EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Dragonsoul 6/8 now

all bosses solo (80 Paladin) except for blackhorn (invited one level 90 paladin to eat the voids with me (only dks can absorb that amount of damage alone), otherwise the ship wouldn't survive)

Currently working on spine which seems possible but takes A LOT of movement (too tired today :p)

Excited for madness!

@Aelobin I have Fraps, but I dont have any program to render these enormous files. Have you got any suggestions? Would be very much appreciated!
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

@Aelobin I have Fraps, but I dont have any program to render these enormous files. Have you got any suggestions? Would be very much appreciated!

I use Sony Vegas (I'm sure most people know where to find it for free).

For most of my (simple) videos, all I do is:
- Create a new project
- Set up the "Project Properties" (you can save these as a template and tell Sony Vegas to use them as the defaults for every new project you make)
- Drag the footage onto the timeline (straight from my Fraps folder)
- Remove the excess parts from before/after the fight (either left click and drag the edges of the event to crop it, or click somewhere and press S whilst the event is selected to split it at that point)
- Group all the video events together by selecting them and pressing G (to select multiple events, either select the first and hold Shift whilst selecting the last, or click each one individually whilst holding Ctrl)
- If I'm speeding the fight up by 2 times, I'll find out how long it is and use a calculator to divide by 2, then hold Ctrl and drag the right edge of the event group to that point
- Add some music (dragged directly from my iTunes list) and remove the silent parts at the start/end in the same way as I did with the video footage
- Lower the volume of that track to -5.6 dB (on the left side)
- Right click the music event, go to "Switches" and enable "Normalize"
- If the music and video are different lengths, either change the speed of one of them (Ctrl + drag edge) or cut off the end of the music and fade it out (put your mouse over the top right edge of the event and your cursor should change to a curve, which means you can drag left to create a fade-out)
- Sometimes when you speed up several clips it makes the events go out of sync with the project framerate (resulting in some blank frames after rendering), so it'soften a good idea to ungroup them (select one and press Ctrl + U) and then zoom in (middle mouse wheel) and drag the events left or right slightly to make sure they line up with the frames.
- Add the overlay image I made which contains black boxes to cover up where my chat is, resize the event so it begins and ends at the same time as the video, and drag that track to above the video track (on the left)
- Click "Render As", type a file name in, select "Windows Media Video V11" from the dropdown, choose your Youtube template from the 2nd dropdown (info on that below), untick "Save project markers in media file" and then click Save.

The "Project Properties" and .wmv render settings I use were from this Youtube video (I think?). I'd recommend sticking with CBR (not VBR like he suggests) and in the rendering profile I altered the Height/Width to match my resolution and changed the Pixel aspect ratio to "1.000" (not sure if I should've done that, but the resulting videos seem to look fine).

Edit: Oh and project markers can be useful for timings and such (press M to create one at the current time). I always delete them before rendering though.
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

@Aelobin wow! thanks for the awesome guide man, really appreciate it!

Call me a newbie, but I have no clue where to get Sony Vegas :/
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

just crit the deathwing tentacle for 9.800.000 dmg (avenger's shield) ... they hit for over 120k (or more?! - had all def cds up)

this is sooooo much fun....I LOVE THIS EXPLOIT SO DEARLY !!! :D

deathwing down soon :) stay tuned

edit: Deathwing down

3.1.2013: Level 80 Paladin Dragonsoul 8/8 solo (except for ship - needed someone to eat the voids)

ps: don't even try Spine unless you are skill capped...just kiddin! everyone can do it!
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

just something I want to point out before anyone calls these level 80 solo kills in Cataclysm raids "easy" because of the Vengeance bug:

You all know that when you have your passive 70% mastery, you can bug your Vengeance by hitting SotR exactly when a meele attack hits you.
Sounds easy? Well, even though I and many others use BossSwingTimer addon, which shows you approximately when you will be hit by a physical attack, there are many factors that make it hard to actually get your Vengeance that high:

- as a 80 paladin in mop-gear you have about 50% avoidance (45% parry and 5% dodge), that means half of the attacks that MIGHT hit you, won't hit you and consequently Vengeance won't be increased at all. (turning around right before the attack, is nearly impossible because you have to use SotR exactly when hit.)

- Cataclysm raid bosses will dodge and parry (not that often though)

- when there are a few mobs hitting you, you have to figure out, which of these mobs will give you the highest Vengeance and THEN hit your main target exactly when this one mob hits you (getting this right during Spine of Deathwing encounter is hard, I can tell you)

- mobs don't all have the same attack-speed (not to mention dual-wielding mobs)

- and then ofc you actually have to hit SotR right when you take the meele hit can train this but even when your timing is almost always right, there are still unpredictable factors, as mentioned above.

The thing is, during most Cataclysm encounters you HAVE to keep up a high Vengeance or you die instantly to any given mechanic (in marked contrast to level 90 Deathknights, which can easily survive most deadly mechanics during Cataclysm encounters)

Besides overcoming any given Cataclysm boss fight alone (which is already a challenge), you have to look out for every single mechanic and be extra careful. One single mistake and you wipe...frustrating for sure, but tbh this is the kind of challenge I strive for.

So even if you know the encounter by heart and do everything perfectly, you ALSO have to keep a high Vengeance up (which is harder than most Cataclysm encounters).

IF you should manage to keep a high Vengeance up you are rewarded with higher survivability and higher DPS, depending on the amount of physical damage taken, which makes it possible to solo these encounters.

