Lets Talk Fish! Pool Stealing, Yo! How Earlwing-

Since I got the hat on my alt and I don't plan on making more alts, fishing contest is probably a finished story for me.
At least on AP is it.

I get the picture about "stealing" pools now since I got response from the highest authority around here.
But I have to comment on something since I strongly disagree with some of the thing written here

I don't care if a group of people think that there is no problem with sharing pools, and some people are overreacting. There are enough people against it that their opinion is just as valid, and what I do care about, is people being driven away from AP because it's becoming filled with players who can't respect each other, and have no problems with doing something that pisses someone else off (or, just as bad, no problem with other players pissing people off).

If this is really the case, let's ban all the GY farmers from AP then?
They surely piss a lot of ppl off in BG's and they have 0 respect towards others when GY farming.

Also don't you think that you are driving away ppl when you ban them cause of no apparent reason?
Or maybe you’re driving away some folks who witness this injustice?

If you want to share pools, fine, just find someone else who doesn't mind sharing to do it with. Try asking people if they mind you sharing, instead of just casting and then following them around.

What happens when an ally comes and "steals" pool from you?
How do u ask him if he wants to share pool?
Or when an 85 comes?
How do you convince any of those that they shouldn't "steal" your pools?
You can’t and you don’t.
You continue fishing hoping they will go away.
If they don’t you take it for a fact that you’ll share pools with them.

People acting like dicks affects the whole community, so you aren't doing anyone any favours backing them up. It's already affected everyone. I could have spent Sunday using Skorble to give water walking to everyone, except I can't be bothered helping people when they don't care about anyone else besides themselves.

I think that same, let me elaborate
You see, when you fish for 10 achi points/vanity item/fishing line and u get like 6-7x keefers in course of a few months, exactly how r u thinking about anyone else but yourself?
Also those 6-7 keefers might have gone to someone else who could get BiS like that.. or get more HP at least.
idk, I really don't see how are you helping anyone else but yourself here…
But I probably don’t get the big picture…

Once again, I find all of this really sad, kicking ppl because they “steal” “your” pool.
I find the idea of someone "owning" the pool really... lets say silly at least.
You can own something when you create something.
Like Rhae already said, if 1 person stands where a pool spawns at some point there won’t be any empty spots left for folks to stand.
Then what? Leave and come next week earlier in order to save a spot for yourself?
It’s a bit ridiculous, don’t u agree?

This week I fished with 2x20 hordies, 7lvl hordie (who got kicked), 20 ally, 85 ally and 85 horde (who fished all the time I did).
We were all fishing in same pools, no one got mad, there were no /spit or something alike and I got the keefer with getting aroung 112 Speckled Tastyfish for around 75min.

Bottom line – neither of us “owns” pools.
Its ridiculous .
But it looks like some of us do own the chat and have the power to decide who can chat it in and who can’t ;)
Even for ridiculous reasons like “stealing” pools…
I strongly disagree with the idea of banning people cause of pool “stealing” but I guess rest of folks agree with it since I’m the only one who speaks about it

With all of this being said, I rest my case
Also there is no more reason to create drama here and I don't want to be Don Quixote so this is my last post here regarding this matter.

gl to all getting Keefer next week and any other week after that
Are there any consequences if you keep banning ppl from channel during the fishing contest or not?

Now I don't really know what happened last night since my addon was off until I got keefer, but as soon as i enabled it, I saw someone being kicked.
And I know that person who got kicked was fishing since I saw him/her in STV.

Afterwards I heard that it was not an isolated incident (apparently 2 ppl got kicked during fishing contest yesterday).
And yea, this negative trend of banning ppl has continued 2nd week in a row and is performed by the same person.

So my question to the community is - why do we let ppl swing banhammer as they like?

Here is what happened last sunday. Myself, Acronus/Androllic, and Versaop were all banned and kicked out of the channel for supposedly fishing in felix's pools. I was at the island spot where 3 pools typically spawn and after 5mins there felix comes and he's going for the win. He does not get the win and comes back to that exact same spot on his 85 to mount in pools blocking about 3 peoples views. He was blocking mine and two other alliances pools (all of which were 20s). I whispered him to get out of our pools and he blamed himself losing on me pool stealing i guess. Then i said the same thing in channel. I ended up getting fed up and moving to the east coast where ihatetacos and skorble were. Fishing contest ended and Felix kicked/banned all of us and rage logged. I'll let Acronus and Versaop tell their side since i don't want to put any words in their mouth. This is why people don't like Felix. He has the maturity of a 5 year old girl and the emotional stability of a drunken sorority girI. Don't even get me started on his incessant ranting in the channel in all caps after something minor happens to him.

