Level Ten Mage Twink (Crowd Control!)

No point, just for fun. Just like everything else in a game.

I guess i could retaliate with "what is the point of a twink at all?"
I believe lvl 10 twinks is funnier than collecting stamps tho
WTB - copy of twinking rulebook.

kk. I will be more frugal in the future.
hôp said:
why do u go for lvl 10 and not lvl 19?

once you have tried out many different twinks you might find yourself wanting a new challenge and some different kind of fun. lvl 10's are both of that.

eg. questions in the same lign of thought are: why do you twink at lvl xx? why do you play wow? why do you wear your hair the way you do? why bother? why? ?
yeah, exactly what Pen said, exactly.
19 twinks? Pfft, RAIDING STORMWIND YO!! But actually, yeah - stats scale amazingly at level 10, Demetori has 53% crit and like 55% dodge, both of these are going up somewhere between 5-10% if not more in 3.2. And level 10 is something new, something with a challenge - while still being highly viable in the BG (Even though 19's cuss you out to no end ^^ just more lol's when you beat them in damage, KB's, flag caps, flag returns...etc etc)
Accually, there was this rogue in Cyclone, he was a level 10 twink, I have never seen someone get so much praise before...
Spooksters said:
19 twinks? Pfft, RAIDING STORMWIND YO!! But actually, yeah - stats scale amazingly at level 10, Demetori has 53% crit and like 55% dodge, both of these are going up somewhere between 5-10% if not more in 3.2. And level 10 is something new, something with a challenge - while still being highly viable in the BG (Even though 19's cuss you out to no end ^^ just more lol's when you beat them in damage, KB's, flag caps, flag returns...etc etc)

Thank you, that's what i wanted to know, not something like: lol caus its fun

What special stats do u have with a lvl 10 mage?

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