EU+US lvl 70 PVE/raid max performance guide(currently not updated)


this is meant to be the thread you go to for EVERYTHING related to maxing out your 70 twink.

Dreams' pve guide already has a lot of useful information in it, and im going to overlap alot of it.

fx has made a BiS compendium, and its mostly completed (99%ish), though some of my sets are slightly different, and this was made in 7.2.5, and 7.3 has changed a small number of things.

id like to go into a bit more detail for each individual spec, including what talents, how to gem, and any tricks or less than obvious things in the rotations. not every spec is as simple as just gemming your primary stat, though quite a few are.

i will be working on this slowly as i dont get paid for this.
anyone who wants to post about specs that im unfamiliar with (healers and tanks), you are welcome to do so.

this thread is a community effort. i have a 70 that is either bis or within 2 pieces for every class and spec, but i mostly play dps roles so i wont be covering all of the specs with my own personal experience.

people who have contributed to this guide: fx, onlydreams, shinela, themango, awze, chey, stein, wolv, and blunts.


Ret Paladin
this entire spec revolves around execution sentence and timing your judgements properly. Ret favors consistency, and really doesnt like procs.

my paladin:

in bt, ive done 10k+ on most bosses, during 7.2.5(ret got a buff in 7.3)
and 5.2k on a dummy with no buffs over 5 minutes

stat priority:22%crit, 22%haste, max str

spec:execution sentence, fires of justice, any thing you like, blade of wrath

food: dragonfin fillet
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone

the rotation/priority i use is:
blade of justice>crusader strike>execution sentence>crusader strike>judgement>blade of justice> templar's verdict.
and obviously, when you get BoJ procs, those should be used over everything unless youre at 4 holy power already.

Wind Walker Monk

my monk
as far as i know, this is bis. ilvl 161.06.
this holds 5.2k on a dummy with no buffs over an 5 minute session

stat priority: crit to 34.64%(more would cost too much agil) 11-12%haste, then stack agil.

spec: eye of the tiger, anything(i take tiger's lust), power strikes, anything(i take legsweep)

chi burst & energizing elixir can also get 5.2k on a dummy

if you take power strikes, be careful not to tiger palm if you have more than 2 chi unless you just did a 3 chi tp.

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

the rotation/priority:
touch of death>tiger palmx2>storm earth and fire(double tap)>(when the spirits get to your target)rising sun kick>tiger palm>fists of fury>tiger palm>black out kick procs>tiger palm>BoK>tiger palm>RsK>tiger palm>BoK

you can fit 2 rsk into a sef window, and you should (probably) save your second sef charge until your FoF is off cd. with your "down time" alternate between jab and BoK until rsk and or fof comes back. youll have time for 2 fof in between a sef recharge.

on energizing elixir:
use all your energy and chi right before a sef window. then pop sef, and then energizing elixir.

as for chi wave, try to use it on cd, i like to throw it in right after the ability before i use tiger palm.

Enhancement Shaman

my shaman:

has done 10k+ in bt in 7.2.5 with a 30/30 build, ive since found an upgrade.
currently holds 5.3k on a dummy with no buffs and no lust

stat priority: 34%haste, 25%crit,max agil

the spec: windsong, rainfall, earthgrab, ancestral swiftness

ancestral switness>hailstorm&lightning shield (both are only slightly behind)

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

stormstrike> windsong> flametounge> rockbiter>lavalash
this spec revolves around stormstrike, and is very simple. lavalash is your filler when everything else is on cd.

keep rainfall up under the tank and melee dps at all times, youre a super valuable utility.
you also have heroism/blood lust(and will probably be called on to lust every pull.) in general, lust/hero on the pull.

Frost Death Knight
my dk

did 10k+ in bt in 7.2.5
currently holds 5.3k over 5 min with no buffs on a dummy.

stat priority- 22%crit, 17%haste, max str.

the spec: runic attenuation, horn of winter, avalanche, any

food: dragonfin fillet
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

use pillar of frost and remorseless winter on cd
use horn of winter as often as possible, but not if you would waste any resources
use up rime and killing machine procs asap
before you use empower rune weapon make sure you have as close to 0 runic power as possible AND 0 active runes
never let your runic power cap

Unholy Death Knight

my dk

i log out in frost, but the only changes are a second gnomish lightning generator,mark of the hidden satyr, and obviously apolyon as the weapon. it ends up being ilvl 164.31, and theres no way to get to 164.00.

the best i could do so far in legion is 4k on a dummy without buffs.
22%crit,30% haste

food: dragonfin fillet
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone

the spec: all will serve, pestilent pustules, unholy frenzy, any

so, the spec is pretty simple, keep your plague up via outbreak, use festering strike until you have 6-7 wounds up, then use scourge strike. use fester when you have 4 or less wounds. and use death coil when you have 60+ rp or if you have 45+rp and no runes up. obviously when you get free death coils use those immediately. dont use death and decay unless there are 3+ mobs

Fury Warrior

my warrior

holds ~4.1k on a dummy without buffs.(but you cant execute a dummy)
in raids dps spikes in the execute phase obviously.

stat priority: there are multiple builds that can hold 4k. 35%crit&37%haste is the one i go with.

the spec: endless rage, any(double time),wrecking ball, any(warpaint)

food: dragonfin fillet
potion: mighty rage potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

this spec revolves around rampage and being in enrage as much as possible. its a very frantic, fast paced spec.
priority:wreckingball>rampage>bloodthirst> raging blow> furious slash
use wrecking ball procs before rampages,
use blood thirst on cooldown
when enraged, use raging blow until it falls off.
use heroic leap&charge only when blood thirst didnt crit and youre at 65 rage or less.
only use furious slash if heroic leap is on cd and blood thirst didnt crit.
only use whirlwind if wrecking ball procs or if there are 2+mobs.
use battle shout before rampage(and wrecking ball) and then use blood thirst asap.
macro your glg trinket into battle shout.

Arms Warrior
my warrior
165.06 i log out in fury but i use the same set as fury, except for mechanized snow goggles of str, and a second gnomish lightning generator.

this set maintained 4.7k on a dummy with no buffs(and you cant execute a dummy)
and has done 10.5k dps in bt in 7.2.5

stat priority:
as with fury, there are multiple builds that achieve the same output.

spec: overpower, any(double time), rend, any(bounding stride)
defensive stance might be useful if your healers cant keep up with aoe damage going out. or if your tank randomly dies.

food: dragonfin fillet
potion: mighty rage potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone

overpower> rend> colossus smash> mortal strike> slam

the first thing to do after you charge is rend and then colossus smash.
use over power procs immediately.
after that, rage dump, refresh rend and use battle shout>bladestorm.
macro your trinket into battle shout.

from @Shinela
Most of arms lays in the talents right now. Make sure you run Rend and Overpower.
Then it goes quite simple. I'll write a sort of formula out:
Start of combat:
- Heroic Throw + Charge
- Colossus Smash
- Rend
- Bladestorm + Battle Cry (Macro them together with Engineering Trinket if you have it)

Then your rotation begins. I'll write in priority
- Keep Rend up
- Colossus Smash on cooldown/proc
- Overpower on cooldown/proc
- Mortal Strike above 30 rage
- Slam above 40 rage if Mortal Strike on CD
- If Bladestorm comes off cooldown, use ALL rage first, reset Rend last (No matter the debuff timer) and then Battlecry + Bladestorm (You will generate a lot of rage)

Execute phase:
- Keep Rend up
- Colossus Smash on Cooldown/proc
- Overpower below 40 rage
- Execute at 40 rage+
- Battle Cry + Bladestorm on low rage

AoE is a bit easier even. Priorities are:
- Bladestorm + Battle Cry
- Cleave (Frontal Cone, hit as many as you can)
- Whirlwind

Survival Hunter

my hunterèti
as far as i know this is bis.

holds 6.2k over 5 minutes on a dummy unbuffed. this is currently the strongest melee class.
snake hunter peaks higher, but then drops back down to 5.6, so i prefer crows.

spec: throwing axes, murder of crows, any, caltrops

throwing axes is way stronger than the other two, crows is more stable, and caltrops is better unless youre able to successfully pull off waylay on steel trap !00% of the time.

stat priority: crit to 27%, then agil

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone

rotation/ priority:
harpoon>flanking strike>murder of crows>explosive trap>lacerate>caltrops> throwing axesx2>flanking strike>mongoose bite>aspect of the eagle> mongoosebitex2> lacerate>flank>throwing axes
use hunting companion procs immediately during your mongoose window.
keep lacerate up 100% of the time.
use traps,throwing axes, flanking strike and murder of crows on cd.
save mongoose charges until youre about to hit 3, then start up the mb window again. youll have time to get to 4 stacks in the ones where aspect of the eagle is on cd.
you will also have time to refresh lacerate or use flanking strike in the middle of a mb window unless you have companion active.

its a pretty simple spec, and its the strongest melee spec currently

Feral Druid
my druid:

in patch 7.3 this class got a 33% buff to its damage.
this spec currently holds 5.4k on a dummy, and 11.5-12.5k in bt and sunwell.

spec: lunar inspiration. the rest is preference. moonfire is your second highest source of damage after rip, and can and should be always used in catform(obviously).

stat priority: 34-35% haste, 26% crit, then agil.

