Level 70 swords for your twink?

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nice edit btw ;) And yeah, the insane title takes a LONG time, but this is new to the public btw,, which is not good ..
Touye said:
nice edit btw ;) And yeah, the insane title takes a LONG time, but this is new to the public btw,, which is not good ..

My point being, if he made this post to announce that he had discovered something "new" he should've done it when he discovered it.

Not 3-4 months later rofl. So that ain't the reason. Again, back to my original thought: Epeen :)
Well yea, kinda is Epeen, but not as much as we get every single day on the blackout forums tbh.. :/

But exploiting is bad, and those who need it ........
Touye said:
Well yea, kinda is Epeen, but not as much as we get every single day on the blackout forums tbh.. :/

But exploiting is bad, and those who need it ........

people use the blackout forums?

on topic, people speculated when this sword first came out that it might be possible to get but I'm not aware of anyone finding out how to actually get any rep.
Did anyone explain how do grind the rep yet? I'm ready to ruin my life and farm it for the tabard! I'll try to figure it out in the mean time. thanks
Grabco said:
Did anyone explain how do grind the rep yet? I'm ready to ruin my life and farm it for the tabard! I'll try to figure it out in the mean time. thanks

Nop, we've all just about come to the conclusion that it's all a scam. Hence: Not possible. No evidence has pointed elsewhere.
Haven't figured it out yet, thought it was one of the money donation quests. I also thought there might be something else less obvious like doing a quest for another faction that gives dual rep? So far I have managed to get a lock summon to the island but I set my HS here and now i'm stuck!

There is a alchemy supplies vendor that sells all kinds of herbs though, been buying them up to put on the AH later. Felweed for 20s and others. died 2 times since i've been here. The orb of translocation doesn't take you anywhere btw.
Grabco said:
So far I have managed to get a lock summon to the island but I set my HS here and now i'm stuck!

-sigh- There's a reason some people should wear condoms...

If you can't get there without a summon, you can't just walk off.

Oh, btw, your going the wrong way. The rep farming has nothing to do with the island, or the instance.
yeah i kinda thought I would get stuck but I saw an orb of translocation that I thought might take me off the island. This wasn't around before wrath so i figured it would be easier to get off the island than back here.
Twinkzruz said:
-sigh- There's a reason some people should wear condoms...

If you can't get there without a summon, you can't just walk off.

Oh, btw, your going the wrong way. The rep farming has nothing to do with the island, or the instance.

Is it in hellfire peninsula? =s
Touye said:
Fuck you....

Rayu is a nice guy, but posting it on a forum is just dumb.. He is also good at exploiting btw* Keeping up the 55 on pants, 30 on shoulders etc etc..

I'm not a big deal in EU, and never said i was, but when some random US guy talks good about someone he have NEVER seen play before....

And atm i play in STD, soon to transfer my hunter from NP also, and i played in Bigger Needs/Back to Basics, and just xfered a shaman to AAO.... I've played this game for 4 years now, and 3 years of twinking, i know stuff k?

Your a 39? why even bother reading on a 19 thread?.

I would never insult someone without having a good reason, but Rayu here posted something that could pretty much destroy our small 19 community on Blackout, and make blizzard hate us even more..

There was a thread about exploiting that got removed before, so should this shit.....

Now go back to your 39 thread. k thanks

You honestly think I didn't explain to the GM that gave me a reset how I did it? And I've never had '55 on pants and 30 on shoulders', that's not an opinion that's a fact. You've never even seen me play or have you? If you have I'd love to know which char. =]
For those worrying about my social life - it's fine, I spent those 500 hours semi-AFK walking into the room every hour or so.
Touye said:
I agree, but blizzard before have taken months for taking down an exploit....

And yes, the tabard / name would be awesome, and i'm totally cool with that, since that doesn't affect pvp at all

Blizzard also acts fast, the 'demons deck' quest at first and level player could do it and 19's had the weapons with mongoose, etc. was hot fixed within 2 weeks.

Enti's sword is a good example of them taking too long to fix.
Grabco said:
Haven't figured it out yet, thought it was one of the money donation quests. I also thought there might be something else less obvious like doing a quest for another faction that gives dual rep? So far I have managed to get a lock summon to the island but I set my HS here and now i'm stuck!

There is a alchemy supplies vendor that sells all kinds of herbs though, been buying them up to put on the AH later. Felweed for 20s and others. died 2 times since i've been here. The orb of translocation doesn't take you anywhere btw.

you shouldn't be stuck? you should be able to take a flight to flight path outside silvermoon?
K so I just have to ask, what is with all the cloak and dagger stuff Rayu? :p

I say SS or it didn't happen. If you did get it, I'm assuming one of the very first things you did was SS it, then there is the fact your armory doesn't show the rep. And if you did have it reported but then restored then you can take one at any moment to post here so we can get over the whole suspense thing right? Even if you don't have the sword you can show us a SS with the tabard or link an armory with the rep. If you did get it then grats, that is awesome, but if you can't prove it with a screenie I think we should all just end the speculation, and the exploit drama everyone is up in arms against.

I am inclined to think it is possible because I know you were really hitting the achievements hard and then all of a sudden you stopped..... so this would explain your little hiatus :D

Anyway throw us a bone and give us a screenie, or fess up lol. I don't want to waste anymore time scouring all the wow sites if you're just yanking our chains. And if its for real I wants the tabard ;)
Why did my post about the 500 hours - who actually believes he spent 20 days of /played on this?! - got deleted?

Edit: Nevermind, found it 6(!) pages back, heh.

Nonetheless, it's still a lot of time.
Natasya said:
Why did my post about the 500 hours - who actually believes he spent 20 days of /played on this?! - got deleted?

I dunno, but I have one thing to say in response to your remark. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I'd do it :p
Make me a cool sig Nat <3 almost forgot ur stylez...

19's forums ftw ^^
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