And although it might seem like a lot of people in the community like him, its untrue. The only people that log on here and post stuff are mainly the old twinks and friends of felix. Think about how many people there are playing that don't come on here to post, it's a lot. And i'm willing to guess at least 50% of them don't like fagix.

BTW someone want to unban my priest (alphaxdude) from channel? kthx.
Well schnaps, from all the bloody doom and gloom posts about the community going to shit nowadays, you'd think I joined at the wrong time.

I don't.

I've made plenty a friend recently, and been in several fun games, plus I never see these 'immature little shits'? Maybe It's because I'm a euro player, maybe we're nicer, exceeeept, whenever I log on US hours, i usually join into a decent conversation as well?. I don't see a major lack of respect in chat, you got any examples of this ? I'm not saying it don't exist, I've just never ever seen it.

Back on topic, from when I started fishing for my keefers, i've always thought the idea of 'claiming' pools is crazy, it just doesn't make sense to claim something that you have no right to. Having never fished for the trinket, I don't know what it feels like, but can you truthfully say that if you needed one more fish, and there was a pool right next to you, but someone was already fishing there, you would move on, and ignore it, potentially sacrificing your only chance to ever win? Food for thought at the least.
Members who feel the need to respond to this thread must do so in a way that is respectful and constructive. If this thread continues in the direction of a flame war or even an off topic one at that, it will be closed for good. It is up to you guys to be on topic, respectful and constructive which are a few elements that this thread has been lacking.

Cheers everyone!

Here is what happened last sunday. Myself, Acronus/Androllic, and Versaop were all banned and kicked out of the channel for supposedly fishing in felix's pools. I was at the island spot where 3 pools typically spawn and after 5mins there felix comes and he's going for the win. He does not get the win and comes back to that exact same spot on his 85 to mount in pools blocking about 3 peoples views. He was blocking mine and two other alliances pools (all of which were 20s). I whispered him to get out of our pools and he blamed himself losing on me pool stealing i guess. Then i said the same thing in channel. I ended up getting fed up and moving to the east coast where ihatetacos and skorble were. Fishing contest ended and Felix kicked/banned all of us and rage logged. I'll let Acronus and Versaop tell their side since i don't want to put any words in their mouth. This is why people don't like Felix. He has the maturity of a 5 year old girl and the emotional stability of a drunken sorority girI. Don't even get me started on his incessant ranting in the channel in all caps after something minor happens to him.

And although it might seem like a lot of people in the community like him, its untrue. The only people that log on here and post stuff are mainly the old twinks and friends of felix. Think about how many people there are playing that don't come on here to post, it's a lot. And i'm willing to guess at least 50% of them don't like fagix.

BTW someone want to unban my priest (alphaxdude) from channel? kthx.

As someone who's been playing on AP since December 2011 (and I know many more have played much longer than me), I am going to have to say this, not specifically directed at you, but for any "newer" F2P players specifically on Aerie Peak:

You don't just join a community and not respect the people at its foundation, the people who were there at the very beginning and essentially "built" the F2P AP community from the ground up. When I first joined AP I learnt quickly that there are some people you shouldn't offend/cross, I don't know - you might feel that Felix is one of those people. As with ANY community, online or real life, you don't just go in there and think you own the place. There are many old players who have given a lot to AP - its reputation for being the "flagship" F2P server, its large community with F2Ps/P2Ps alike, a strong representation on TI.

When I first started out Felix was one of the few players with their P2P toons online all the time - which is the only way for us to group, and a much more reliable way to do BGs together instead of syncing via f2pq. I don't always agree with Felix's ways of dealing with other players, but he has contributed a tremendous amount of time, energy and even his subscription to supporting F2P WoW.

New players too often just roll on Aerie Peak because of the great "PR" we have (eg. "AP has the biggest community! Premades/groups all the time! blah blah") and take all the F2P infrastructure for granted. Do you know how much time Yasueh has put into writing the addon and continuing to support it? Too many of you new players come in and think only of yourselves, take P2Ps for granted, treat other players disrespectfully, and sadly bring down AP's reputation for being a positive place to be.

This issue goes beyond mere "pool stealing" - numerous times I have had new F2Ps who I've never even met whisper my P2P "Hey, can you escort me to get AGM?" You don't even know my F2P toon's name, you've been on the server 3 days at most and you go ahead and whisper the first 85 you see on your friends list.

And for the record, I do like Felix, he's a great player, one of the most skilled F2P hunters I've seen, and he gives a lot to the community. What have you done for Aerie Peak, "alphaxdude"? Coming onto TI with your self-entitled attitude, with your condescending "kthx." and calling Felix "fagix". That's just rude and disrespectful. I don't see any reason to unban you from the channel.