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone

rotation/priority: this spec is a dot spec. most of what youre doing is keeping rip rake and moonfire up, and then getting ferocious bites in between rips. always open from stealth with rake, both the initial damage and the dot get a damage boost.

prowl>berserk>rake>moonfire>shred>tiger's fury>shred>rip

after that its pretty simple, shred to 5 pt ferocious bite, you can fit 2 FB before you need to refresh rip.
i always refresh my dots at ~25% remaining.
try to line up TF with FB(delay fb for up to 3 sec if needed).
i use clearcast procs to refresh moonfire or rake.(meaning dont spam shred mindlessly)

Subtlty Rogue
my rogue:
BiS for both sub and assassin. ilvl 164

holds ~4.2k on a dummy without buffs over 5min (without the use of vanish)
can do ~8.5k on most fights in bt, did 9k on gurtogg and relequary

spec:gloomblade, shadow focus, vigor, any
vigor and deeper stratagem are very close

stats: 32-33% crit, max agil

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

always keep night blade up. usually youll only have time for 1 evis before you have to refresh night blade.
99% of the time you should only use shadow dance if it lines up with rune of power. the exception is if you just hit 2 charges and rune is still on cd.
always try to go into shadow dance with some energy pooled up, but not enough that youll over cap when you use rune of power.
during shadow dance you have time for a total of 3 shadowstrikes and 1 finisher

Assassination Rogue
my rogue
BiS for both sub and assassin. ilvl 164

holds 5k over 5 mins with no buffs on a dummy. (also without using vanish)

spec: hemorrhage, subterfuge, deeper stratagem, any

stats: 32-33% crit, max agil

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

keep 6 pt rupture, garrote, and hemo up 100% of the time.
when you vanish make sure garrote isnt on cd first, use garrote form stealth as often as possible.
use vendetta on cooldown, and try to line it up with stealthed garrote if possible.
if you have 5 combo pts you can refresh hemo early to get a 6 pt finisher.

Outlaw Rogue
ilvl 164. changes to make: both glaives@ dancing steel

on a dummy this can get up to 4.6k just rolling 1s and 2s.(and using 2x hand of deciever, my rogue doesnt have glaives)

spec: quickdraw, acrobatic strikes, vigor, any

stats: 25% crit, 20%haste

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of relentless assault
weapon mod: adamantite sharpening stone mh, superior mana oil offhand.

keep roll the bones buff up 100% and re cast roll the bones at 3 sec or less remaining.
use 5pt between the eyes if your target is out of range, 5pt run through when your target is in melee range.
adrenaline rush on cd if the target will live for the full duration.

broadsides is by far the best buff from roll the bones. grand melee is second.
i used 3 pt roll the bones to fish for 1 of these 2. 3 pts = 30 sec buff.
when you let a buff ride for the full duration, refresh roll the bones with 5 pts at 3 sec or less remaining.
expect 90% 1 or 2 buff rolls.
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Ranged Dps

Demonology Warlock

holds ~4.2k on a dummy
has done 8.5k in bt in 7.2.5

spec: shadowflame, implosion, any, hand of doom

seems like 17% haste and 20% crit(full int) is the way to go.

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil


call dreadstalkers> summon doomguard> demonic empowerment>doom> shifting naaru sliver>shadowflame> shadowbolt to 5 shards (shadowflame on 3 sec remaining) >hand of guldan>demonic empowerment

after that its mostly spinning plates, lots of management.

pay attention to your imps remaining duration, if you ever miss an implosion its a huge dps loss
use demonic empowerment after every demon summon
below 50% mana use lifetap right after you cast a non instant spell like hand of guldan or shadowbolt
cast call dreadstalkers on cd, and have 4+ shards before you cast hand of guldan
refresh shadow flame on 3 sec remaining,and try to never let it fall off. if it does wait until you have your second charge almost up before you re apply it.

if you happen to have 4+ shards before your imps duration is up, and you already have dreadstalkers up, then cast hand of guldan and "spam" implosion during the cast
when shifting sliver comes back off cd, wait to use it until hand of guldan is casting

Destruction Warlock

holds~4.7k on a dummy
has done 9.3k in bt in 7.2.5

spec:backdraft, empowered lifetap, any, cataclysm
20% haste and 21% crit

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil


opener- lifetap> immolate>doomguard>conflagratex2> shifting naaru sliver>chaosbolt>incineratex3>chaosbolt>cataclysm

pretty straight forward,
dont let immolate fall off, and keep empowered lifetap up.
try to line up chaos bolts with shifting sliver.
use conflag on cd

Affliction Warlock

holds ~ 8.5k in a raid

21%crit, 20%haste

spec:haunt, contagion, any,phantom singularity

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil


doomguard>shifting sliver>agony>corruption>unstable affliction>drain soul>

try to maintain 100% uptime on unstable affliction,and refresh your corrution and agony after your UA casts.
never ever let agony fall off.
drain soul immediately after UA, unless you need to lifetap
lifetap at 40%mana

Fire Mage
my mageérø
the same set is used for all 3 specs
hidden satyr on neck, gift of haste and crit on rings
1 20 haste gem over a 10 int gem

holds~4.9k-5k on a dummy

and about 10.5k in raids

spec: pyromaniac, shimmer, mirror image, alextraza's fury

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil

rotation/ priority
mirror image>shifting naaru sliver>pyroblast> combustion>
during combustion cast scorch and then fireblast, then alternate between pyro and scorch

when combustion is not up cast fireball untill heating up procs.
use fb when heating up procs to activate hot streak.
when hotstreak procs, cast fireball first, then cast pyroblast as fireball is finishing its cast.
use flamestrike instead of pyroblast when there are 2+ mobs.
use dragons breath only when there are 3+ mobs and youre 15 yards away from them.
or if you specced alextraza's fury, use dragons breath when youre out of fb charges. this will require you to be close to the boss.
use scorch either only during combusion or if you need to move and shimmer is on cd.
you can use shimmer while casting and still keep casting the spell.

Frost Mage
my mageérø
gift of haste on neck

mirror image:
holds ~6k over 5 min on a dummy, no buffs
frost mage is the strongest dps spec in legion. holding 12k-14k in bt and sunwell.
spec: ray of frost, shimmer, mirror image, ice nova

mirror image may have gotten a damage buff in 7.3

Dreams' mage:
spec: ray of frost, shimmer, rune of power, ice nova

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil

rotation/ priority
mirror image:
icy veins> mirror image>shifting naaru sliver>ice nova>ray of frost>count to 10>frozen orb>frostbolt spam

use mirror image, ice lance, ice nova and frozen orb on cooldown.
use procs immediately
use icy veins when youll get a full ray of frost in.
line up shifting naaru sliver with ray of frost, you should also be able to fit frozen orb and 1 ice nova in(before ray).
only use blizzard when there are 3+ mobs

Arcane Mage
my mageérø
hidden satyr on neck
holds~4.5k on a dummy(4.1k during lull phase)
and ~10k on single target in bt and sunwell
spec: arcane familiar, any,mirror image, resonance

food: firecracker salmon
potion: potion of wild magic
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil

rotation/ priority

mirror image>arcane blast spam to 4 charges(use missle procs immediately)> presence of mind>shifting sliver>arcane power> arcane blast spam to oom> spend any missle procs and cast ab again if you can>evocation to full mana>more ab spam and missle dump>arcane barrage>lull phase

alternate between arcane blast and barrage untill evocation comes off cd.
save missle charges until you get to 3 or there are ~6 sec remaining.
~10 seconds from evocation get to 4 charges, and ab spam to oom.
save your cds until after evocation. except mirror image, cast that on cd.

Beast Mastery Hunter
my hunterèti
ilvl 164.00 all hunter specs use the same setup
holds 5.2k on a dummy without buffs.
was able to do 10-11k in bt and sunwell in 7.3.5

spec: way of the cobra, chimera shot, any, blink strikes

food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask relentless assault
weapon mod: superior mana oil

rotation/ priority
bm is super simple
cobra shot>bestial wrath> aspect of the wild>direbeastx2>cobra shot x2> chimera shot>kill command> cobra shot spam

use direbeast and chimera shot on cd
use aspect and bestial wrath on cd, try to line up aspect with wrath, delay either by up to 5 sec if you need to.
misdirect to the tank on the pull and if theyre having trouble with aggro
aspect of the turtle exists, dont forget about it if you get focused
counter shot counts as a physical kick

Marksmanship Hunter
my hunterèti
ilvl 164.00
bis weapon is thoridal @ 40 haste scope

pulls ~8.3k-8.5k in bt and sunwell (using careful aim) fully buffed and 4.2k on a dummy with no buffs

spec: careful aim, true aim, any, patient sniper
apparently careful aim is the best talent in the tier. i use steady focus.


food: blackened dragonfin
potion: haste potion
flask: flask relentless assault
weapon mod: superior mana oil

rotation/ priority
aimed shot>true shot aura>arcane shotx2>marked shot>aimed shotx3>arcane shotx3>marked shot

pretty much just spam arcane shot until your focus is almost capped then cast aimed shot.
cast marked shot when you have enough focus to cast aimed shot twice.

