Crit is superior to strength because it works with your rage and gives you more burst. As arms warrior you are gearing for burst not steady damage, and the extra damage you get from gearing towards strength is very small anyways.
Your white hits do nothing. You get your damage from Your mortal strike and slam critting, and get more damage from Enraging when mortal strike crits.
Use The Commander Rifle's Eyepatch instead of Lucky Fishing Hat because you need the hit and that way you can save from using hit elsewhere. 8 hit rating is a lot and you only lose 4 stamina and gain 26 armor. Not sure why you have Lucky Fishing Hat listed, and you need 11 hit rating for Charge spell hit cap and I don't think your set meets that.
If horde, use Wild Rider's Gloves over Skeletal Gauntlets, use Cobrahn's Boots over anything else, Thaelrid's Greaves is better than Foreman's because of crit, and depending on your hit build for horde you may want to use Uninsured Bracers and also Stillwater's Signet. Ideally you want to farm Stendel's Wedding Band.