PTR Level 10s in Shadowlands

That's arguable, because vets will still completely beat out f2ps as f2ps can't buy the gear off g'eras and also get so little marks of honor from bg crates (I swear it's like 1/1000 at this level which is stupid) that it will take them forever to socket tbc/wrath gear. Also all ease of access does is promote people to reroll FOTM whenever a new patch hits instead of sticking with what they play and making it work, becoming the best at it, etc.

And another thing, that I've pointed out in another thread, is that it promotes the unhealthy style of play where you just faction swap whenever someone asks for a premade. It's real mind numbing and painful as a solo player when the 2-3 twinks you saw on your team an hour ago (where there was actually good games that weren't just 1 sided stomps) just joined the 2-5 twinks on the opposite faction and are now running a bg crate farming train for the next few hours and you are basically unable to play if there are no other twinks queueing. I don't get how they find this fun tbh, if I win in a stomp I'm so bored which is why I never premade.

Levelers and most f2p people are not going to go out of their way to get BiS stuff, hell most f2p people don't even play the game long enough to do so, so all ease of access does is give ridiculous tools for the few twinks to completely shit up the bracket.
Honestly I'm referring to levelers > f2ps. If the gear is as easy to obtain as buying it from a vendor them we're going to see more geared levelers which will make games more balanced. A lot of people complain about premades but a lot of the time we're at the mercy of our own levelers as well. There are plenty of games that I've played solo queue where I could have won or at least put up a very good fight, but I've got like 3 or 4 level 20 assassination rogues that are missing half their slots and when they do have gear they're whites which are effectively useless players taking up roster spots in my group.

I do believe that the gap between f2ps and vets will become a lot smaller in SL than it is now in BFA (potential access to enchants like elemental force as f2p? Hell yes.) But I think making levelers stronger will have a bigger impact on the bracket health than making f2ps stronger.
Might make Purj a level 10. Whatchu think?
No reason really not to unless you just want a trophy toon. It'll be the only way you'll be able to continue to play your shaman in SL.

Alternatively, if you want to keep it as a trophy of the times (very understandable, I'm not going to level any of my toons) it won't be hard to just re-gear a new 10.
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Might make Purj a level 10. Whatchu think?
Stay on team Never Level Twinks

Purj will go to 9, right? That still makes sense as a level, unlike a bunch of other brackets that end up at like 17 or 27. And what happens if a couple patches down the line blizz decides to add a 5-9 bracket? Or all the old 19s decide to try out like... 9 wpvp?

I'd hate to see a shaman as GF'd as yours level up just because, especially when gearing a new 10 (as ghood pointed out) will take all of an hour.
Honestly I'm referring to levelers > f2ps. If the gear is as easy to obtain as buying it from a vendor them we're going to see more geared levelers which will make games more balanced. A lot of people complain about premades but a lot of the time we're at the mercy of our own levelers as well. There are plenty of games that I've played solo queue where I could have won or at least put up a very good fight, but I've got like 3 or 4 level 20 assassination rogues that are missing half their slots and when they do have gear they're whites which are effectively useless players taking up roster spots in my group.

I do believe that the gap between f2ps and vets will become a lot smaller in SL than it is now in BFA (potential access to enchants like elemental force as f2p? Hell yes.) But I think making levelers stronger will have a bigger impact on the bracket health than making f2ps stronger.

I see your point, but at the same time as you yourself said, levelers aren't the most well equipped to begin with. Those people who are missing slots will still be missing slots in shadowlands. Most people just leveling and playing casually aren't looking up internet guides to find out they can buy slottable epics from G'eras or walk into TBC dungeons (afaik there is no way to queue them right now, only BFA crap, which is just awful) to get good gear.

Our only hope is that 10-19 takes such a long time that they end up gearing themselves up before they even hit 15 or so.
I see your point, but at the same time as you yourself said, levelers aren't the most well equipped to begin with. Those people who are missing slots will still be missing slots in shadowlands. Most people just leveling and playing casually aren't looking up internet guides to find out they can buy slottable epics from G'eras or walk into TBC dungeons (afaik there is no way to queue them right now, only BFA crap, which is just awful) to get good gear.

Our only hope is that 10-19 takes such a long time that they end up gearing themselves up before they even hit 15 or so.
I'm hoping (and it's looking like it's going to be this way) that levelers just come by relatively good gear naturally (most gear is just stronger period) Whereas atm, you sort of have to go out of your way to get good pieces on a 20 today.

At least with the new leveling island, levelers will be in full greens!

Our only hope is that 10-19 takes such a long time that they end up gearing themselves up before they even hit 15 or so.
I doubt the brackets stay x0-x9, that's too big of a power difference between x0 and x9. That'd be like a level 20 today going up against what, 47s~? No way that stays.

My money is on 10-14.
What I do think is significantly likely that I think everyone should be prepared for...