Shadow Priest
my priest: loop of forged power is slightly better that eternal sage

20%crit, 42%haste
spec: fortress of the mind, any,any, void ray
does ~4k on a dummy

fx(logged out as holy, but in bis shadow gear)

"Fortress - B&S - Lingering Insanity

3rd row is irrelevant but Mind Bomb is probably the best one for PvE. Twist of Fate is also pretty strong depending on the fight.

Expected burst dps is somewhere around 13.5k; sustained DPS ~9k with proper execution.

ToF is better than Fortress on fights with adds (basically just Akama and Illidan).

On really short fights you should play Shadow Word: Void.
Void Ray requires you to stand still all the time which is unreliable even on TBC fights. I'd Sooner pick Reaper than Void Ray tbh. Reaper is kind of in that same niche as SW:V where it's extremely strong on short fights (with reaper and SW:V you can stay in Voidform for the full duration of most TBC fights that aren't Kil'Jaeden or Black Temple bosses)."

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil

rotation/ priority
power word shield>vampiric touch> shadow word pain> mind blast>mind flay until 100 insanity>shield>pain>void eruption>shifting naaru sliver>mindflay for ~1 sec>mindblast>void bolt>shadowfiend>void bolt>mindblast>voidbolt>mindflay

during voidform youll be casting voidbolt as many times as possible, and mindblast on cd.
youll also be using mindflay right after mindblast and voidbolt during the gcd.
save your cds for during voidform.

outside of voidform, just cast mindblast on cd, and channel mindflay.
for aoe, keep vt on the main target, and apply pain to up to 5 mobs.

Elemental Shaman
Cowl of Gul'dan
Pendant of Sunfire
Erupting Epaulets
Tattered Cape of Antonidas
Garments of Crashing Shores
Skyshatter Bands
Gauntlets of the Ancient Shadowmoon
Skyshatter Cord
Chain Links of the Tumultuous Storm
Skyshatter Treads
Loop of Forged Power
Ring of Omnipotence
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei

holds ~3.8k over 5 minutes depending on procs. ele shaman is quite weak in single target, but very strong on aoe.
the best gem/enchant setup i could find is
satyr on neck, gift of crit on cloak, gift of haste on rings,12 sp bracer,15 sp glove, 8 haste boot, 6sp/4crit shoulder, 8sp 5vers legs.

30% crit, 21% haste, the rest in int.

stacking haste to 40% did not affect the frequency of lava burst procs

spec: earthen rage, any, any, aftershock
this spec come out a bit ahead of all other combos no matter how you gem.
inyer is the best ele shaman ive seen so far, able to do ~9k in sunwell.

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil

rotation/ priority
keep flame shock up 100%
cast lava burst on cd, and on proc.
cast earth shock at 93 maelstrom.
save your cds for when youre at 80+ms
chain lightning on 2+ targets, earthquake on 3+ targets

mostly youre just spamming lightning bolt waiting for lava procs.

Balance Druid

Cover of Ursoc the Mighty
Pendant of Sunfire
Spaulders of Devastation
Tattered Cape of Antonidas
Sunglow Vest
Thunderheart Bands
Tranquil Moonlight Wraps
Thunderheart Cord
Breeches of Natural Aggression
Thunderheart Footwraps
Loop of Forged Power
Ring of Omnipotence
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver

Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei

spec: starlord, displacer beast, any, mass entanglement

24%crit, 30%haste

does~3.7k on a dummy over 5 minutes unbuffed.

food: firecracker salmon
potion: haste potion
flask: flask of distilled wisdom
weapon mod: superior wizard oil

from icyveins:
The single target Balance Druid rotation is based on the following priority list.

  1. Apply and maintain Moonfire, Sunfire on the target.
  2. Cast Starsurge to consume Astral Power.
  3. Use Solar Wrath while you have Solar Empowerment up.
  4. Cast Lunar Strike while you have Lunar Empowerment up.
  5. Cast Solar Wrath without an empowerment, to generate Astral Power.
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Buffs: Food: Dragonfin Filet/Blackened Dragonfin/Cuttlesteak
Potion: Haste Potion/Mighty Rage Potion(warrior)
Flask: Flask of Mighty Versatility
Weapon: Adamantite sharpening stone/Adamantite Weightstone(warrior)/Superior Mana Oil

Blood Death Knight
what i use:òke
comes out to: ilvl 166, 30k health, 19.95%crit, 19.98%haste, 19.58%vers
but it also uses gfed executioner's band and gfed greaves of the traitor, and gfed soul sealed belt. you can use the brutal glad pvp boots and belt as a substitute, but you cant make up the ilvls from the ring.

an alternative set that does not use gfed gear:
Helm of Burning Righteousness @thundering skyflare
Hard Khorium Choker@gift of vers
Spaulders of the Thalassian Savior@6ap,4crit/8stam
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin @vers
Noble Judicator's Chestguard@16vers
Guardian's Plate Bracers@16stam
Gauntlets of the Soothed Soul @ 16str
Soul-Sealed Belt (of the soldier) (can still be found on the ah) or pvp belt
Legplates of the Holy Juggernaught @400 lw stam patch
Dreadboots of the legion@12stam
Band of Ruinous Delight @gift of vers
Stormrage Signet Ring @gift of vers
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Gnomish Lightning Generator

Apolyon, the Soul-Render

comes out to: ilvl 163, 31k health, 15%crit,
you can stack full vers, and take way less damage or you can stack haste and rely on your self healing.
putting all 4 gift of haste enchants on will get you to ~19%

spec: blood drinker, rapid decompostition,blood tap, red thirst

the 4th tier are all really close, with red thirst coming out slightly ahead. change them depending on the boss. tombstone for example will be the best for relequary.

from Basement aka djcatpiss
"My blood DK.

Changes to make: Noble Judicator's Chestguard (more stam/vers/haste), Helm of Burning Righteousness (ilvl, stam and vers), Cloak of Unforgivable Sin (socket, more stam, ilvl)

Sub Stats: Really boils down to personal preference, but you want to find that healthy balance between your best three stats, Stam/Haste/Vers. Generally speaking, you want to sit around 35k-40k HP due to Death Strike healing a minimum of 10% of your HP plus 20% of any damage you've taken within the last 5 seconds. After that, enchant for gift of haste so you can get around 20-23% haste w/o Bone Shield up.. i've found this to be a comfortable amount of haste with very little downtime. Shoot for at least 15% vers. Between this and bone shield, you'll automatically be taking roughly 23.5% less damage taken from all sources, not counting armor.

Talents: Blooddrinker, Rapid Decomposition, Ossuary, Mark of Blood (raids or single target)/Red Thirst (dungeons/trash fights)
Variables: For raid tanking this is pretty cookie cutter, swap out Rapid Decomp for Spectral Deflection on fights that call for a huge damage spike (think Mother in BT) and Mark of Blood for Red thirst on trash fights (Akama)

Rotation/Priority List:
1. Use Marrowrend to keep bone shield rolling before it expires.
2. Use Blood Boil if any enemies do not have Blood Plague on them.
3. Use Mark of Blood/refresh it when it has 6 seconds left on the target.
4. Use Death and Decay only if you get a free proc and only if you are currently using Rapid Decomp.
5. Use Death Strike to avoid capping RP.
6. Use Marrowrend if you have 6 or fewer stacks of Bone Shield (Ossuary)
7. Use Heart Strike if you have 3 or more runes in order to quickly build RP.
8. Use Death and Decay if you have 3 or more runes.
9. Use Blood Boil as a filler.

In addition to this, you'll be constantly weaving Death Strikes into the rotation in order to survive.. a good rule of thumb is using it when you see you've just taken a big hit/saving it if you know a big hit is coming."

Guardian Druid

from Fx's bis compendium
Duplicitous Guise
Hard Khorium Choker
Demontooth Shoulderpads
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin
Harness of Carnal Instinct
Thunderheart Wristguards
Gloves of Immortal Dusk
Thunderheart Waistguard
Leggings of the Immortal Night
Thunderheart Treads
Ring of Hardened Resolve
Band of Ruinous Delight
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Gnomish Lightning Generator

If you don't need damage:
Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole

Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei

If you need damage:
Stanchion of Primal Instinct

Guardian by Chey
The Three Bears, a story of the AOE tank

Disclaimer: Raiding these days I am mainly healing however I still enjoy solo guardian challenges such as Kara and am consistently trying different enchants/gems, specs and eccentric out of the box builds. With that said take the following as you please.

