Level 70 swords for your twink?

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Kore nametooshort said:
In a part of the game that isnt relentlessly policed by blizz to make sure its fair it would be broken if people had no morals. For example in arena when its you vs 2 peeps im sure that you appreciate it when one of them sits out to let you 1vs1. Im also sure you remember enti's and how broken that was, sure this is alot harder to obtain, but does oneshotting really increase your enjoyment? would you enjoy being oneshotted? and do you really enjoy having no real competition? "limits" like this arent fair game imo, since they give an unmitigated advantage to one player and there is no counter against it, there is no 400SP staff out there for casters for example.

Enti's actually wasn't broken :rolleyes:

It was working as intended, they just forgot to add a level requirement to it
Orcgasm said:
Enti's actually wasn't broken :rolleyes:

It was working as intended, they just forgot to add a level requirement to it

this is true.

And on another note, you twink because you enjoy being op. there is nothing balanced about this bracket, and we all know that. 19's, and twinking for that matter, from day one has always been about being more op than the other guy.

Nothing about twinking implies balance or fairness. Morals, at least in the bg, count for nothing.

You dó know 500 hours is like 20 days of playtime? Twenty days of playtime is also twenty days in real life. How's your social life?
Natasya said:

You dó know 500 hours is like 20 days of playtime? Twenty days of playtime is also twenty days in real life. How's your social life?

I really doubt it was 500 hours straight...
Mortox said:
Touye you are a great example of people that make my skin crawl. So self righteous its fucking unbeleivable man.

You go all ape shit on this poor dude that was just trying to tell us that he found something a little off the beaten path (read:cool) and you go all out nerd rage ''OMIGOD I REPORTED YOU NAOW'' you make me sick.

Fucking hypocraite.

You act like you are a big deal in Eu but apart from you and your mom and possibly 1-2 friends nobody knows who the hell you are.

Personally I detest people that exploit and use shit that should not be obtainable, but i don't go round like you do. If you don't like it , GTFO.

See now ? Talking like MR internet toughguy is fun eh ? This is exactly what you sound like, mixed in with 13 year old brat sauce.

PS : Hamcake is awesome , leave him alone.

Fuck you....

Rayu is a nice guy, but posting it on a forum is just dumb.. He is also good at exploiting btw* Keeping up the 55 on pants, 30 on shoulders etc etc..

I'm not a big deal in EU, and never said i was, but when some random US guy talks good about someone he have NEVER seen play before....

And atm i play in STD, soon to transfer my hunter from NP also, and i played in Bigger Needs/Back to Basics, and just xfered a shaman to AAO.... I've played this game for 4 years now, and 3 years of twinking, i know stuff k?

Your a 39? why even bother reading on a 19 thread?.

I would never insult someone without having a good reason, but Rayu here posted something that could pretty much destroy our small 19 community on Blackout, and make blizzard hate us even more..

There was a thread about exploiting that got removed before, so should this shit.....

Now go back to your 39 thread. k thanks
How can people be getting angry about using an exploit? Isn't this the same twink playerbase that went on Enti's- and Shoulderenchant-rampages?

QQ. Grow up. Oh, and I didn't read past page 2 so I'll just say: Supadrood, you're dumb
If someone uses this in WSG just wow.
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