Mists of Pandaria is the next WoW Expansion.

Added a video of the Pandaren Monk in combat.

Dont forget to /like the front thread if you can !
How is this epic? Let's look how it compares with previous expansions on the epic scale, shall we?

TBC: Illidan Stormage as the ultimate boss in a shattered world full of demons.

WotLK: The Lich King as the ultimate boss in a frozen land full of undead

Cataclysm: Deathwing as the ultimate boss as the world explodes

Then we come to this, Mists of Pandaria, and what do we have? MoP: ??? as the ultimate boss, focusing instead on pandas living in a scenic zone untouched by war.


I would not be that negative, i'v been watching every video and it appears clear from them and as well cause it has been expressively said.

Blizzard does want the next patch to be player vs. player oriented, at least that is what appears.

It's a bit early to look at the negative sides, i would suggest to try to look at the good sides of what MOP seems to bring for now.
  • A new Class
  • A new Race
  • A new World
  • New Battlegrounds

And plenty of more stuff we are still not aware about.
first - some elemental "gods" who want to destroy every living creature

second - Illidan who fled to the outlands to come up with a new plan to get revenge

third - lichking who wants to kill every living creature and convert it into one of his minions

fourth - a big ass dragon destroying the half known world and bringing doom to those continents

fifth - pandas, flowers, bamboo? i mean really? first go for total doom and then FLOWERS?

Cant wait guild wars 2

Pretty clear now, altough i state what i said in my previous post, try to be positive not negative !

Edit : World of Warcraft: Classes, Item, Professions Q&A added.
New OP racial update for Pandaren.

Ability name: Sneeze!

Description: The Pandaren sneezes emitting a high pitched sound; stunning all nearby enemies for 5 seconds. 5 minute cool-down.

In-game footage:

Added General Q&A - Open Q&A.

This is taking a lot more time and effort i'd tought it would, been watching every single video and question, i haven't wrote them down, as i could not have done such a work, but if you have any question on anything writen down, do not hesitate to ask and ill do my best to answer you.

Hope you guys apreciate the thread, it will be updated with any news till Mists of Pandaria comes out, so get used to check it if your interested on the next expasion.
As far as burst goes, they are scaling down health pools for all levels for 5.0. Adding resilience as a base stat (undoubtedly taking some away from gear) will probably do wonders in balancing damage for lower levels. Now we just need to see the adjustments planned for class/spec abilities. Looks good for pvp imo, even if you don't like the 'kung fu panda' feel.

Undead Monk, anyone?
If you mean that Pandarians were part of lore long before now, you can stick it up your ass....Pandarians were ALWAYS a fucking inside joke of Blizzard, like fucking CoW Level of Diablo, they never truly had any real meaning or place in Warcraft's lore....

The reason why Pandarian Brewmaster was added to WC III: TFTin the first place, was because Blizzard's art designer (Sam something) had a friend who loved pandas,so one night they just decided to add them into the game...

And now they are the new expansion, regardless of people being happy or sad, Mists of Pandaria, will come out.

Stop being negative and be positive for a bit !

Who know's, you might enjoy your ring of frost at lvl 15 !
Jesus I think I can remember this happened back when BC was introduced, didn't it go something like this..

"Yea, burning crusade looks so fucking shit, I mean wtf a sanctuary city?"

"This game is turning into complete shit for 12 year old kids"

"No more 40 man raids? omg ima quit, too easy for us hardcores, this is turning into a casual game I QUIT"

"OMG dreanei ? what a load of shit, you get to be a shaman? Thats HORDES RACE not alliance."

"FMLLLL Arena? that's too hard I wouldn't be able to catch up"

"We're going into space? THIS'LL completely fuck up world-pvp."

I'm sure there is plenty more.
Jesus I think I can remember this happened back when BC was introduced, didn't it go something like this..

"Yea, burning crusade looks so fucking shit, I mean wtf a sanctuary city?"

"This game is turning into complete shit for 12 year old kids"

"No more 40 man raids? omg ima quit, too easy for us hardcores, this is turning into a casual game I QUIT"

"OMG dreanei ? what a load of shit, you get to be a shaman? Thats HORDES RACE not alliance."

"FMLLLL Arena? that's too hard I wouldn't be able to catch up"

"We're going into space? THIS'LL completely fuck up world-pvp."

I'm sure there is plenty more.

And the 305930590395 milion threads on Death Knights pre Wotlk.

Or the 30953095 threads on Tauren Paladins pre Cataclysm.
WOW: vanilla

burning crusade: lime green

wrath of the lich king : blue berry

cataclysm: strawberry

mist of panderia: bamboo.
If you mean that Pandarians were part of lore long before now, you can stick it up your ass....Pandarians were ALWAYS a fucking inside joke of Blizzard, like fucking CoW Level of Diablo, they never truly had any real meaning or place in Warcraft's lore....

The reason why Pandarian Brewmaster was added to WC III: TFTin the first place, was because Blizzard's art designer (Sam something) had a friend who loved pandas,so one night they just decided to add them into the game...


I was laughing at all the Blizzard brown nosers claiming that Panda Bears are in lore.....................................Not realizing they were created as a joke. Maybe they'll base the next expansion on the 2 headed ogres that are controlled by 2 players.

All they need to work into the system is collecting hearts and bringing in more rainbows and unicorns.

I see it now, the Foresaken going into battle with Panda Bears, unicorns, and hearts and rainbows shooting out of there once plague launching catapults.
Jesus I think I can remember this happened back when BC was introduced, didn't it go something like this..

"Yea, burning crusade looks so fucking shit, I mean wtf a sanctuary city?"

"This game is turning into complete shit for 12 year old kids"

"No more 40 man raids? omg ima quit, too easy for us hardcores, this is turning into a casual game I QUIT"

"OMG dreanei ? what a load of shit, you get to be a shaman? Thats HORDES RACE not alliance."

"FMLLLL Arena? that's too hard I wouldn't be able to catch up"

"We're going into space? THIS'LL completely fuck up world-pvp."

I'm sure there is plenty more.

At least the bosses were demons.

We're going to have a fuzzy angry cuddly panda bear as a boss. That knows kung-fu. And he is out of berries.

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