There are three viable options for a successful guardian build;

Crit Build
Stack full (crit=dodge) for avoidance, this should be to around (45%=26%).
Damage Reduction - Medium.
DPS - High
Note - Can be a bit clunky, harder to maintain iron fur. Will dodge close to 1/4 of physical damage yet have no consistent magic mitigation.

Versa Build
Stack full Versatility, this should be to around 40% in BiS gear, can get to around 46% with resto gear since 7.3 but loose out on other secondaries.
Damage Reduction - High.
DPS - Low
Note - Will have a consistent 20% all damage reduction, works best with T1 talent Brambles (passive reduction + dps) Rotation is more forgiving as you are not as reliant on iron fur and frenzied regen.

Intermediate Build
Haste to 20% (reduces thrash and mangle cd to 5sec and FR recharge to 20sec)
Crit to 29-30% for dps and 20% dodge.
Versa to 10% for consistent 5% damage reduction. Put the rest into agility.
Damage Reduction - Medium/High.
DPS - Medium/High
Note - My preference, the all rounder with smoother rotation but more reliant on using ability's then passive mitigation. Best used with T1 Talent Bristling Fur.

T1 Any, Bristling Fur highest rage generator for single target, Blood Frenzy for AoE rage.
T2 Any, I like charge. Especially useful for knock backs.
T3 Restoration affinity, consistent heals and crutch swiftmend can save you in emergency even if you go caster for a gcd to do it.
T4 Any, I find entanglement most useful for soloing trash pulls. All are 'ok' but when u need to use, most of the time they are immune.

Flask- Flask of Mighty Versatility
Food- Cuttlesteak
Adamantite Sharpening Stone for Polearm or Adamantite Weightstone for Staff

Make sure to have mouse over macros for moonfire, mangle, growl, maul, rebirth(can use in Bearform) and charge/bash if taken. I like to macro GLG to moonfire also.

/cast [@mouseover, exists] Moonfire(Lunar); Moonfire(Lunar)
/use Gnomish Lightning Generator

*Thrash on cd
*Mangle on cd
on pull
Moonfire as many from range as you can, if dps is keen charge>thrash(for mangle buff), mangle, Bristling Fur(use on cd from then), filler x2 (moonfire any without debuff or swipe) Mangle ASAP on proc, repeat.
Rage Priorities-
For mostly physical Iron Fur as soon as you have the rage, then keep buff up. Should be up 80% of the time.
For magic fights use FRegen after taking big damage.
Only use maul if you are taking little damage.
Defensive Priorities-
Try to save barkskin for stuns or fears, pre use Survival instinct for big upcoming damage or enrages.
Runic Healing Injector and Runic Healing Potion do not share cd and can crit for 16-18k each.

Prot Paladin

my prot set:
Helm of Burning Righteousness
Hard Khorium Choker gift of vers
Spaulders of the Thalassian Savior 8 stam
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin gift of vers
Noble Judicator's Chestguard 16 vers
Judicator's Legguards lw stam patch
Lightbringer Bracers 16 stam
Gauntlets of the Soothed Soul 24 stam patch
Lightbringer Belt
Lightbringer Treads 10vers
Band of Ruinous Delight gift of vers
Ring of Hardened Resolve gift of vers
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Gnomish Lightning Generator

Sword Breaker's Bulwark 10 stam, 10vers
If you don’t need damage:
Hammer of Sanctification

if you do need damage:
Brutal Gladiator's Chopper

or Sword of Unyielding Force
if you use this, you can also use Ring of Flowing Life over hardened resolve to retain a 163 ilvl.

gem every socket vers and use the vers&crit effect meta. weapon enchants can either be dancing steel or mark of shadowmoon.

works out to ilvl 163.18, 30khealth, 14.89%crit, 6.12% haste, 38.41%/19.21%vers, 4.64%dodge, 11.99%parry
521-539 damage with hammer, 550-637 with chopper(lose 1 ilvl)

haste doesnt seem to have a huge effect on your cds unless youre at ~40%.
at 6.12% haste & specced consecrated hammer, shield of the righteous has a 15.1sec cd, judgement 5.65, avenger's shield 14.1, hammer of the righeous 1.4.

at 38.24%haste- sotr -11.6, judgement-4.34, AS- 10.9, hammer-1.07

those differences are pretty big, but it takes nearly all of your sockets to hit that much haste.
at 15.7%haste, you get 13.8 sec sotr, and 13 sec AS, and youd have room for ~30% vers.

max tank spec: holy shield, crusader's judgement, any, blessing of spellward

if you need more dps: consecrated hammer, first avenger, any, blessing of spellward

Flask- Flask of Mighty Versatility
Food- Cuttlesteak
weapon mod-Superior Mana Oil

tool kit- (copy&pasted from icyveins)
These are your core skills that are available regardless of talents, and form the core gameplay of the specialization.

Judgment deals Holy damage to the target, and also reduces the remaining cooldown of your Shield of the Righteous by 2 seconds (4 seconds if you score a critical strike). Its cooldown is reduced by your Haste.

Consecration affects an area on the ground around you for 12 seconds, dealing Holy damage to any enemies who stand in it. While you stand in your own Consecration, your Shield of the Righteous and Light of the Protector abilities are 20% stronger. Its cooldown is reduced by your Haste

Avenger's Shield deals Holy damage to the target, interrupting and silencing them, and also bounces to up to 2 nearby enemies. Its cooldown is reduced by your Haste. Also, when you avoid a melee attack or use Hammer of the Righteous, you have a 15% chance to reset the remaining cooldown of Avenger's Shield.

Hammer of the Righteous deals Physical damage to your target. While you stand within your Consecration, the hammer deals AoE damage as well. When using the
Blessed Hammer, talent it will replace Hammer of the Righteous and instead causes a hammer to spin around you, damaging any enemies it hits and causing them to deal reduced auto attack damage to you. Its cooldown is reduced by your Haste.

Shield of the Righteous deals Holy damage to the target, and causes you to take reduced damage for the next 4.5 seconds. The ability has 3 charges and a 16-second recharge time, and as with most of your other key abilities, its recharge time is reduced by your Haste.

Light of the Protector heals you for 30% of the amount of health you are missing. It is off the global cooldown and its cooldown is reduced by your Haste.

Guardian of Ancient Kings provides you with a 50% damage reduction for 8 seconds, on a 5-minute cooldown. While it is a strong cooldown, Shield of the Righteous will provide more damage reduction in most cases. You should use this before a period of large damage, or when you are unable to use Shield of the Righteous.

Ardent Defender is another powerful defensive ability, with a 2-minute cooldown and an 8-second duration. It reduces all damage taken by 20% while it is active, and it causes the first killing blow against you to heal you up to 12% of your maximum health instead of killing you (the latter effect consumes the Ardent Defender). This ability is best used to bypass deadly encounter mechanics, or to save your life in critical moments. It also allows you to play at low health and still be safe.

Lay on Hands is essentially a massive heal with a very long cooldown. It will heal you (or a targeted ally) for your maximum health, with a 10-minute cooldown. It is best used as an emergency heal, either for yourself or another raid member, if Light of the Protector is on cooldown.

Divine Shield makes you immune to all damage for 8 seconds. Normally, this ability is difficult to use while tanking (since the boss will immediately attack the next target on the threat table unless you Taunt it, which only lasts for 3 seconds), but it can be employed to clear certain debuffs, or to avoid fatal encounter mechanics.

Blessing of Protection protects the targeted ally from all physical damage for 10 seconds, and it has a 5-minute cooldown. It can be used to clear harmful physical damage debuffs and bleeds from the target. Bosses will not attack targets affected by Blessing of Protection. When using the Blessing of Spellwarding talent, Blessing of Protection is replaced by an ability with a 3-minute cooldown that instead protects from Magic attacks. When used on yourself, however, it will not cause mobs to stop attacking you, but if they have a spell they use on the tank, they will simply choose another target for that spell.

Blessing of Sacrifice lasts 12 seconds, transferring 30% of the damage taken by your target to you. The effect is automatically canceled if the transferred damage would cause you to fall below 20% health. This cooldown is excellent for reducing the damage taken by the other tank, or other raid members.

Blessing of Freedom removes movement-impairing effects from the targeted ally, also granting them immunity to such effects for 8 seconds.