My message? Don't judge level 80 Paladin solo kills before you have tried it yourself.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Well done dude, and I second all that shit you said above. I've actually given up trying to bug the vengeance because I'm not very patient and tbh, 9/10 times it wouldn't go and when it did, it was either no use (last 5% of a boss) or didn't matter.

Again grats, start posting some videos though. Would be fun to at least look back on things like this when it eventually gets fixed.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Gonna address most of these (I haven't done them myself because it's pointless)

- as a 80 paladin in mop-gear you have about 50% avoidance (45% parry and 5% dodge), that means half of the attacks that MIGHT hit you, won't hit you and consequently Vengeance won't be increased at all. (turning around right before the attack, is nearly impossible because you have to use SotR exactly when hit.)
This only affects your vengeance, basic vengeance from the boss is actually enough to survive their damage, bug or no bug.

- Cataclysm raid bosses will dodge and parry (not that often though)
Your holy power generators only. If you have 3HP, your buff will always be applied on a SotR cast.

- when there are a few mobs hitting you, you have to figure out, which of these mobs will give you the highest Vengeance and THEN hit your main target exactly when this one mob hits you (getting this right during Spine of Deathwing encounter is hard, I can tell you)
there is a focus option included in BST. However, surely the hardest hitting mob is the one that causes most of the fight mechanics? I doubt figuring that out is particularly hard.

- mobs don't all have the same attack-speed (not to mention dual-wielding mobs)
I don't see the issue.

- and then ofc you actually have to hit SotR right when you take the meele hit
Same as above, it's just playing DDR with the addon now. can train this but even when your timing is almost always right, there are still unpredictable factors, as mentioned above.

The thing is, during most Cataclysm encounters you HAVE to keep up a high Vengeance or you die instantly to any given mechanic (in marked contrast to level 90 Deathknights, which can easily survive most deadly mechanics during Cataclysm encounters)

Besides overcoming any given Cataclysm boss fight alone (which is already a challenge), you have to look out for every single mechanic and be extra careful. One single mistake and you wipe...frustrating for sure, but tbh this is the kind of challenge I strive for.

So even if you know the encounter by heart and do everything perfectly, you ALSO have to keep a high Vengeance up (which is harder than most Cataclysm encounters).

IF you should manage to keep a high Vengeance up you are rewarded with higher survivability and higher DPS, depending on the amount of physical damage taken, which makes it possible to solo these encounters.

My message? Don't judge level 80 Paladin solo kills before you have tried it yourself.

Thing is, it is still abuse of a bug. That in itself makes the legitimacy shakey. I knew similar when I released the first LK video (and it actually kept me from releasing it for a very long while, just because I knew what the community would do - copy it). Sure the bosses hit hard, but I can just walk into halfus 25 hc, use all my cds and get a massive, massive vengeance proc (admittedly not my highest ever, but still), and end up killing the boss in less than one minute. I honestly am not seeing the difficulty. If anything the only hard part is getting the gear and applying practice against an easy boss (marrowgar, patchwerk) to learn how it's done.

Unfortunately, whilst this bug stays in the game (and after we figured out how it works the folks over at MMO-Champion and Ownedcore showed interest), no boss ingame is going to be truly "impossible" for an 80 prot paladin, or multiple 80 prot paladins. As I've mentioned once in this thread, it's a bug similar to the ancient reck-bomb of kazzak back in vanilla, that got fixed within 24 hours. This bug hasn't, but it's no less ridiculous.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

View attachment 1012
There we go, Lich King soloed here too.
Also, kill all the remaining mobs when lich king is about to die or it will glitch and he will regain health, the roleplay will glitch and you must release, run in and kill the remaining mobs, wait, and then kill him.
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

This only affects your vengeance, basic vengeance from the boss is actually enough to survive their damage, bug or no bug.

Basic Vengeance is not enough for most encounters in Dragonsoul, Firelands and for most Blackwing Decent and Bastion of Twilight encounters.
Especially in the Spine and Deathwing encounters, the mobs hit so hard that you either get the Vengeance bug with the first hit or you must have all def cds up otherwise they one-hit you.

there is a focus option included in BST.

Didn't know about that. Thank you!

I don't see the issue.

You can't acquire a routine. You'll always have to adjust to the new attack-speed of the mob.

Same as above, it's just playing DDR with the addon now.

Tell that to people who haven't been using the exploit for as long as you have. The timing is difficult, period.

Sure the bosses hit hard, but I can just walk into halfus 25 hc, use all my cds and get a massive, massive vengeance proc (admittedly not my highest ever, but still), and end up killing the boss in less than one minute. I honestly am not seeing the difficulty.

Well, Halfus is propably the easiest Cataclysm encounter. With Firelands and not to mention Dragonsoul it gets much, much harder. But you know that anyways.

To conclude, I would say that Splosion's opinion on this exploit is interesting, but we have to keep in mind that he is like "the master" of this exploit and has been using it for months now. Thus it's understandable that he doesn't find things to be as hard as I described them anymore. For the majority though, they are exactly as hard, as I described it.

Splosion = Mionelol of the 80 solo Twinks


ps: didn't want to offend Splosion, but rather carify things.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

(and after we figured out how it works the folks over at MMO-Champion and Ownedcore showed interest)

I knew as soon as I saw that thread there would be an explosion of paladins. That thread is 8 pages long now. (ownedcore one)

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