Some gems dont scale properly on live, and over the course of a couple patch cycles they get nerfed back into line, making socket gear less competitive. But in the instance of slither/fang set, I think that the set bonuses got nerfed to a point that socketed gear still overtakes it,, even if gems get nerfed to 1 stat

Numbers incoming (based on my current f2p transferred to the PTR, and looking at the in-game PTR dungeon guide, all numbers subject to change) :

Slither-Scale Halberk: 4 stam, 3 int, 1 haste, 4 vers, 9 armor
Slither-Scale Gauntlets: 3 stam, 3 int, 5 armor
Slither-Scale Cord: 3 stam, 2 int, 3 vers, 1 crit, 5 armor
Slither-Scale Britches: 4 stam, 3 int, 4 haste, 1 vers, 8 armor
Slither-Scale Boots: 3 stam, 2 int, 3 haste, 1 crit, 5 armor
Total set bonus: 9 int, 1 haste

Vest of Living Lightning: 4 stam, 3 int, 3 vers, 9 armor, 3 sockets, +1 spell power socket bonus
Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets: 3 stam, 2 int, 1 crit, 5 armor, 2 sockets, +1 int socket bonus
Girdle of the Gale Storm: 3 stam, 2 int, 3 vers, 5 armor, 2 sockets, +1 int socket bonus
Barbaric Legstraps: 4 stam, 3 int, 3 haste, 1 crit, 8 armor, 3 sockets, +1 int socket bonus
Dragon Slayer's Sabatons: 3 stam, 2 int, 3 haste, 1 crit, 5 armor, 2 sockets, +1 stam socket bonus

Total Slither-Scale stats: 17 stam, 21 int, 9 haste, 8 vers, 2 crit, 32 armor
Total SL/TBC gear stats: 18 stam, 15 int, 6 haste, 6 vers, 3 crit, 32 armor, 12 sockets, +1 spell power

...Looks like you're right. Socket gear is gonna rule no matter what.
There are plenty of games that I've played solo queue where I could have won or at least put up a very good fight, but I've got like 3 or 4 level 20 assassination rogues that are missing half their slots...

Scariest 5-man in the bracket.
There are plate...

shoulders w/ 2 sockets
chest w/ 3 sockets
belts w/ 2 sockets
gloves w/ 2 sockets
legs w/ 3 sockets
boots w/ 2 sockets

Which is 14 sockets, 2 more than Rise counted above. Plate Hpals are back, baby.

Tbh I don't even see where he got his numbers from. From G'eras alone (which probably won't make it to live mind you) there are 16 slots for just leather. I haven't even looked at cloth yet. And all of them gives a +1sp bonus for sockets, except pants which gives +1vers and boots which gives +1crit.

Added with TBC gear from dungeons there is probably more, and then we also have to take quests into account. I don't know which quests we will be able to do, but I think I remember some socket gear from quests in Hellfire and Zangarmarsh. I also remember seeing 2h weapons with 3 sockets (can hpal use 2h anymore? I can't remember) from dungeons.
There are plate...

shoulders w/ 2 sockets
chest w/ 3 sockets
belts w/ 2 sockets
gloves w/ 2 sockets
legs w/ 3 sockets
boots w/ 2 sockets

Which is 14 sockets, 2 more than Rise counted above. Plate Hpals are back, baby.

With mixing and matching between dungeon stuff and the shatt vendor I counted 16 plus the meta slot head thingy. Plate is gonna be silly. On the ptr with sub optimal gear I have like 220 int and like 35 crit chance from the gems alone.

On top of that if we can get drops from the anniversary event bosses, we will be able to get nearly everything gemmable. It's truly going to be world of gemcraft

How do I start broken shore? I want to get my artifact weapon, but the dude the quest board told me to talk to isn't giving me a quest and there are literally thousands of zombies here. Can't find a quest giver or anything.
How do I start broken shore? I want to get my artifact weapon, but the dude the quest board told me to talk to isn't giving me a quest and there are literally thousands of zombies here. Can't find a quest giver or anything.

I did this on Beta, instead of on PTR to avoid zombies. Not sure if something is broken on PTR.
I can't enchant accord on ptr, and Berryy said that BFA weapon Enchants all have an ilvl restriction on them now and to use them before prepatch. So I think maybe all BFA enchants are now unable to be put on stuff?
How do I start broken shore? I want to get my artifact weapon, but the dude the quest board told me to talk to isn't giving me a quest and there are literally thousands of zombies here. Can't find a quest giver or anything.
You need to go to one of those Warchief Command Boards (or the alliance equivalent, forgot the name), it'll give you an option to start the Broken Shore scenario and then you eventually move on to Legion Questing from that.
You need to go to one of those Warchief Command Boards (or the alliance equivalent, forgot the name), it'll give you an option to start the Broken Shore scenario and then you eventually move on to Legion Questing from that.
All it does is give me a quest, on Alliance the quest can be turned in but it full stops there, and on horde I go to the dranosh'ar blockade and I get "Instance not Found: Transfer Aborted"
Old weponds like twisted sabre. Is orginal L 21. Scarled one itemlevel 58 can be used in SL on L 10


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