Lawlpurge said:Resto and hance are shit
i know sum1 who wud be raagin if he saw dis LawL
Lawlpurge said:Resto and hance are shit
Kore nametooshort said:Ima gonna go ahead and say ele > boomkin, feral > enhance. resto = resto = shit.
19 warrior adeus said:i feel for all you druids but come on warriors...blizz is kicking us while we are already downi mean no some poeple cant even take warriors serious with this horrible nerf and now heroic strike is being reduced to this may indeed be the end for any new warriors even for BiS warriors we are going to have a really hard time keeping up >_>
either way from thickand thin im with warriors forever!
Lawlpurge said:Yo honestly stfu, stop feeling so sorry for yourself. Did I retire my shaman? I still see warriors and warlocks playing. Jesus christ, this was HARDLY a nerf to you, it's a faster, quite big heal, quit the QQ.
Startled said:Do you ever post anything useful? All I've ever see you do is troll, you're pathetic.
Pallymagic said:if your gonna go ahead and say that then im sorry to say, your a very stupid.
you have made great points before, and that is the worst you have said.
my Ele shammy hits 600 crits, and my balance druid hits 1.2k...balance>ele feral>enh and both resto are shit
Startled said:Do you ever post anything useful? All I've ever see you do is troll, you're pathetic.
blueisbetterthanyou said:thanks for proving my point
Kore nametooshort said:The fuck.
i feel for all you druids but come on warriors...blizz is kicking us while we are already down i mean no some poeple cant even take warriors serious with this horrible nerf and now heroic strike is being reduced to this may indeed be the end for any new warriors even for BiS warriors we are going to have a really hard time keeping up >_>
either way from thickand thin im with warriors forever!
examinerEU said:Thisis bad news indeed its been a hard year for warriors and i guess shit times to come, keep at it in the gulch and just annoy the shit out of everyone