TL;DR: AP gained its reputation as a "top" F2P server from lots of hard work/dedication from many old players. You want to come into our community and be immature/rude/disrespectful and tarnish the positive image we've given AP? Then we don't want you on Aerie Peak, "kthx."
As someone who's been playing on AP since December 2011 (and I know many more have played much longer than me), I am going to have to say this, not specifically directed at you, but for any "newer" F2P players specifically on Aerie Peak:

You don't just join a community and not respect the people at its foundation, the people who were there at the very beginning and essentially "built" the F2P AP community from the ground up. When I first joined AP I learnt quickly that there are some people you shouldn't offend/cross, I don't know - you might feel that Felix is one of those people. As with ANY community, online or real life, you don't just go in there and think you own the place. There are many old players who have given a lot to AP - its reputation for being the "flagship" F2P server, its large community with F2Ps/P2Ps alike, a strong representation on TI.

When I first started out Felix was one of the few players with their P2P toons online all the time - which is the only way for us to group, and a much more reliable way to do BGs together instead of syncing via f2pq. I don't always agree with Felix's ways of dealing with other players, but he has contributed a tremendous amount of time, energy and even his subscription to supporting F2P WoW.

New players too often just roll on Aerie Peak because of the great "PR" we have (eg. "AP has the biggest community! Premades/groups all the time! blah blah") and take all the F2P infrastructure for granted. Do you know how much time Yasueh has put into writing the addon and continuing to support it? Too many of you new players come in and think only of yourselves, take P2Ps for granted, treat other players disrespectfully, and sadly bring down AP's reputation for being a positive place to be.

This issue goes beyond mere "pool stealing" - numerous times I have had new F2Ps who I've never even met whisper my P2P "Hey, can you escort me to get AGM?" You don't even know my F2P toon's name, you've been on the server 3 days at most and you go ahead and whisper the first 85 you see on your friends list.

And for the record, I do like Felix, he's a great player, one of the most skilled F2P hunters I've seen, and he gives a lot to the community. What have you done for Aerie Peak, "alphaxdude"? Coming onto TI with your self-entitled attitude, with your condescending "kthx." and calling Felix "fagix". That's just rude and disrespectful. I don't see any reason to unban you from the channel.

TL;DR: AP gained its reputation as a "top" F2P server from lots of hard work/dedication from many old players. You want to come into our community and be immature/rude/disrespectful and tarnish the positive image we've given AP? Then we don't want you on Aerie Peak, "kthx."

Spoken like a pro.
<3 Purse

I think of F2P communities using the Addon as friendly guilds with very relaxed entrance conditions.

Of course anyone can roll an F2P toon on any server and behave however they want (within the Blizz ToS). Fine.

But rolling on AP and using the Addon, I find it nice to respect the "guild". And all we're asking is communicating, during fishing or whenever, and respecting each other. Doesn't matter if Alliance or Horde.

Now I imagine I'm in a guild and have a GM / officer and I go talking bad about him all the time, dissect every fault and ignore every contribution he's ever made. Is it a wonder there's talk about kicking me then? I don't think so.
Purse and yde, I don't even think for a moment that a player like Felix hasn't done things for this community, in fact I'm sure he is a tremendous player, and I know for sure he is one of, if not the best hunter around on aerie peak, and the same goes for a lot of the 'older' toons, there isn't an essence of doubt that they are the reason that AP is as large as we see it today.

But to therefore say that we aren't allowed to question them is simply too far. Respect is gained, not given, in all aspects of life. You say that new players should fully respect the older toons, but surely that must work to some extent in reverse as well, you can't treat people like naïve fools, without any courtesy and expect to get undying love in return, but you can create an evil cycle, in which rudeness and disrespectfulness leads to further such actions, and drags down the entire community. Now, using the example of this thread, and the recent controversy of felix's actions, I want to argue against what he did. Say, for example, there was a new player online that night, perhaps he was going to be a great addition to the community, a new 'everybody loves them' player. And he saw someone being kicked simply for fishing in a pool someone else was standing next to, surely it would leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth.To see a community advertised as so amazing having such unbelievable social hierarchies.

