EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing


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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Hi guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but search wasn't giving me anything and I can't/didn't want to make a new post since this seems semi-on topic, sorry if it's not. Came back to the game a little while back and wanting to get started with a level 80 Twink. I've got a DK at 80 and I'm starting to work on gearing through AH, questing, dungeoning, but I was wondering if someone could tell me what I should be trying to do stat-wise. My goal is just to solo stuff at 80, so I'm guessing I'll want to be blood specced. I've looked at a few armories and I'm not sure what I should be stacking/shooting for? Should I be stacking STR for maximum Parry? Or looking for dodge or stamina or mastery? I've seen a lot of people with non-plate pieces which I'm guessing is so they can put better enchants on them, but I could use some tips on what enchants I should be looking for.

Thanks in advance, and again sorry if this is the wrong place!
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

I normally use Blood DPS gear for most solos (Hit/Exp caps > Haste > Crit > Str > AP, using all non-plate 409s except the belt) but occasionally I'll switch to avoidance gear to survive an enrage or w/e (Str > Dodge > Parry > Stam, only plate 409s).
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

I killed all Bosses on my Hunter in BRC today, fairly easy. It was on 5man normal of course.
Screen of all the bosses (Insane Paint skills):

Could these and my Naxx kills be added to the list please?



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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Cataclysm raids clear.

Next stop: Pandaria

Starting with: mogu'shan vault

first boss immensely hard - you have to keep your Veangeance at atleast 800k (they don't it that hard unfortunately) for the whole you basically have to time every single SotR right....maybe (im)possible
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Gratz! but one question, for FL i know to run in with all CDs, and i seen ur video of Alyz, thanks btw :p, but how did you manage trash lol

Pull the scorpions (from them you can get a high Vengeance easily) and then use these 20 seconds to kill as much of the trash as possible. Rinse and repeat with the other scorpions.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Second wind isn't great in general, it's only OP at 90 because of the huge health pools.

He could try gearing for fury with 109% avoidance, but that wouldn't work for the magic-heavy bosses (Blood princes, Deathwhisper). You do have a scary amount of burst dps though.

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