EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

I can't make a thread yet. But how would dancing steel+windsong on a one hander work for a 80 dk twink soloing vs a two hander and windsong?
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Oh man, first 4 pages on the MMO-C post... It's like talking to a brick wall, a really really stupid brick wall.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

@Ghostcrawler so the vengance bug thats letting 80s solo 90 raids, thats getting fixed today?

@thebiggameover Obviously not intended. We'll fix when we can.

looks like we got his attention now. good job Faruz for suplying the photos and the vid.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Not as big of a deal as all this pally solo shit going on, but I soloed Maly 10 on my ele sham earlier. Done some various other stuff, but nothing really impressive, and I'm pretty 'eh' on a shaman.

80 Ele Shaman - Maly Solo (10M) - YouTube

Edit: Did Ke'lThuzad 10 man as well just now. It went better than I'd thought since I didnt know you could use elementals and not get ice blocked. Frostbolt damage was pretty much negligible. I also did Sapphiron, Anub'Rekhan, and Grand Widow Faerlina. Only tried Maexxna once, and died at around 20%. Didn't touch anything else.

80 Ele Shaman - Kel'Thuzad Solo (10M) - YouTube
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Hey guys. I've been following this thread for a while now, and decided to register on the forum for a specific amount of questions.
First of all, im a fully geared paladin lvl 80. But somehow i can't seem to blow my cds and use my sotr at the right time. I saw that one of you made that autoattack addon, and im going to try that out.
Im having no problems at all with many encounters, but the problem is that my vengeance never bugs out and gets that high as its supposed to. The highest ive had is around 70k, and thats on onyx 25m.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Hey guys. I've been following this thread for a while now, and decided to register on the forum for a specific amount of questions.
First of all, im a fully geared paladin lvl 80. But somehow i can't seem to blow my cds and use my sotr at the right time. I saw that one of you made that autoattack addon, and im going to try that out.
Im having no problems at all with many encounters, but the problem is that my vengeance never bugs out and gets that high as its supposed to. The highest ive had is around 70k, and thats on onyx 25m.

Quote from Splosion:

Boss melees you for X. You cast the Shield of the Righteous at exactly the same time, so the server ends up thinking you took the initial hit (say...100k) after 99% damage reduction. This makes the vengeance you get skyrocket. And that, is the problem. It has nothing to do with stats, reductions, avoidances, haste, spirit, strength, ANYTHING. It's a fault in how vengeance is calculated, which means it works at 90 as well. The only reason 80s have noticed it is because we can get the required numbers to make a noticable difference (100x not 2x, or 4x for example).
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Quote from Splosion:

Boss melees you for X. You cast the Shield of the Righteous at exactly the same time, so the server ends up thinking you took the initial hit (say...100k) after 99% damage reduction. This makes the vengeance you get skyrocket. And that, is the problem. It has nothing to do with stats, reductions, avoidances, haste, spirit, strength, ANYTHING. It's a fault in how vengeance is calculated, which means it works at 90 as well. The only reason 80s have noticed it is because we can get the required numbers to make a noticable difference (100x not 2x, or 4x for example).

Believe me, i thought you would read what i wrote. But thanks for the reply, i told you im a fully geared paladin. By that i mean every single item which is possible is ilvl409 and all of my gear is enchanted with the right enchants, my trinkets are exactly the same as those paladins who is on youtube.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Hey guys. I've been following this thread for a while now, and decided to register on the forum for a specific amount of questions.
First of all, im a fully geared paladin lvl 80. But somehow i can't seem to blow my cds and use my sotr at the right time. I saw that one of you made that autoattack addon, and im going to try that out.
Im having no problems at all with many encounters, but the problem is that my vengeance never bugs out and gets that high as its supposed to. The highest ive had is around 70k, and thats on onyx 25m.

One thing is the larger spikes on come from specific mobs during specific encounters, ex. Raging Horrors that are enraged in the LK fight, make sure ur using food/flask to if you are just under 70% mastery it could not be proccing as often, happened to me untill i got my last piece of gear.

Side note, with up coming changes to twinks, does anyone speculate HLK25 will be soloable, by any class of any level? Idk if 90 DKs have enough healing/dps to get it as blood tank but dont know of any class with enough dps that has enough self healing. If anything thought maby feral Druid (kitty). Any thoughts?
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Level 90 dk and hunter have soled LK 25 HC idk if it will be possible on lower levels

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