Yashueh, I respect you so much dude, you alone are the reason we have this community in the first place, but giving Felix moderation powers so he can kick 'dicks' sounds almost counter-intuitive, in the fact that many people would consider it highly idiotic behaviour to actually ban people from the chat for doing something such as pool sharing, when it's considered perfectly fine to call people retards in chat, to swear and abuse and shout and use what are (in my opinion) serious profanities. Purse, I agree that alphaxbreh's post was rash and ill-considered in many ways, but the decision to refuse to un-ban him when behaviour like this is rife from all players, including the well-known players, must have some element of bias in it? Maybe you don't mess with the big players, but you don't ignore the small ones either.

For the love of God, don't for one second believe I'm trying to be rude, or bitter, i've re-read this post a couple of times, and really tried to make it as polite as I can, if it still sounds churlish in any way, forgive me. But I've posted things like this before, and I just feel strongly about it.
If you made it through this wall of text - thank you,
Purse and yde, I don't even think for a moment that a player like Felix hasn't done things for this community, in fact I'm sure he is a tremendous player, and I know for sure he is one of, if not the best hunter around on aerie peak, and the same goes for a lot of the 'older' toons, there isn't an essence of doubt that they are the reason that AP is as large as we see it today.

But to therefore say that we aren't allowed to question them is simply too far. Respect is gained, not given, in all aspects of life. You say that new players should fully respect the older toons, but surely that must work to some extent in reverse as well, you can't treat people like naïve fools, without any courtesy and expect to get undying love in return, but you can create an evil cycle, in which rudeness and disrespectfulness leads to further such actions, and drags down the entire community. Now, using the example of this thread, and the recent controversy of felix's actions, I want to argue against what he did. Say, for example, there was a new player online that night, perhaps he was going to be a great addition to the community, a new 'everybody loves them' player. And he saw someone being kicked simply for fishing in a pool someone else was standing next to, surely it would leave a bad taste in anyone's mouth.To see a community advertised as so amazing having such unbelievable social hierarchies.

Yashueh, I respect you so much dude, you alone are the reason we have this community in the first place, but giving Felix moderation powers so he can kick 'dicks' sounds almost counter-intuitive, in the fact that many people would consider it highly idiotic behaviour to actually ban people from the chat for doing something such as pool sharing, when it's considered perfectly fine to call people retards in chat, to swear and abuse and shout and use what are (in my opinion) serious profanities. Purse, I agree that alphaxbreh's post was rash and ill-considered in many ways, but the decision to refuse to un-ban him when behaviour like this is rife from all players, including the well-known players, must have some element of bias in it? Maybe you don't mess with the big players, but you don't ignore the small ones either.

For the love of God, don't for one second believe I'm trying to be rude, or bitter, i've re-read this post a couple of times, and really tried to make it as polite as I can, if it still sounds churlish in any way, forgive me. But I've posted things like this before, and I just feel strongly about it.
If you made it through this wall of text - thank you,

Zaxxo thanks for your reply, and I actually now feel some regret at the way I worded my post - in my attitude as well toward alphaxbro.

I agree with your post that we should be more patient and have more open communication with new players, so we can at least provide reasoning/justification for any actions we take - rather than just kicking/banning without allowing anybody to explain themselves.

I think all of us older players should aim to set an example for the new generation. Most of us try hard to be welcoming and friendly to people new to AP, but there have even been times when I lost my temper/patience with a new player because they did something silly/out of line. Everybody deserves a second chance - even I have made dumb mistakes in my early days, like not paying attention/being afk during BG sync queue....

I just want to thank the mods too for not closing this thread, even though the discussion was getting slightly heated before and some posts had to be deleted. I'm glad we were able to discuss this, voice our concerns and hear many different opinions and views. Now lets take action :) This is my plea, as your former Community Leader - I hope that all the players who read these posts will collaborate in making AP a server that is welcoming, pleasant to play on, and make it a community that is like family - for old and new players alike. I love you Aerie Peak.
Since Felix doesn't really post here I'll offer something in defense as I was in vent with him when this went down. It was NOT just a matter of someone fishing in his pools. I do not remember WHO he said it was but one of the people kept coming up to him and stating that they were going to now fish in his pool and there was essentially nothing he could do about it. So you tell me, where is the consideration, the respect? MAYBE instead of bitching on the forums like a bunch of little School girls just MAYBE you could actually talk to Felix.... And another thing, from the folks on AP you will never rise to the level of respect if you don't at least once in a while hop in vent. Being in vent changes the whole dynamic, and if more people from AP tried it perhaps they would be more well received. I will tell you however that the kind of crap that has been in F2P AP chat lately is NOT tolerated in vent.

SO, in conclusion instead of whining and moaning on the forums try talking to Felix, and if you were one of the people fishing in his pools you could try ... I dunno apologizing?
Zaxxo, you get my 200th like. :)

I completely agree, in no way do I suggest that we shouldn't be allowed to talk about things, or that older players should get undying love and respect by default.