Prot Warrior

zoke's set:
Helm of Burning Righteousness Meta: thundering skyflare
Hard Khorium Choker gift of haste
Spaulders of the Thalassian Saviour 8 stam
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin 64 haste 2% speed
Noble Judicator's Chestguard16 versa
Onslaught Bracers 16 stam
Borderland Paingrips 24 stam
Onslaught Belt extra socket
Judicator's Legguards 26 stam / 11 dodge (LW: Don't need to keep LW after enchant)
Onslaught Boots 12 stam
Band of Ruinious Delight 32 haste
Ring of the Unliving / Stormrage Signet Ring 32 haste
Gnomish Lightning Generator/Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury
Gnomish Lightning Generator/Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury
Sword Breaker's Bulwark 10 stam 10vers
Hand of the Deceiver Dancing Steel

comes out to ilvl 163, 32k health, 20% vers, 20.22% haste 14%crit
using 1 18 stam and 1 15stam gem

written by Shinela
(My gear has a few grandfathereds so I won't link that. I made a list of non-grandfathereds below and a guide on how to get the best out of your stats.)

Helm of Burning Righteousness Meta: Invigorating Earthsiege Diamond
Hard Khorium Choker Mark of the Heavy Hide
Spaulders of the Thalassian Defender 8 stam
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin 64 versa 2% speed
Noble Judicator's Chestguard12 stam (Or 16 versa)
Onslaught Wristguards 16 stam
Gauntlets of the Soothed Soul24 stam
Onslaught Waistguard extra socket
Judicator's Legguards 17 stam / 6 dodge (LW: Don't need to keep LW after enchant)
Onslaught Boots 12 stam
Ring of Hardened Resolve 32 versa
Band of the Eternal Defender / Stormrage Signet Ring 32 versa
Sonic Booster (Frenzyheart Insignia of Furyafter 7.3.5)
Sonic Booster
Sword Breaker's Bulwark 10 stam, 10 versa
Hand of the Deceiver Blade Ward (or Dancing Steel. BW procs more, DS gives damage too.)

1) Stam up to 33.5k
2) Vers up to 20%
3) Haste as far as you can go with whats left

1) Stamina up to 33k Calculated using the highest damaging ability in the game: Saber Lash deals 80k damage, split amongst max 3 targets. Calculate as a crit: 160k.
You're 2 tanks: 80k damage unmitigated to you!
Add in Item level (159 in BiS): 44.8k
Add in armour (41.55% physical reduction) and you take 26.1k
Then versa (10%): 23.5k
Add in three critical melee hits (3k each) 32.5k

Get 33k hp and you'll survive that + some error margin, ignoring your use of block, mitigation, dodge or parry!

(Mind you, higher HP is better for Brutallus. But this is optimal in the general sense! As higher HP will cost you a lot of other useful things. Also makes it harder for the healers if you don't mitigate better!)

2) Haste is your best stat as a tank, better than Strength. Haste gives you a faster GCD and decreases your cooldowns: More shield blocks, more shield slams, more rage, more ignore pain, more renewed fury uptime... It all adds up. 35% should be your best goal to get, but this isn't reachable without crippling your other more important stats. 20% is a good ground to stand on because your armour itself doesn't give any haste. Rely on sockets and enchants, but don't get too carried away.

3) Vers is a very strong stat at 70, unfortunately we warriors prefer getting some haste for the overall mitigational win. Versa is flat, and better than haste for the inexperienced warriors.

4) Strength gives us more raw damage and a stronger ignore pain. Don't go for this, but prefer it over crit if you do get the choice.

Row 1:
Shockwave usually on boss fights: Warbringer. The others lose DPS when using them and are only good for the stun; a thing you can't do to bosses.

Row 2:
Impending Victory. Unless your confidence in your healers is top notch 100% perfection, then Inspiring Presence.

Row 3:
Renewed Fury

Row 4:
Bounding Stride for mobility or Crackling Thunder for better area aggro control. I prefer Bounding Stride throughout though.

Flask of Mighty Versatility
Superior Mana Oil


Duplicitous Guise 12 agil meta
Hard Khorium Choker gift of crit
Demontooth Shoulderpads 8 stam
Cloak of Unforgivable Sin gift of crit
Harness of Carnal Instinct 16vers
Guardian's Dragonhide Bracers 12ap/16 stam
Gloves of Immortal Dusk 15 agil/24stam
Don Alejandro's Money Belt
Leggings of the Immortal Night lw leg patch
Shadowmaster's Boots 8 agil/12stam
Stormrage Signet Ring gift of crit
Band of Ruinous Delight gift of crit
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Gnomish Lightning Generator

Shivering Felspine 45agil

35% crit, put whats left in agil
you should be around 31k health (if you need

this set is ilvl 160.75
with the tw staff, or hard khorium band you can hit 161

chi wave, tiger's lust, black ox brew/gift of the mists, summon black ox statue

the main mechanic brewmasters tank with is called stagger.
40% of the physical damage you take will be done over 10 sec.
with ironskin brew active that number goes up to 75%.
magic damage becomes stagger damage at a rate of 40% of what the physical amount would have been. meaning... almost nothing.
Stagger does not provide any form of damage reduction, mitigation, or avoidance.
you use purifying brew to clear 40% of your current stagger damage.

alot of the explainations of your tool kit will be coppied from icy veins.

offensive abilities:
Keg Smash
Blackout Strike
Breath of Fire
Tiger Palm

tiger palm and keg smash reduce all your brew cds by 1 and 4 sec. always leave enough energy to use keg smash when it comes off cd.

you also have expel harm, which uses all orbs nearby and damages the enemy for 10% of the heal at a cost of 15 energy. useful if you dont want to move the boss.

Roll - move forward 15 yards.(faster than running) 2 charges, 20 sec recharge.
detox - removes all poison and disease effects
spear hand strike- your interrupt. 15 sec cd. physical.
tiger's lust- +70% speed increase for 6 sec and removes all roots/snares. 30 sec cd. can be used on allies.
paralysis- incap and enemy for 1 minute. 20 yd range, 15 sec cd, 20 en cost. cancelled on damage.
resusciate- non battle res.

in general, youre going to want to use your mitigation abilities preemptively.

major cds:
Fortifying Brew should be used whenever you are about to take a large amount of damage. Alternatively, it can be used as an emergency cooldown when your health is low, although it is less effective in this way.

Zen Meditation allows you to greatly mitigate the damage abilities with a cast time (since the cast time allows you to time Zen Meditation perfectly). Alternatively, it can reduce the first melee attack or boss ability that hits you while channeling it.

zen med is very useful for the mother shahraz pull- you can have a hunter misdirect to you and begin casting zen med right as the pull happens. also useful on demon phase of illidan if youre the one getting blasted.

Black Ox Brew- instantly refills your Energy and your charges of Ironskin Brew and Purifying Brew. 90 sec cd, also reduced by keg smash and tiger palm.

short cds:
Ironskin Brew grants you a 6-second buff that increases the amount of damage you Stagger by 35% for 6 seconds. multiple uses increase the duration.

purifying brew clears 40% of your stagger.
purifying brew and ironskin brew share charges.

all of your brew recharge times are reduced by 1 sec when you use tiger plam, and 4 sec when you use keg smash. always leave energy for keg smash.

try to aim for 100% uptime on ironskin brew if possible while you are the active tank.

while its a good idea to try to keep 1 open brew charge, if youre about to use black ox brew, you want to use all available charges first.

Celestial Fortune is a passive ability that uses your Critical Strike chance to give you a chance that any healing you receive (from any source, including from your healers) heals you for an additional 65% of the amount healed. This effect occurs passively, but it is good for you to know that it exists.

Gift of the Ox
some times when you take damage, a yellow sphere appears on the ground nearby. if you touch it, youll be healed by quite a bit. youll want to save these for high damage moments, or if your healers seem to be struggling.


weapon: Superior Wizard Oil
flask: Flask of Distilled Wisdom
potion: Haste Potion
if you have man issues: Runic Mana Potion
food: firecracker salmon

the role of healer is comprised of two sub roles: tank healer and raid healer.
every healer brings something unique and desirable to the raid, and every healing spec is viable if you stick to its intended role.

the tank healers are: Holy Priest, Mistweaver, Holy Paladin
the raid healers are: Resto Shaman and Resto Druid

disc priests are in a weird gray area; they can function as a tank healer, raid healer, and a (weakish)dps. It can be argued that they have the best toolkit of all the healers right now, but theyre not the best any any 1 thing.

in general, for healers the HPS number is a worthless metric, and cant be used to determine the effectiveness of a spec. ive seen every single spec maintain 4k+ hps with minimal overhealing.

the tool kit discriptions that apply to lvl 70 will be copied from icy veins and added to/ tweaked.

Mechanized Snow Goggles of Intellect or the mind / or Cover of Ursoc the Mighty
Pendant of Sunfire @mark of the ancient priestess
Spaulders of Devastation @6int,4 vers
Tattered Cape of Antonidas @gift of crit
Sunglow Vest @16vers
Guardian's Dragonhide Bracers @12 spellpower
Tranquil Moonlight Wraps @15 spellpower
Don Alejandro's Money Belt @socket
Breeches of Natural Aggression @spellthread
Naturewarden's Treads @8 crit
Band of the Eternal Restorer @gift of crit
Loop of Forged Power @gift of crit
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei @40 spellpower
ilvl 161
stats: i enchant to 30% crit, and then stack int as high as possible for big cocoons and better hot ticks.

i go with chi burst, tiger's lust, mistwrap and legsweep
the 3rd tier is up for debate.
if you have mana issues or a fair amount of downtime, use spirit of the crane.
if youre on tank healing duty, use mistwrap.
if youre the support healer use lifecycles.

mistweaver is a very strong contender for best healer in the bracket. it has a very strong toolkit for tank healing, with moderate aoe healing ability, and good utility.

spells and abilities(copied from icyveins):

Effuse is a single target heal with a low cast time and a reasonable Mana cost.

