Mists of Pandaria is the next WoW Expansion.

Because a pug wearing a pink shirt is more ridiculous than a panda doing kung-fu?

LOL. :p


And now let's get this thread back to on topic.
Is the armor designs going to have an asian theme to it also?

It would actually be pretty cool to have warriors, pallys, and DK's to have armor that mimics Samurai Armor in looks. Rogues looking "ninja-ish". Maybe casters looking similar to Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

Not too sure about it.

Added Mists of Pandaria Developer Q&A
It's the first time I see footage of the STV Diamond mine. It looks quite crude to me. As for Azshara's Crater, it has been in the game files for a looong time. It's even featured in the Nogg-aholic exploration movie. They will probably change the layout a bit more/update some models etc.
Activision Blizzard latest earning call revealed that World of Warcraft lost another 800,000 subscribers last quarter, down to 10.3M

- Most of the subscriptions were lost in China.

I see what you did there blizzard =) Pandas will solve the problem.
Let's face it, Blizz has been dumbing down the game since Vanilla.

Remember when:

- Campfire took tinder, flint and wood

- Flight paths weren't linked

- Cooking took more than one ingredient

- Epic gear was... epic?

- Lootable mobs didn't sparkle

- You had to learn the boss abilities by trial and error

- You had to find out where the quest item/npc was by actually READING the quest and LOOKING

- Hunter pets had to be leveled, fed and kept happy or they would run away

- Hunters had ammo

- Soul shards

I could literally go on and on about how Blizzard is slowing turning WoW into pre-school game. Why not just auto-level people to 10, have them push a button that say 'DAMAGE' and then auto-level them to 90 and mail them epic gear and a free pet. For Elune's sake...
I'm loving the nostalgia! I can't say I miss all of this though. It is kind of like wishing to hear the dial-up hand-shake again.
How is this epic? Let's look how it compares with previous expansions on the epic scale, shall we?

TBC: Illidan Stormage as the ultimate boss in a shattered world full of demons.

WotLK: The Lich King as the ultimate boss in a frozen land full of undead

Cataclysm: Deathwing as the ultimate boss as the world explodes

Then we come to this, Mists of Pandaria, and what do we have? MoP: ??? as the ultimate boss, focusing instead on pandas living in a scenic zone untouched by war.

I think too many are missing the potential here. Each expansion had some distinct obstacle to overcome. They were all related to the Titan/Old God confrontation. We will see a continuation of that in this next expansion as well. How has the island of pandarens survived without the influence of "the whisperings from the deeps"? What horrible effects will they succumb too when we bring our hate to the island? Don't be fooled by the frosting on the cake. We will likely learn more about our world's origin and the fight to keep it from being torn apart like Draenor.
Gideonskeep, on your right botton side of the corner, right next to " Quote " there is a button named " MultiQuote ", it gives you the option to answer to all the quotes you want in one big reply, try it out !

If you need any help using it, just ask, i'm here to help.
Wait wait wait.

This is actually real? The next race is a PANDA? I thought there'd be like a "just kidding!" at the end..

Pandas.. how interesting.

We have talking cows and blue men with tentacles. We ride dragons and shoot fire out our hands. We wield swords on fire and work Together to kill some being of freaking fire! ... Shit guys it's fantasy srsly get over ure selves. Jeeshh.

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