Overall this lore summary you gave is pretty wrong, unfortunately. You're close though! First, Gul'dan didn't start the orcs off killing dranei, Ner'zhul did. KJ, in the guise of his "greatest' ancestor and his then-dead mate, tricked Ner'zhul into thinking that he had to kill the dranei because they were going to destroy sacred areas/artifacts to orc culture/mysticism. However, Ner'zhul found it weird that he no longer could summon the elements, talk to his ancestors or anything like that given that he was literally the most powerful orc shaman at that point (and the most venerated). He went to Oshu'gun (the giant white mountain in Nagrand) and prayed to his ancestors who, surprisingly to him, treated him like a monster. His real wife's spirit told him KJ was manipulating him, and he swore that he would break the oath that he had to KJ. Unfortunately, Gul'dan followed him (Gul'dan, at the time, was his apprentice as he showed the type of connection to the elements that really only Ner'zhul had before). Gul'dan went back to KJ before Ner'zhul could and told him what was going on and Ner'zhul was basically shimmied to the side completely powerless and denounced
Durotan actually never drank demon's blood (in any timeline). Also, you're forgetting the strongest Orc warlord, Ogrim Doomhammer, who also didn't partake. Durotan, and every other warlord, was warned by Ner'zhul to not do so and he was the ONLY warlord to listen to Ner'zhul after he'd been denounced by KJ and Gul'dan etc. Therefore, Ner'zhul actually saved the orcs before being fucked into becoming the Lich King. Gul'dan was and is probably the strongest mortal warlock there has ever been. Also the orcs were plenty bright (you know this is a game right? just because you're Alliance fanboying doesn't mean you can make up shit). At the time, the orcs were just as strong as the dranei with the exclusion of Velen (who was one of the major three proto-Eredar). Hell, the only reason dranei even come off as moderately capable is because they have Naaru telling them everything and helping them. You forget the best and brightest of the dranei became demons, were killed off in the wars or were simply purged/died in the crash. What's left of the dranei is mostly a motley crew of some great fighters and otherwise civilian populations.
Anyway, I digress. Orcs were plenty smart, the Iron Horde shows what would have become of the Horde had they never been sidelined by the demons (ie: seriously, the orcs would have kicked some major ass) with the addition of Garrosh's machinery/weaponry 35 years before it even is possible (imagine gatling guns and planes during Napoleonic times).
Also, what Alliance? There isn't one in this world. You're treating the alternate universe (AU) here like it's the current universe (CU). In this new AU you have to actually convince the dranei that they should be a part of the Alliance because they don't know who the fuck you are. The Orcs aren't even Horde. They are Iron Horde but they HATE the Horde that actually exists. You understand that right? Garrosh was betrayed by his "own" Horde. He isn't coming to take over Azeroth for the Horde, he's coming to take over Azeroth for HIS Iron Horde.
I'm pretty wrong, but close? Those words... in that order.. i don't think they mean what you think they do.
You're right about Nerz being the first one contacted, however he turned back at the last minute. Guldan is like i said, the one who sold his race into slavery.
You're correct about Durotan not drinking the demon blood, i assumed because he was green he had, but like lenny said earlier, it was from being near fel magic. This detail, i'll admit i had forgotton.
Durotan's character, good or bad is up for debate, he still commited genocide on the draenei with the rest of the orcs. Regardless of what his intentions were.
As for the orcs being smart, they've been traded and traded from one villain to another, back and forth always following orders and leaving destruction in their path. I don't really think they are intelligent. Just a tool to be used. This will be what, the 3rd or 4th time their entire race has again, been used to wreak havoc?
As for the entire time travel scenario, i think you misunderstand what i said. I dont really feel like explaining it either, because the entire plot is a convoluted mess.
Those orcs from draenor, ARE the original horde, w/o binging on demon blood. Whether its Garrosh or Guldan, from timeline B or A, they both had the same idea, which was too invade other worlds and steal their resources for themselves. I don't believe this was really up for debate but you made it sound as if i hadnt already said this. Now obviously Guldans idea was more of an order from KJ, and we don't know whos pulling Garroshs strings at this point, if anyone. He doesnt live past patch 1 so it doesnt matter. BUT, it's probably a good bet that it's KJ as well.
As for Alliance actually getting a nod in the cinematic? Yes, i realize that at that point there wasn't an Alliance. Which is why i said a nod too the Draenei would have worked, since they are supposably 50% of the expansion plot, and future/past members of the Alliance.
I don't understand your attitude, and i don't really care. But if you want to be pissy, thats your choice. Stay classy champ.
Heres some reading material for anyone interested
WoW Insider's chronological guide to Warcraft novels, manga, comics, and short stories