Log 19 and que NOW!

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This thread has served its purpose well and is now only a place where EU players tend to vent their frustration so I really don't see a reason to keep it open.
Requesting lock for this thread

err wasn't you the one who started the complaining.....
err wasn't you the one who started the complaining.....
remember when mesi complained about vianco's gy farmsquad
and like a month later he posted how he enjoyed farming the french on gy.

yep thats mesikämmen
err wasn't you the one who started the complaining.....

Even if it was me, doesn't make it any less true. See this page for example. The ques are popping regularly enough that this thread has no purpose.

If you're talking about me complaining bout PBs comp... I saw PB here complaining about boring games, only told him that running a comp that he does easily makes games boring. Complaining? Hardly.

Calling them "Bracket fixers"? Lol, that is something commonly seen in bgchat by every other guy, should be taken humorously but I guess some people are incapable to D:

If you're talking bout me complaining about Imnot... I only asked why does he think I'm horrible, got no explanation of why he did, so dealt with it. Complaining? Nope, wrong again.

I've seen like 1 post per a page or two being about the topic (getting bgs to pop) for the last 10 pages or so. Rest is trash talking. Thread really has no use anymore since bgs are popping whether you broadcast / write here or not, so I requested a lock. Is that fine with you mister Saint?

PS. expecting to get a lot of QQing for this message aswell, so go ahead l0l
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Dont lock it. Its the only thread EU ppl care about and also a good laugh for me!
If they lock i wtb best of EU thread since only this could top the fun-meter of this thread here
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Dont lock it. Its the only thread EU ppl care about and also a good laugh for me!
If they lock i wtb best of EU thread since only this could top the fun-meter of this thread here

O well, don't think mods look at the thread anyways since they're all US D:
you mister Saint?

see, even the most "successful" know to give me my proper title....

but srsly, i don'd care what goes on between you and imnot. i just find it hypocritical that you was ​the 1st one to complain, and as soon as someone as an opinion to the contrary you ask for a lock.

but like i said.....

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see, even the most "successful" know to give me my proper title....

but srsly, i don'd care what goes on between you and imnot. i just find it hypocritical that you was ​the 1st one to complain, and as soon as someone as an opinion to the contrary you ask for a lock.

but like i said.....


See, even Mr Saint & Imnot know to give me my proper title :D jk

Like I said, hardly complaining and I have my reasoning to ask for a lock. But as mods don't care bout EU threads, let this be a trashtalking thread for the TI EU community then D: I've realised that's what most people are after when they come here, after all.
ofc...this is a forum

what other purpose does it have?

I believe the original purpose of this forum is to spread knowledge of twinking amongst the community... Not saying chatting about general shit on forums isn't something you're supposed to do, but your post is implying that talking shit bout other people is the only purpose of TI. And this topics purpose certainly wasn't trashtalking but for the last +10 pages it has been that, so I guess a thread name change would be in place :D
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