cute, but don't deliberately circumvent the analogy, unless you think that you can now suddenly do tenths of a point of damage to people.
I have already present the proof that there is a chance for foremans to decrease dmg ur dmg taken by 1 in situations that rarely happends but can happend thus foremans are better but the diffrence is so small it doesnt matter but to the point. Kaleygoe's Gifts are not bis.
On the topic of Foreman's VS Kalecgos, Foreman's -is- in fact BiS.

Best in Slot is Best in Slot. Twinks should push for the best gearing advantages possible. It's not a giant difference, mind you. Barely noticeable at all, but the math proves that it is a slightly better upgrade.

On my Arms/Fury warrior I created a few weeks ago who's nearly BiS, i have yet to get Foreman's, I've been farming on and off, ganking and getting ganked by F2Ps, and so on (I may spend a few hours once or twice a week on Foreman's, really). It's the least of my priorities for it's tiny difference, hence why I won't put tons of hours in at the same time, but I give it a shot every here and there.

If you're Horde, you'll do fine without them, but to truly call yourself a BiS twink on Horde, you should at least try to get these. Don't input too much time into it though. The reward is far less valuable than the 3-4ish days. I just recommend when you have nothing to do, park your F2P in at foreman's, and either tab out and watch videos or after every Foreman kill, run a BG.
Crit is superior to strength because it works with your rage and gives you more burst. As arms warrior you are gearing for burst not steady damage, and the extra damage you get from gearing towards strength is very small anyways.

Your white hits do nothing. You get your damage from Your mortal strike and slam critting, and get more damage from Enraging when mortal strike crits.

Use The Commander Rifle's Eyepatch instead of Lucky Fishing Hat because you need the hit and that way you can save from using hit elsewhere. 8 hit rating is a lot and you only lose 4 stamina and gain 26 armor. Not sure why you have Lucky Fishing Hat listed, and you need 11 hit rating for Charge spell hit cap and I don't think your set meets that.

If horde, use Wild Rider's Gloves over Skeletal Gauntlets, use Cobrahn's Boots over anything else, Thaelrid's Greaves is better than Foreman's because of crit, and depending on your hit build for horde you may want to use Uninsured Bracers and also Stillwater's Signet. Ideally you want to farm Stendel's Wedding Band.
I think the glaring point that you guys are missing is that when you've spent the time farming for Foreman's your character is inherently cooler. Even if, mathematically, there's no difference whatsoever (which is certainly an interesting argument and one that [MENTION=17218]Piglet[/MENTION] has argued quite well), one of the most enjoyable aspects of twinking is being absolutely perfect. 6 armor may, in fact, be neglibible. But your pride? That's immeasurable.
rsq, that's why Blizzard introduced vanity items! A very clever move on their part :)

Ideally you want to farm Stendel's Wedding Band.
I was building a BiS-CRIT frost mage. And got every crit item except this one, which I kept farming. But then I decided that playing both alliance and horde is treacherous, and put my mage into hibernation.
Hey Piglet, I had a thought that I'd like you to consider. I'm with you on the difference in armor being negligible to the point of equivalency, but then I thought of something else:

Your total armor is what is considered in your damage mitigation, not on a per item basis, so even though the contribution of the one piece is below the threshold of noticeability, what if that one fraction combined with the other fractions on other armor pieces to be greater than one whole significant digit?

I know we're still talking about the mitigation of 1 damage point, of course, which is a moot argument for anyone that doesn't pot, scroll, and whiskey on EVERY single respawn, but purely for the mathematical exercise.
Kincaide, it's the other way round. Those calculations are based on already having 2650 armor. And then it turns out that 2650 armour may (or may not, depending on the rounding mechanics inside WoW) be exactly equal to 2656 armour. The less armour you have already, the more damage reduction these 6 points of armour would make.

BiS calculations depend on what other gear you've already got.

also, as someone already mentioned, there is no such thing as the BiS really: different items are BiS for different sets. You can have a glass-cannon set, for example.

Unfortunately, you can not switch sets now while in-combat, as it was possible in Cata. I used to have a very clever macro (took me a lot of experimenting to actually make it work) to switch from 1h+shield to a 2-hander and back during the fight.

Still, I strongly recommend that everyone has 2-3 sets for different situations, and switches between them. At the very least, you should have a macro to switch between AGM+Insignia (when AGM is not on CD) and Tyranny+Insignia (when AGM is on CD, or when you receive a lot of healing).
Crit is superior to strength because it works with your rage and gives you more burst. As arms warrior you are gearing for burst not steady damage, and the extra damage you get from gearing towards strength is very small anyways.

Your white hits do nothing. You get your damage from Your mortal strike and slam critting, and get more damage from Enraging when mortal strike crits.

Use The Commander Rifle's Eyepatch instead of Lucky Fishing Hat because you need the hit and that way you can save from using hit elsewhere. 8 hit rating is a lot and you only lose 4 stamina and gain 26 armor. Not sure why you have Lucky Fishing Hat listed, and you need 11 hit rating for Charge spell hit cap and I don't think your set meets that.

If horde, use Wild Rider's Gloves over Skeletal Gauntlets, use Cobrahn's Boots over anything else, Thaelrid's Greaves is better than Foreman's because of crit, and depending on your hit build for horde you may want to use Uninsured Bracers and also Stillwater's Signet. Ideally you want to farm Stendel's Wedding Band.

Spell hit cap is 15 in this bracket

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