Enveloping Mist is an expensive single target heal that places a 6-second HoT on the target during which time they also receive 30% increased healing from you. with Mist Wrap talented this lasts 7 sec and does +10% more healing. keep this up on the boss's target 100% of the time.

Vivify is a multiple target heal (healing the target and their 2 nearest injured allies). It costs more Mana than Effuse.

Renewing Mist is a single-target 20-second HoT that jumps to another injured ally (without resetting its duration) whenever its current target is at maximum health. Generally, you should aim at keeping this ability up at all times. 8 sec cd.
Renewing Mist also has a 4% change to trigger Uplifting Trance to proc, causing the next Vivify you cast within 20 seconds has its healing increased by 40%.

Soothing Mist is a channeled spell that is passively cast on the last target of your Effuse, Enveloping Mist, Vivify, or Life Cocoon. The channel will continue indefinitely, healing for a small amount every 0.5 seconds. Moving or casting any spells will interrupt Soothing Mist. Moving will not cancel Soothing Mist if youre talented mistwrap.

Essence Font is a channeled 3-second spell with a high Mana cost that heals up to 6 allies withing 25 yards every second. Each target that is healed by Essence Font also has a 6-second HoT applied on them. Essence Font can be cast while moving. this is your best aoe heal. 12 sec cd.

Thunder Focus Tea is an ability with a 30-second cool down that empowers your next Renewing Mist, Effuse, Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, or Vivify cast within 30 seconds (the cool down does not begin until the effect has been triggered). Depending on which spell you use the effect on, it has the following consequences:
  • Renewing Mist: causes Renewing Mist not to trigger its cool down when used;
  • Effuse: causes the healing of Effuse to be increased by 200%;
  • Enveloping Mist: makes Enveloping Mist instant cast;
  • Essence Font: causes Essence Font to channel twice as quickly;
  • Vivify: removes the Mana cost of Vivify.
this is one of your most important abilities.

detox is your single target dispell. 8 sec cd.

roll is like blink, but slightly slower.


Fortifying Brew lasts 15 seconds and has a 90-second cooldown, and it increases your current and maximum health by 20%, as well as reducing the damage you take by 20%.

Revival is a raid-wide heal, which also removes any Magical, Disease or Poison effects from all targets. Most of the time, you will use this for the heal that it provides, treating it as a healing cooldown. 3 min cd. youll need to learn the encounters and decide whether to use this as a mass dispell OR an aoe heal. On felmyst, you will be using this as a mass dispell.

Life Cocoon is a single-target healing cooldown, which places a damage absorption shield on the target, lasting for 12 seconds, or until broken by damage. While the shield is active, the target also receives 50% increased healing from healing over time spells. It is not on the global cooldown. 3 min cd.
i always use my Shifting Naaru Sliver right before i use cocoon. my set has a 36k cocoon unbuffed, and 48k fully buffed with sliver active.

generally ill use this on the pull, so i can use it as many times as possible in an encounter.
on illidan it should be back by the second phase, but if your group has really high dps, then save it for the second phase and use it on the tank whos ember is going to die second.
on brutallus, save this for when your tank/ raid leader calls for it.
on relequary, i use this on the pull, because while you cant heal during first phase, absorbs still work.
on felmyst, use this on an encapsulated target who has weak defensive cds.

Holy Paladin
Helm of Burning Righteousness @21crit meta
Pendant of Sunfire @ mark of the anicent priestess
Spaulders of the Thalassian Savior @6int,4 vers
Tattered Cape of Antonidas @gift of crit
Warharness of Reckless Fury @16vers
Lightbringer Bracers @12spellpower
Gauntlets of the Soothed Soul @15 spellpower
Lightbringer Belt @socket
Lightbringer Treads @8vers/12stam
Band of the Eternal Restorer @gift of haste
Ring of Omnipotence @gift of crit
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Hammer of Sanctification @40 spellpower
Sword Breaker's Bulwark @16 int
ilvl 160
gem and enchant to 40%crit, stack int with gems and vers with enchants after that.

bestow faith, rule of law, any, aura of sacrifice

aura of sacrifice leads to the most healing done
devotion aura leads to the most mitigation assistance if you stand ~ 8 yards behind the tank(s)
aura of mercy is the weakest of the 3 and it can also eat up a priestess proc on a non tank, but also the easiest to play.
i recommend standing next to the tanks no matter what aura you use, as you want them to get the full benefit.

tool kit:
Beacon of Light is not a healing spell in itself, but rather a buff you place on an ally. The buffed player will receive 40% of the healing you do to all other players, and any healing done to the Beacon target with directly with Holy Light and Flash of Light will refund 30% of the Mana cost. Beacon of Light can only be up on one player at a time, and you should essentially always have this buff active.

Holy Light is your most basic, single target heal. It is has a long cast time and it is relatively inexpensive.

Flash of Light is the emergency variant of Holy Light, it is more expensive and faster, and it also heals for slightly more. Using Flash of Light extensively will probably be unsustainable in terms of Mana.

Holy Shock is an instant-cast single-target heal that has a 9-second cooldown and a double critical strike chance. This is typically used on cooldown, as it is not expensive.
Infusion of Light causes your Holy Shock critical strikes to reduce the cast time of your next Holy Light by 1.5 seconds or to increase the healing of your next Flash of Light by 50%. Typically, it is best to use Infusion of Light procs on Flash of Light, assuming that your Mana can handle it and that the healing will not be wasted as overhealing.

Light of the Martyr is a strong and cheap instant-cast spell that has no cooldown, but which has the drawback of damaging you for 50% of the amount healed. Moreover, its healing does not heal the Beacon of Light target.

Light of Dawn is an instant-cast spell with a 12-second cooldown that heals up to 5 injured allies in a cone in front of you. It is relatively inexpensive.

Divine Shield makes you immune to all damage and loss of control effects for 8 seconds, and is an excellent way for you to survive dangerous mechanics and continue healing your raid in the meantime. can also be used with Light of the Martyr and Blessing of Sacrifice.

Blessing of Freedom removes movement-impairing effects from the targeted ally, also granting them immunity to such effects for 8 seconds.

Cleanse is a dispell that works on poisons, diseases and magic effects. 8sec cd.

hammer of justice stuns the target for 6sec, 1 min cd.

Lay on Hands heals the targeted ally for an amount equal to your maximum health, and has a 10-minute cooldown. It should be used to save dying raid members, especially tanks.

Blessing of Sacrifice lasts 12 seconds, transferring 30% of the damage taken by your target to you. The effect is automatically canceled if the transferred damage would cause you to fall below 20% health. This cooldown is excellent for reducing the damage taken by the tank, or other raid members. 2.5min cd.

Aura Mastery empowers your chosen aura (tier 4 talent), increasing its range to 40 yards and also improving its efficiency. It is a raid cooldown, and it should be used at a time designated by your raid leader. 3min cd.

Blessing of Protection protects the targeted ally from all physical damage for 10 seconds, and it has a 5-minute cooldown. It can be used to clear harmful physical damage debuffs and bleeds from the target. Bosses will not attack targets affected by Blessing of Protection.

Divine Protection reduces all damage you take by 20% for 8 sec, on a 1min cd.

Holy Priest

Helm of Arcane Purity @21crit meta
Pendant of Sunfire @mark of the ancient priestess
Shoulderpads of Knowledge's Pursuit @6int,4vers
Tattered Cape of Antonidas @gift of crit
Robes of Ghostly Hatred @16vers
Cuffs of Absolution @12spellpower
Handguards of Defiled Worlds @15spellpower
Cord of Absolution @socket
Leggings of Calamity @spellthread
Treads of Absolution @8crit
Ring of Omnipotence @32haste
Band of the Eternal Sage @32 haste
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei @40 spellpower
ilvl 161

get 40% crit, 16%haste and then stick the rest in int.

talents: trail of light, body and mind, after life, symbol of hope/ light of the naaru
symbol on fights that are either long, or have an intense burst heal phase.
light of the naaru for everything else.

Holy Priest is the other contender (alongside Mistweaver) for best tank healer in the bracket currently.

tool kit:

Renew heals the target over 15 seconds.

Heal is a simple single target heal with a long cast time. It is generally used to heal targets when they are not taking heavy damage and when they are not in immediate danger.

