Looking to start a Twink @ lvl19


What do u guys feel is the best twink for queing Solo? Also what do you guys feel is the twink that is least represented in 19 bracket and is required. Currently looking at a priest

Best solo queue, Hunter for sure.. then maybe Priest?

Underrepresented and required I'd say mage? Or druid FC on Horde.
I feel like shamans singled handedly can contribute a LOT to a game. As can mages, priest, and druids.
I definitely think if you are just playing solo, you should just play what you want.

Warlocks are very under-represented however, same with FC druids on Horde.
Shamans bring a lot of utility with Purge, and if you build correctly can be the best support for a team.

I can tell people don't need more rogues, lol.

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