Level 70 swords for your twink?

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Yeah, the tabard would be nice. Hopefully they'll add a level cap to the blade and not the tabard like they did with the skygaurd. I'm just going to assume that you glitched through the invisible wall and killed that boss over and over again.
I respect your dedication more than anyone else's on these forums. And ofc you wouldn't be able to enter a BG because you are in Reckoning, but i still think that if you had the chance you wouldn't..

GG Rayu The Explorer loosing to a lv19 semitwink and a self-funded rogue
Touye said:
I respect your dedication more than anyone else's on these forums. And ofc you wouldn't be able to enter a BG because you are in Reckoning, but i still think that if you had the chance you wouldn't..

GG Rayu The Explorer loosing to a lv19 semitwink and a self-funded rogue

SS or it didn't happen.
SS my arse.. If you keep searching there is a thread of him trying to make a guide. Where i can get several of people to epxlain you why he should NEVER make a guide...
Touye said:
SS my arse.. If you keep searching there is a thread of him trying to make a guide. Where i can get several of people to epxlain you why he should NEVER make a guide...

Please, explain.
Novascotia said:
Then explain to me...

what makes him bad? Does he KT? Does he crutch on LB/AGM?

His gear is AMAZING, his movement is SHIT..

He doesn't time anything, is shit at handling fakecasting, he have no idea how to play with a teammate in 2v2's..

He was almost fully twinked.. Before he got his SF's... And lost to a terribad rogue that i beated at lv17, i ding 19 later on my self-funded rogue and wins 2-0 in duels over him, just like every other terribad rogue on Bronzebeard
end of this...

Exploiting is bad, and someone should remove this thread, so people wont notice and it wont destroy our bracket.
Touye said:
Cleveland... No wonder they dont allow you in STD ey?

Because I talk about waffles too much was the official reason.

The officers must be allergic to eggs or something :confused:
Is this thread a discussion on an exploited sword or a QQ about "skills"? Regardless and as an answer to both none of you nor my self are "the best" and the tabard is cool, the sword isn't neccassary. I believe ray doesn't really hit up BGs, especially w/ the sword so I'm sure its not a biggie for him to have it since he isn't using it as an advantage. If they do let us get the tabard and put a cap on the sword it would be very kind for someone to post how to obtain the tabard then. Till then I say we wait it out.
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