Lore Breakdown of New Cinematic (WoD)

I don't know if this has been established yet.....


It wasn't Garrosh who lead the horde into drinking the demon blood, but rather Grommash If i'm not mistaken.
And then when Mannoroth explodes Garrosh ( Grom's son ) saves Grommash from death ( unlike Thrall in the regular universe ).

This expansion will be amazing considering the fact that Grommmash is still alive, and we actually get to see more of what he is like in-game.
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I don't know if this has been established yet.....


It wasn't Garrosh who lead the horde into drinking the demon blood, but rather Grommash If i'm not mistaken.
And then when Mannoroth explodes Garrosh ( Grom's son ) saves Grommash from death ( unlike Thrall in the regular universe ).

This expansion will be amazing considering the fact that Grommmash is still alive, and we actually get to see more of what he is like in-game.

Yeah, thing is thrall was wounded a lottle bit from mannoroth attack, and couldnt get up immediately to save grommash , anyway, he will not be friendly, he will be our enemy in WoD, and the leader of the Warsong Clan goes to Garrosh instead.
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You find Kairoz dead.

Garrosh is working with our good friend Wrathion, the Iron Horde is supposed to be so strong that they can fight off Sargeras and the BL (which is Wrathion's only concern).

Ner'zhul is the one who brought everyone to the doorstep. Sure Gul'dan had everyone drink it but it was Ner'zhul's reputation that even made that a possibility. You make it sound like only orcs are used or corrupted. What do you think all the demons/nagas etc we all fight are? Elves. Dranei. High Elves. Satyrs. etc. Everyone gets corrupted and used - Blizzard just favors orcs and humans so that's all we really get a lot of.

Who said anything about Durotan's character? He didn't drink the blood. That's a huge part of the lore because it led to Thrall. You said he did.

I'm not even going to touch the "orcs are stupid" argument. If you think that then good for you. Have fun with your bias.

As for the timeline, it doesn't matter that it is the "original Horde." It's still pre-unification Horde at first until Garrosh's pivotal role. Those Horde are not coming to be friends with our Horde. That's the point. They are characters that should be considered completely separate, except they happen to be Orcs, like the Defias are humans. They are a diff faction!

[MENTION=12134]Rollop[/MENTION] - Also sorry, not meaning to come off as combative, I just like the lore a lot and get super into it. It's more your views I'm arguing, not at you.
Who said anything about Durotan's character? He didn't drink the blood. That's a huge part of the lore because it led to Thrall. You said he did.

I did say that, and i admitted already i was wrong. I'm just pointing out that even the orcs that are considered the "best" i.e not evil, are still pretty evil. Which leads into this argument vvv

I'm not even going to touch the "orcs are stupid" argument. If you think that then good for you. Have fun with your bias.

Don't get me wrong, here. I think they are poorly written. Blizzard obviously does too which is why we have to play through an entire expansion of them rewriting history.

As for the timeline, it doesn't matter that it is the "original Horde." It's still pre-unification Horde at first until Garrosh's pivotal role.

Not quite, they have already been unified into the "Horde" at this point. Drinking the demon blood/using garroshes goblin tech didnt bring them together. Committing genocide did.

Those Horde are not coming to be friends with our Horde. That's the point. They are characters that should be considered completely separate, except they happen to be Orcs, like the Defias are humans. They are a diff faction!

Yep. Just exhausted playing these Horde expansions period. If they aren't taking over the world and steadily 1 shotting cities, or saving the world from dragons, then they're going back in time to fight themselves.

I mean christ, half our Alliance questing content wasnt even finished in cata. And when we finally got a chance at some retribution after taking an ass whooping for 2 expansions our leader decides to just let it go. I'd like to believe the draenei, and to a lesser extent the Alliance are going to get an awesome story but by this point i'm pretty doubtful.

Of course i realize that Alliance players aren't the key demographic anymore. Just looking at blizzcon attendees (all horde fans, except 1 or 2 alliance players, weakly cheering lol) The bike contest that was a complete shut out, the fact that Horde leads both raiding and pvp. It's just frustrating. To go from WotLK to this is disappointing.
Do you think Blizzard realizes that? It's weird cuz when I was younger Alliance was so so so popular.
Do you think Blizzard realizes that? It's weird cuz when I was younger Alliance was so so so popular.

Without a doubt, just watch this last blizzcon and you'll see what i mean, i believe the devs that did care about the alliance have all moved onto other projects. Anyway, i'm a fan of the series, even if Metzen and the rest of the current "savage" devs play favorites. Heres hoping they do something amazing with the Draenei this expac.
something amazing with the Draenei this expac.

heh. Blizzard. heh.

But really, I doubt it. I wish, especially cuz the Eredar lore is so sick and so necessary to the Burning Legion ending/finish-line but I'm sure they will get orcs front and center somehow...
no one mention it,
here is a story happens between the the end of the novel War Crimes and before the Cinematic, its explain how he gain Grom(WOD) trust and whats happen to Kairozdormu.
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