PTR Level 10s in Shadowlands

how to artefactele weapons?
to start quest to get them or to go to Legion?

to start quest: it's automatic quest once you get your orderhall quest done.

to go to Legion: talk to the message board in Org/Stormwind. ya kind of need to refresh it if ya didn't complete the other zones.
how to artefactele weapons?
iLvL 20. Best Weapon I've seen so far except the Vendor Weapons from your Class Hall which will likely get a higher Level requirement once Live. What's yet to be seen is if the Quest Relic rewards will work to increase it's iLvL. BoE's are much too high Character Level requirement. The only other possibility for a superior Weapon could be the multiple Socket ones from TBC or a crazy good Epic upgrade roll on a Quest reward. That's assuming 10's won't be capable of equiping the Legion Legendary drops.
... o-ok, didn't know that was a word term was refering to.

assuming 10's won't be capable of equiping the Legion Legendary drops.


the legion legendries on this guy are at level 40. don't know bad the level restriction about the ones that can be forged though.

Edit: nvm, it's level 50

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the legion legendries on this guy are at level 40. don't know bad the level restriction about the ones that can be forged though.

Edit: nvm, it's level 50
I'm referring to the World drop Legendaries, which all had a Level 101 min requirement during Legion. And since they're BoP, it could be possible that it didn't get caught during the squish, just like some Quest rewards.

Also, don't trust tool tips. The moment an item goes into the bag of a 10 it's been changing for me, even between 2 toons on Beta.
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iLvL 20. Best Weapon I've seen so far except the Vendor Weapons from your Class Hall which will likely get a higher Level requirement once Live. What's yet to be seen is if the Quest Relic rewards will work to increase it's iLvL. BoE's are much too high Character Level requirement. The only other possibility for a superior Weapon could be the multiple Socket ones from TBC or a crazy good Epic upgrade roll on a Quest reward. That's assuming 10's won't be capable of equiping the Legion Legendary drops.
I was able to socket a Quest Relic and the Artifact went from ilvl 20 to 21. So I'm assuming it's possible to level it up, which I'm guessing will make it the go to weapon of choice. I don't know what I'm doing with it, as I've never had one before, so will need to read up where to socket what etc.
Hopefully the other broken items like Class Order Hall weapon get a lvl requirement.
I was able to socket a Quest Relic and the Artifact went from ilvl 20 to 21. So I'm assuming it's possible to level it up, which I'm guessing will make it the go to weapon of choice. I don't know what I'm doing with it, as I've never had one before, so will need to read up where to socket what etc.
Hopefully the other broken items like Class Order Hall weapon get a lvl requirement.
If we can get a good Epic upgrade for the Relics via Quest rewards near the end of the Storyline then hopefully it'll push the Artifact Weapon to ~iLvL 40, close to on par with the Vendor greens.
This is just an FYI re : Artifact.


I seemed to get awarded some crystal from a quest, dropped it in the socket and it went up 1 level.

If we can get a good Epic upgrade for the Relics via Quest rewards near the end of the Storyline then hopefully it'll push the Artifact Weapon to ~iLvL 40, close to on par with the Vendor greens.
Cool, I didn't know you can get epic relics. Potentially so much to do this next X-Pac :)
If we can get a good Epic upgrade for the Relics via Quest rewards near the end of the Storyline then hopefully it'll push the Artifact Weapon to ~iLvL 40, close to on par with the Vendor greens.
I got an rare upgrade relic and it was still +1, and got an epic upgrade... cloak? that was the same stats as the green. Not sure that (for tens at least) epic upgrades will be anything but color
I got an rare upgrade relic and it was still +1, and got an epic upgrade... cloak? that was the same stats as the green. Not sure that (for tens at least) epic upgrades will be anything but color

I'd report that as a bug. While things are meant to be scaled down i don't think it means eliminating the difference between common and epic gear
Not sure that (for tens at least) epic upgrades will be anything but color
Lets hope that's not the case. Hell even adding +1 of only 1 stat on said item after Upgrading to Epic would be something.

Also, be CAREFUL with Legion Invasions. While 95% of the enemies are LvL 10, there are a few skulls mixed in. Even with the gear I have on my Hunter I can't take them down before I die. I've reported it, hopefully it's an oversight.
Lets hope that's not the case. Hell even adding +1 of only 1 stat on said item after Upgrading to Epic would be something.

Also, be CAREFUL with Legion Invasions. While 95% of the enemies are LvL 10, there are a few skulls mixed in. Even with the gear I have on my Hunter I can't take them down before I die. I've reported it, hopefully it's an oversight.
Wait till u do a WoD Garrison Invasion. U get 2 shot by them skull mobs!
Hey guys, Thanks a bunch for all the reasearch you are all doing.
I was wondering if anyone had found a random drop Legion Legendary yet?
Also has anyone found a BoE legion world drop epic yet? (Im curious if it can titanforge and have leech and speed etc on it)

Also things that require research is loads of trinkets and proc gear/weapons.

for example the Specific gnomer boe 1h Axe that drops reduces armor on proc(this could be pretty strong)
also probably 50 other items i forget to mention all need testing.

Cant wait to start exploring the world on my low lvl ^^
Wait till u do a WoD Garrison Invasion. U get 2 shot by them skull mobs!
Been there done that. I died twice until I realized to just pull them into my Garrison NPC's and basically let them take care of the mobs. I ticketed both Invasion types. There's no reason to have skull level NPC's.
Hey guys, Thanks a bunch for all the reasearch you are all doing.
I was wondering if anyone had found a random drop Legion Legendary yet?
Also has anyone found a BoE legion world drop epic yet? (Im curious if it can titanforge and have leech and speed etc on it)

Also things that require research is loads of trinkets and proc gear/weapons.

for example the Specific gnomer boe 1h Axe that drops reduces armor on proc(this could be pretty strong)
also probably 50 other items i forget to mention all need testing.

Cant wait to start exploring the world on my low lvl ^^
I'm working on the Legion Zones now but there's no way I can solo a World Boss and I'm basically the only one Questing because everyone else is doing M+. As for Leech Gear, I can't wait!
No level requirement? I was able to use this on my bank alt..


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