Flash Heal heals for slightly less than Heal, but its cast time is shorter and its Mana cost higher. It is useful in more pressing situations, where the target is in danger of dying.

Holy Word: Serenity is an instant cast, single target heal with a 60-second cooldown. It is an important spell to use during times of high damage. this is the strongest single heal spell in the bracket, fully buffed this can heal for 37k non crit &75k crit using my build.

Prayer of Mending places a buff on the targeted ally, which heals them when they take damage, and jumps to another nearby ally (up to 5 times). This is one of your most efficient spells and it should be used as often as possible.

Prayer of Healing heals the target and up to 4 injured allies within 20 yards of them. It has a cast time, and it is one of your most reliable sources of AoE healing.

Holy Word: Sanctify is an instant cast spell that heals up to 6 allies in a targeted 10-yard radius. It has a 60-second cooldown.

Serendipity is a passive ability that causes Heal and Flash Heal to reduce the remaining cooldown of Holy Word: Serenity by 6 seconds, and Prayer of Healing to reduce the remaining cooldown of Holy Word: Sanctify by 6 seconds.
making the most of this spec comes down to how well youre able to manage this.

Spirit of Redemption allows you to continue casting spells for 15 seconds after you die. During this time, your spells cost no Mana, and you cannot perform any other actions.

purify removes harmful magic and disease effects form an ally. 8 sec cd.

dispell removes 1 beneficial magic effect on an enemy target. no cd.

holy fire is an instant cast spell that deals holy damage and applies a 7 sec dot that stacks twice. 10 sec cd.
holy nova is a 12 yard instant aoe that has a 20% chance to reset the cd of holy fire. no cd.
holy word chastise is an instant cast spell that deals damage and incapacitates the target for 5 sec if it can be incaped. affected by serendipity, 1min cd.

Divine Hymn is a channeled spell that heals all raid members within 40 yards over 8 seconds, and also increase the healing they receive during that time by 10%. It is a powerful raid cooldown that can be used to mitigate high raid damage.

Guardian Spirit places a buff on the target, which lasts for 10 seconds and increases all healing received by the target by 60%. If the target receives a killing blow during this time, they will not die and instead be healed for 40% of their maximum health, consuming the Guardian Spirit effect. This ability should generally be used to help tanks survive large amounts of damage, or to save raid members from dying.

Discipline Priest

Dark Conjuror's Collar
Pendant of Sunfire
Amice of the Convoker
Tattered Cape of Antonidas
Robes of Ghostly Hatred
Cuffs of Absolution
Handguards of Defiled Worlds
Cord of Absolution
Leggings of Calamity
Slippers of the Seacaller
Loop of Forged Power
Ring of Omnipotence
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei @40 spellpower
ilvl 161

i use the same set as shadow, and i treat this like a dps spec.
19% crit, 40% haste the rest in int.

i use schism, any,any, shield discipline
i find that shield discipline gives the most mana back as power word shield only has a 5.35 sec cd, and gets completely used up before that so you get 1% mana back every 5 sec.
if mana is not an issue for you, solace is probably better for dps.
as for schism, because i play this like a dps spec, i work my rotation around this talent.
ive been able to do 6k dps in bt.

in my opinion, disc has the best toolkit in the bracket. its not the best at any one role, but it can cover multiple roles at the same time.

most of your healing is going to be done through Atonement. This is a debuff lasting 15 seconds, that makes Plea, Power Word Shield, Shadow Mend, and Power Word Radiance heal atoned allies for 40% of the damage you deal.

damage spells:
Shadow Word: Pain deals Shadow damage over time to the target. This is used in order to heal through Atonement.

Penance is a channeled ability that deals Holy damage to the target, or that heals an ally. It is used to heal through Atonement. you can move during penance.9 sec cd.
you can also use it directly on an ally, as a heal, instead of using it to deal damage and heal through Atonement. That said, situations where targeting an ally directly with Penance is superior will be quite rare.

Smite deals Holy damage to the target, and also absorbs some of the damage that the target will do. It is used primarily as a filler in your rotation, to deal damage that heals through Atonement.

Schism deals damage and increases the damage you deal to the target by 30% for 6 sec. @40% haste this has a 1.07 sec cast time, and 6 sec cd.

the general rotation will go: apply atonements>shadow word pain>schism>shadowfiend>penance> smite spam>Schism> smite spam>penance> refresh atonements> reapply pain
if you took solace, use it after penance1 then on cd if schism is up. dont use penance unless schism is up, or if someones about to die.
actual healing spells:
Power Word: Shield places a damage absorption shield on the target, which lasts up to 15 seconds. It applies Atonement to the target.

Plea is an instant-cast spell that heals the target. It applies Atonement to the target.

Shadow Mend heals the target, but also debuffs them to take damage over time until they have taken 50% of the amount for which Shadow Mend healed (including any damage that they take from other sources than this debuff). Shadow Mend applies Atonement to the target. shadowmend is pretty strong. a bad disc can get by just spamming this. mainly this is an emergency heal.

Power Word: Radiance heals the target and their 4 nearest allies, and applies Atonement to the targets. this spell allows disc to be a very good raid healer.

Fade removes your threat on all targets for 10 seconds, on a 30-second cooldown. This is extremely useful if you take aggro of newly-spawned mobs.

Leap of Faith pulls the targeted ally to your location. It can be useful for helping your tanks kite, or simply for saving careless allies from avoidable damage.

Power Word Shield: shields the target for 15 sec, applying atonement, and absorbing a small amount of damage. Shields benefit from your critical strike chance, absorbing twice as much damage when this effect procs.

Rapture is an ability with a 2-minute cooldown that removes the cooldown of Power Word: Shield for 8 seconds. It is used primarily to allow you to spam Power Word: Shield, and through that to spread Atonement. this is particularly strong on relequary's first phase.

Pain Suppression reduces the damage the target takes by 40% for 8 seconds, with a 4-minute cooldown. It is generally used on tanks before a damage spike, but you can also use it on other raid members you know will take high damage.

Power Word: Barrier places a barrier at the targeted location for 10 seconds, which reduces all damage taken by allies located inside it by 25%. It has a 3-minute cooldown, and you should primarily use it to mitigate intense AoE damage.

Shadowfiend is a DPS cooldown (summoning a shadowy fiend that attacks your target for 12 seconds), with a 3-minute cooldown. The damage that the Shadowfiend deals results in Atonement healing, and this is its primary purpose.

Resto Druid

Cover of Ursoc the Mighty
Pendant of Sunfire
Spaulders of Devastation
Tattered Cape of Antonidas
Sunglow Vest
Thunderheart Bands
Tranquil Moonlight Wraps
Thunderheart Cord
Breeches of Natural Aggression
Thunderheart Footwraps
Band of the Eternal Restorer
Ring of Omnipotence
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei
ilvl 160
i use my boomkin set
23% crit, 31% haste, int
abundance, any, guardian affinity, mass entanglement

resto druid is primarily a raid healer, and should be focused on keeping the non tanks up.(though not neglecting the tanks)

Abundance - passive- for each rejuveination you have active, the cast time of healing touch is reduced by 10%, and the critical chance of regrowth is increased by 10%.
using a 20% crit set means that regrowth has a 60% crit chance+10% per rejuve, meaning with 4 rejuves up regrowth has a 100% crit chance on the initial heal.

Rejuvenation is an instant-cast HoT which also provides a small initial heal. This is one of your most frequently used spells, keep this up on as many people as you can.

Wild Growth is places a HoT on up to 6 low-health raid members. The HoT heals for more damage initially and for less and less as it goes on. Wild Growth is very expensive, so its usage should be restricted to when there is a lot of burst damage that you have to heal. only use during high raid damage.

Swiftmend heals the target for a moderate amount. It is instant cast, and it has a 30-second cooldown. It is an excellent way to react to sudden spikes of damage. this is your oh crap button. use it often as the cd is short.

Lifebloom is a HoT that can only be on one target at one time. You should always keep Lifebloom up on a target who is taking constant damage, such as the tank. When Lifebloom expires, it heals its target for a large amount. This also happens if you refresh it with 4.5 seconds remaining or less, which you should aim to do.

Healing Touch is a relatively cheap heal. with 30% haste this spell has a 1.9 sec cast time. with 4 rejuves up this is a 1.14 sec cast. this can be used to top people off.

Regrowth is an emergency heal. It has a high Mana cost and a low cast time. It heals for a large amount instantly and a smaller amount over 12 seconds. use this on the active tank or someone who is constantly taking damage (like a hpal with sac).
Each time your Lifebloom ticks, you have a 4% chance to get a proc from Omen of Clarity, making your next Regrowth, cast within 15 seconds, cost no Mana. You should use these Regrowths freely, as soon as you receive them, to avoid the procs overwriting each other.

