[Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

Nype said:
Could be a good idea, if I had hit cap with BoA Helm+ Shoulders + ellos maybe, to replace BoA chest with Tunic of westfall or something? or maybe even swap out shoulders for the crit 1s

You want as much hit as possible without sacrificing too much other stats like agi, if you keep your BoA chest you have a better hit chance with you auto-attack which does a large % of your damage.
Plz tell me ur idiotic setup. How in the world is pretty mch and extra 2-3 crit better than 3 percent hit. Plz learn the mechanics of your class then reply here. I have been playing a rogue since you were a toddler. I am regarded as one of the best theorycrafter. I made the rogue BIS every tink copied me with foremans and Ellos.
most rogues had nimble leathers curley so of course they would upgrade 2 foremans lol
Hi there,

sry for posting here, but i have a question that nobody can answer in the f2p section:

Don't you guys us backstab as shadowfang is BIS for both hand?

And would you prefer Wicked Dagger instead of shadowfang if it would be optainable at 19?

I'm just wondering because nearly all 19 rogue twink go 2x shadowfang and nearly all f2p 20 rogue go 2x wicked dagger.

Will be happy for an answer


You can't backstab without a dagger. Shadowfangs are the best at 19s. Rogues rely on mostly white damage.

Backstab is left for proccing waylay if ambush misses to do so.

Rolling daggers is pointless right now since we rely mostly on burst.

If wicked dagger was available to us, it would probably be a lv16 item, comparable to assassin's blade in uselessness, and rogues at lv20 would have to find another weapon.
Thank's notoriousthf for the quick reply.

So it should be better to use slow weapons with high base dmg also in the 20 bracket.

Do you think that getting crippling poison does change anything because everybody in the 20 bracket uses wicked dagger or fast daggers?

Maybe it has something to do with the different stats:

BIS 19 p2p rogue => 570 agi; 45% crit

BIS 20 f2p rogue => 370 agi; 25% crit


So, backstab is not used in the 19 bracket? What about a longer fight? What do you use instead of backstab? Do you change weapons

during a fight?


Tobinofear said:
Thank's notoriousthf for the quick reply.

So, backstab is not used in the 19 bracket? What about a longer fight? What do you use instead of backstab? Do you change weapons

during a fight?



instead of backstab you use sinister strike at the 19 bracket and the only time ppl really change weapons is mace/sword > dagger to mace/sword x2 to get the burst from the attack after ambush
I backstab when I'm fcin going against another rogue and he evasions and escorting our fc.And hunters 1v1 i always backstab.
Tobinofear said:
Thank's notoriousthf for the quick reply.

So it should be better to use slow weapons with high base dmg also in the 20 bracket.

Do you think that getting crippling poison does change anything because everybody in the 20 bracket uses wicked dagger or fast daggers?

Maybe it has something to do with the different stats:

BIS 19 p2p rogue => 570 agi; 45% crit

BIS 20 f2p rogue => 370 agi; 25% crit


So, backstab is not used in the 19 bracket? What about a longer fight? What do you use instead of backstab? Do you change weapons

during a fight?



Unlike instant poison, crippling poison isn't based on procs per minute (ppm), rather percentage based. This is the one reason rogues would use a dagger.

Instant poison is ppm, and as such slower weapons benefit more from it. We don't have crippling poison at 19, so again, we rely on burst and waylay.

SS is most commonly used for points, unless you do what curley does..
notoriousthf said:
Rolling daggers is pointless right now since we rely mostly on burst.

This post is completely incorrect, Dagger's are 100% viable in capable hands. Do I need to make a video to show this because nobody can comprehend?
dont really like daggers myself unless im fc'ing or as curley said fighting a hunter for waylay, is it just me who does bad damage with daggers? :eek:
Great guide, Curley. You make every game against me waaay more difficult. FC drops faster and you're always repicking the flag before we can cap... /fear

dwarf is a very good rogue too. should include that too.

also NEs are good rogues

Dwarf and Night Elves are "good" yes but Humans, Worgens and Gnomes seem to be better for this specific game type.

There aren't many bleeds, poisons and diseases for one. 10% damage reduction is nice but its an instant Psychic Scream or Hammer of Justice on most EFC openers so that won't really help much whereas Humans can pop out of those opener CC's way more and Worgens have an extra Sprint and more Crit which is
And I guess if you plan on using Maces all the time, then this race might be for you, but even then...

Night Elves are "good" too and definitely a step up from Darves here but it seems like they can still get peeled easily whereas if they were Human, they would be getting out of those things a lot more... And if they were a Worgen, they would be able to race back to the target more. Sure Night Elves can avoid some stuff with Shadowmeld and Nature Resistance but does that get you out of as many CC's and peels as does a Human or a Worgen racial?

Gnomes should have 5% total resource increase IMO D: Then maybe I'd be here arguing for Gnomes as the best Rogues, even though I don't know how to play one.

No matter what is chosen, you are sacrificing all the other possible racials for the ones you chose
It seems important that you be able to say which is the best to you and why. To me, its Human and Blood Elf but IDK much about Rogues so whatever.

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