EU+US Level 80 & 85 Soloing

Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

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Managed to solo everything except Blood Queen (all scientists dead :'( ) and Dreamwalker (dk need heals!) so far. So i thought i could put up a ss of the LK killshot from today. Will start progressing ICCHC next week, we'll see how that goes! :)

Gearing my paladin aswell for some solo, and my 85 dk too. Will probably put out some ss from them aswell!

It's not very impressing but still decent imo! :)


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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Aye, I'm just super lazy. I'll get round to updating the main post soon :p

You're gonna have another stat to add, though, just did LK 25-H, currently merging the parts Fraps made.

EDIT: Uploaded, here it is:

Notes about this video:
- Parts are blurred as some of the people to who I "gave" the achivement and title didn't want their names to appear on the video.
- No WoW sound. My bad, forgot to turn it on. Maybe in an improved version? :)
- Quality. I'm still trying to figure out what works best both in terms of WoW resolution, as I don't natively run it widescreen, and codec settings. Any suggestion is welcomed.
- One of the guys took the rez after the Lich King's one-shot. I wasn't aware he'd do that. Regardless, I don't believe it invalidates the solo run as the fight is basically over at this point.

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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

just normal for me.. it might be my internet.. idk it jsut seems she does way to much damage to me to fast.. but im running afghanistan internet until i get back. i can do pretty much everything else.. jsut not her.. its really annoying to say the least lol.

80 Paladin Solo: Lady Deathwhisper - YouTube

No idea if anything is the same, this is month old footage or more.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Is it just me or after killing any boss in 25HC in ICC, you can't switch difficulty anymore without joining a party? I switch it to 10 normal outside, but it switches back to 25HC when I zone in.

Healed valithria for 9 mil in 25HC but she was still at 50%, so I don't suppose its anywhere near doable on that difficulty((
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

One of you pallies should go see if you can get into a 90 raid and solo some stuff in there with the bug. I'm sure that'd finally get Blizz's attention xD

Edit: Or pull one of those city bosses and go around 1-shotting level 90s lol

Edit2: Someone remind me to update the main post tomorrow :p
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Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

Yeah that's exactly (almost) what I did with baine, only killed a shaman twice though. Problem is, if you find someone who's smart enough to purge your SS or, even worse, tranq shot you, gg.

Hmm so you don't even know if its possible to get into a 90 raid? I'll definitely try it out..
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

And quit that asterisk thing, its as much of a bug as being able to get 100% avoidance (in other words, unintended mechanic) -_-

You seriously don't see the difference?
- Blizzard made a choice to add ilvl 409 items for level 80s and also chose to set the avoidance scaling like it is. I agree that both were stupid decisions, but at least when we stack enough avoidance we still get the expected outcome which is to become unhittable.
- Blizzard did not choose to give Paladins several millions in vengeance under certain conditions. Explain to me how that would be an expected result of stacking mastery?

Since Splosion is the person who originally discovered the bug, I'll let him decide whether the asterisks stay or go.
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

To those pallies soloing LK, ive made 40+ attempts and keep failing around 50-60%. What is killing me is my vengance not spiking much more than 900k-1.1 mil and then dropping very fast. Also how do you guys avoid the silence in transition phases? That silence causes me to end up dieing and being unable to kill orbs. Here is my armory link, i know my boots stink and im missing Signet of the Scorned but it wont show up in ah :( Jaudi @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft any input would be awesome, thanks!
Re: Level 80 Soloing Thread

The issue with the bug is that we know it's a bug (caused by client-server lag), and avoidance scaling has always been out of whack with 80s. I made a chardev in cataclysm showing 103% avoidance for a rogue, the only change was it being applied to tanking classes.

Keep the star there, I'm working on my own solos of similar bosses without the bug (for example, patchwerk 25 didn't use it, and neither did my un-recorded thaddius 25), so eventually we can just remove them. I don't think that anything done using this exploit requires any skill other than staying alive, whatsoever. So sorry 1338, but it's not exactly legitimate soloing.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that the only "bug" dks actually used to solo things might be considered the plague scientists (other overpowered mobs have been nerfed however), I don't think 100% avoidance has been used in any non cataclysm content besides Aelobin's pre-MoP marrowgar 25, which was also an attempt to get the scaling fixed.

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