Efflorescence creates a healing zone that lasts for 30 seconds, healing up to 3 players standing in it every 2 seconds. more expendsive than regrowth.

nature's cure- 8 sec cd- removes harmful magic, curse, and poison effects from 1 ally.

passive-When you critically heal a target with the direct healing portion of Swiftmend, Regrowth, or Healing Touch, you place a buff on them called Living Seed, lasting 15 seconds. When the target is attacked, the buff is consumed and the target is healed for 25% of the amount healed by the spell that triggered Living Seed in the first place.

Ironbark reduces all damage taken by the target by 20% for 12 seconds. It should be used to reduce the damage a tank is taking during critical moments, or just to help other players who are taking damage.

Barkskin- 1min cd- personal- reduces damage you take by 20% for 12 sec. usable while stunned, frozen, incap, feared, or asleep.

ursol's vortex- 1 min cd. can be used to cc the parasites on illidan.
mass entanglement- 30 sec cd, can also be used to cc the parasites on illidan.

dash- activates cat form and increases your move speed by 70% for 15 sec, 3 min cd

Innervate is a buff you can place on an allied healer or yourself, which allows them to cast spells free of Mana cost for 10 seconds. 3min cd. You want to refresh your Efflorescence during it, so you also want to time Innervate when Efflorescence has fewer than 10 seconds left on its duration. You want to cast Wild Growth and as many Rejuvenations as your Haste allows. you should also cast/ refresh regrowth some time before innervate runs out. Timing it together with any Haste procs or Heroism/Bloodlust is a very good strategy.

Restoration Shaman

Cowl of Gul'dan
Pendant of Sunfire
Erupting Epaulets
Tattered Cape of Antonidas
Garments of Crashing Shores
Skyshatter Bands
Gauntlets of the Ancient Shadowmoon
Skyshatter Cord
Chain Links of the Tumultuous Storm
Skyshatter Treads
Band of the Eternal Restorer
Ring of Omnipotence
Gnomish Lightning Generator
Shifting Naaru Sliver
Golden Staff of the Sin'dorei

using my ele set.
30%crit 17%haste, int

unleash life, graceful spirit/ gust of wind, any, deluge

unleash life should be used on chain heal as often as possible, and deluge combos well with that.

resto shaman is another raid healer, and should generally focus on keeping non tanks up. (but dont neglect the tanks)

tool kit:
Riptide heals for a moderate amount instantly, then continues to heal the target over 18 seconds. This is one of your staple spells, as it is a very efficient investment of Mana and has a lasting effect. Riptide also triggers your Tidal Waves passive, which is helpful for spot healing.Never override an existing Riptide (unless the instant heal will save someone's life!).

Tidal Waves reduces the cast time of your Healing Wave 39% or increases the Critical Strike chance of your next Healing Surge by 52%. This effect can stack twice. It is preferable to use this buff on Healing Wave as it improves the HPS considerably and helps with your sustain.

Chain Heal is the most iconic spell in the Restoration kit, and will constitute a high percentage of your healing in raid situations. Chain Heal is exceptionally good at healing targets when there are a number of targets that require healing. Chain Heal bounces between 4 targets total, with the healing being reduced by 30% per bounce. Chain Heal also prefers the most injured targets, which makes targeting selection fairly irrelevant.

Healing Rain is another very efficient AoE heal, placing a zone with a 20-yard diameter that heals up to 6 allies standing inside of it over 10 seconds. This should also account for a vary high percentage of your healing, and due to the massive diameter you should have no trouble always finding 6 targets in a raid.

Healing Wave is an extremely efficient heal with a slow cast time. You should only cast this when it is empowered by Tidal Waves, which should be practically up all the time given the frequency at which you cast the spells that trigger it. This is great for spot-healing single targets and it costs very little Mana.

Healing Stream Totem is a very efficient totem that heals an injured single target in your party or raid periodically and lasts 15 seconds. It is worth keeping this on cooldown as it is very cheap and does all the healing passively.

Healing Surge is an extremely inefficient heal with a short cast time. You should cast this infrequently as it quickly chews through your Mana pool, however, it is slightly stronger than than Healing Wave when it is empowered with Tidal Waves due to the extra Critical Strike chance. This is used when you need to quickly get a target out of danger.

passive-Resurgence causes your direct heal criticals to refund a percentage of their mana. This is very helpful for your sustain during fights. this is why you want a decent amount of crit.

Spirit Link Totem is one of the most unique abilities in World of Warcraft. Spirit Link Totem has a 20-yard diameter, reduces damage taken by everyone inside by 10%, and redistributes the health of everyone inside every second so that all members are at the same percentage of maximum health. This ability can save raids in a manner that no other ability or specialization can. It is arguably the strongest raid cooldown in the game for dealing with massive bursts of damage but it can be used to deal with almost any adverse situation. Learning to get a feel for Spirit Link Totem and when and how to use it is absolutely crucial to mastering this spec. 3 min cd

Spirit Link Totem is best used preemptively, as it allows the totem to immediately redistribute health as soon as the instance of damage happens and it also allows you to begin precasting your Chain Heal. It can also be used to apply the 10% damage reduction. You should aim to place down Healing Rain before using Spirit Link Totem if the usage is premeditated.

Spiritwalker's Grace lasts 15 seconds and allows you to cast while moving while active. You can activate Spiritwalker's Grace while casting. 1min cd

Bloodlust and Heroism increase Haste by 30% for 40 seconds for all party and raid members within 100 yards. This ability debuffs everyone with a debuff that prevents the possibility of benefiting from Time Warp, Ancient Hysteria, Netherwinds, Heroism, and Bloodlust for the next 10 minutes.
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It was a goal to eventually have individual class guides in the pve guide, but obviously that's not happening anymore. If I get the time I could write something for frost mages, surv hunts and/or assa rogues if you're interested.
My Priest is logged off in optimal Shadow Priest gear if you want to use that.

And my DK is in optimal Blood DK gear.
any chance youd be willing to write those up at some point? you have more experience than i do on all the priest specs and blood
What is the chest enchant that gives 20 all stats in armory? On my twink is only 9.
The most we can get at 70 is +6 stats although armory may display the unscaled version of the enchant we do not actually get that in game.
Check out Shinela's 70s BiS enchant list. Basically you want peerless or powerful. I think powerful may be bugged and display +6 and only give +3.
The only way to test is to count up your main stat on the chest piece including gems then remove the piece and calulate the difference to see if it is giving you 3 or 6.
You may need to use the dejacharacter stats addon to see your appropriate stats.
The most we can get at 70 is +6 stats although armory may display the unscaled version of the enchant we do not actually get that in game.
Check out Shinela's 70s BiS enchant list. Basically you want peerless or powerful. I think powerful may be bugged and display +6 and only give +3.
The only way to test is to count up your main stat on the chest piece including gems then remove the piece and calulate the difference to see if it is giving you 3 or 6.
You may need to use the dejacharacter stats addon to see your appropriate stats.
What he said. And all players should be using deja character stats at this point !!
Have you tested out

Or is the 3% critical effect better than an extra socket? On your shaman...armoury is in elemental right now.

I would assume the latter

BoA helm would be better than that because of ilevel.

Check out

Edit: obviously BoA helm is not bis, just a comparison to show how bad that helm you linked is for PVE

@Zoke should ad spoilers so you can find what your looking for in the txt wall :)
Oh wow man I had no idea ilvl scaling was that significant for at level raids. That's pretty insane.

Is the scaling effected by armour type (plate wearing all plate Vs wearing mixed armour types)?

Sounds like it's possible I could have some fun on my 80's again
The most we can get at 70 is +6 stats although armory may display the unscaled version of the enchant we do not actually get that in game.
Check out Shinela's 70s BiS enchant list. Basically you want peerless or powerful. I think powerful may be bugged and display +6 and only give +3.
The only way to test is to count up your main stat on the chest piece including gems then remove the piece and calulate the difference to see if it is giving you 3 or 6.
You may need to use the dejacharacter stats addon to see your appropriate stats.
Thank you very much, man. I`ll try some experiments with new enchantment =)
Oh wow man I had no idea ilvl scaling was that significant for at level raids. That's pretty insane.

Is the scaling effected by armour type (plate wearing all plate Vs wearing mixed armour types)?

Sounds like it's possible I could have some fun on my 80's again

if you mix armor types you lose the 5% bonus to your primary stat
if you mix armor types you lose the 5% bonus to your primary stat

Yeah I know that, I was referring to the ilvl bonus. If a warrior wears a leather shoulder piece, does the ilvl of that leather piece contribute to the ilvl bonus in dungeons/raids?

If so, it might be fun to test out my old level 80's with the boe MoP blues (409's).
Yeah I know that, I was referring to the ilvl bonus. If a warrior wears a leather shoulder piece, does the ilvl of that leather piece contribute to the ilvl bonus in dungeons/raids?

If so, it might be fun to test out my old level 80's with the boe MoP blues (409's).
I'm sure it does still go towards it, it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't. But to lose 5% primary stat and to sacrifice too much of a certain stat counteracts the idea of building up ilvl

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