liek omg ptr patch notes, rip resto druid/holy priest hunter buffsss

19 warrior adeus said:
hopefully working on the 2nd mass soon

Only need one Mass for BiS, Razor's Edge is BiS for offhand by like .001 DPS lol plus the hit Razor's Edge has is really nice, invaluable even at 19 since you have such a high cap due to dual wielding. I have every BoA in game but I am using Mass in MH and Razor's Edge in OH on my warrior. 'Sader on Mass, 15 str on Razor's Edge is best I believe.
Kailandri said:
Only need one Mass for BiS, Razor's Edge is BiS for offhand by like .001 DPS lol plus the hit Razor's Edge has is really nice, invaluable even at 19 since you have such a high cap due to dual wielding. I have every BoA in game but I am using Mass in MH and Razor's Edge in OH on my warrior. 'Sader on Mass, 15 str on Razor's Edge is best I believe.

I'm still holding on to my RE's and SF's and all my other stuff. I'm just thinking that the extra haste and the higher weapon speed will be the best way to generate a quick chunk of rage and allow me to start in on my specials sooner. All the numbers crunching favors dual Mass' for rage generation.

If something turns around for warriors and I feel I would benefit from a more steady stream of rage, then I'll be looking at putting my RE back in the OH.
MrZinty said:
My main is a warrior and I also have a twink warrior... Fucking hell..... Btw I also have a druid twink LOL. I'm fucked.

Nah its fate giving you a reason to try something new. With all the new skills at level 10, there has to be something you will like.
WHAT!!!!!!!! HS REDUCED BY 20%, jeez as if warrior's ain't been kicked whilst they were down already, now this.... well, changing my guild leader to priesty than warr :L at least one of my twinks can still pwn!!!! AND DISC WAS GOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE ^^
They'll buff Warrior, in the future. If you look at it since pre-bc, many class went from pro to bad then back good and loop. I think warrior are getting nerfed pretty bad over and over but a day will come where they'll get a nice buff!
i really wish i could agree with that, but this might be the end for warriors, we are barley playable atm :( you have to be BiS or close to it just to keep up with crappy semi twinks
Bloodthirst is receiving a 30% boost. War Academy will now boost Mortal Strike instead of Heroic Strike. Still not the greatest news but at least it looks to be more of a sidegrade instead of a downgrade.
TheLuckyg said:
* Hunters can now use Auto Shot while moving.

There's no way....
TheLuckyg said:
Hunters can now use Auto Shot while moving.

God I'm laughing so badly right now, Really, god several days without gametime on my account and it looks like I might not put some more seeing how retarded Blizz is and how this game got boring after 9000 Hours played >>.<<
Now the question is: How to kill a hunter or maybe How to not kite with a hunter.
hunters are also getting nerfed

explosive shot which is in 19 bracket and agility % buff in surv spec tree is getting reduced
Any 19 hunter that played survival wasn't a very wise player anyway. The best spec actually got a AP buff, and so did arcane shot.

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