I only think that everyone involved should try to stay mature.

I have a serious problem with the words that are thrown around in arguments lately.

I don't think it's in anyway constructive to sling, and I dislike even typing it, but here goes, sentences like Player A is faggot, asshole, dickhead, fagix, douche or whatever.

Please let's all take a step back and consider that everyone is responsible for setting an example.


MAYBE you could actually talk to Felix.
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Since Felix doesn't really post here I'll offer something in defense as I was in vent with him when this went down. It was NOT just a matter of someone fishing in his pools. I do not remember WHO he said it was but one of the people kept coming up to him and stating that they were going to now fish in his pool and there was essentially nothing he could do about it. So you tell me, where is the consideration, the respect? MAYBE instead of bitching on the forums like a bunch of little School girls just MAYBE you could actually talk to Felix.... And another thing, from the folks on AP you will never rise to the level of respect if you don't at least once in a while hop in vent. Being in vent changes the whole dynamic, and if more people from AP tried it perhaps they would be more well received. I will tell you however that the kind of crap that has been in F2P AP chat lately is NOT tolerated in vent.

SO, in conclusion instead of whining and moaning on the forums try talking to Felix, and if you were one of the people fishing in his pools you could try ... I dunno apologizing?

Appreciated point, someone may have been overly aggravating, and it wasn't mentioned. But do you really think that the way you worded your post has any chance to make them feel regret??? Your entire post is one long hypocritical rant, stating that people should show respect in an entirely disrespectful fashion.

SO, instead of contradicting yourself, you could try ... I dunno apologizing?

Zaxxo you get my 200th like :)


Since Felix doesn't really post here I'll offer something in defense as I was in vent with him when this went down. It was NOT just a matter of someone fishing in his pools. I do not remember WHO he said it was but one of the people kept coming up to him and stating that they were going to now fish in his pool and there was essentially nothing he could do about it. So you tell me, where is the consideration, the respect? MAYBE instead of bitching on the forums like a bunch of little School girls just MAYBE you could actually talk to Felix.... And another thing, from the folks on AP you will never rise to the level of respect if you don't at least once in a while hop in vent. Being in vent changes the whole dynamic, and if more people from AP tried it perhaps they would be more well received. I will tell you however that the kind of crap that has been in F2P AP chat lately is NOT tolerated in vent.

SO, in conclusion instead of whining and moaning on the forums try talking to Felix, and if you were one of the people fishing in his pools you could try ... I dunno apologizing?

Imma like dis post because it's a great reminder - speaking to someone directly is the antidote for so much baby-mama-drama.

And I completely forgot about the TI vent!
Based on the way I've seen Felix act in the channel he hasn't earned my respect, and with his temper theres no way he should be mod.
Judging from what pookums said, Felix doesnt act in the channel very often because he would rather talk to the people in vent. That's why people think he is only harsh or mean, and while he does have a short temper it usually doesn't last long.
Zaxxo, you just said all the things i wanted to say -only much nicer than i would have. I honestly feel that some of the "founding members" of AP are beginning to sound and act like petty prima donnas. If you do something for the community you should do so because of the generosity of you heart, not because you expect to get special treatment in return. What I see happening is that some individuals who believe they're not getting this so-called proper respect are acting with a sense of entitlement and responding in ways that frankly stink of absolute power corrupting absolutely. As far as the fishing goes, it's a competition and there aren't enough pools for everyone. I don't understand why anyone would have to ask permission to fish in a pool with somebody else. Maybe the next requirement demanded will be to have to ask for "permission" before killing someone in a battleground.

People just act poorly sometimes, old and new alike. Real leadership is about setting the example and forgiving the trespasses of the poor huddled masses, and continuing that guidance and generosity even when not fully appreciated.
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Howdy fella's. Earlwing here, swooping in to drop his opinion where it isn't needed. First off, I've been on AP since last July. I've seen it grow from 15 people using an addon that sent everyone a whisper. Those people who've played since those days will know what I'm talking about when I say that it's gone downhill. The old timers who helped establish such a solid foundation (All thanks due to Yasueh<3) have a very strong sense of pride in their position in the community, myself included. When a new kid strolls up and really shows quality, they fit right in. It's the people that show up and flaunt their poor social skills that cause this kind of shit. When you have a community, you have to obey the social hierarchy, or you're not welcome there. If that means walking past Felix to find a free pool, so be it. Is isolating yourself from the rest of the server really worth it? Don't make waves in your society. You will obey, submit and be happy. Abide to my will or get the fuck out.


When you have a community, you have to obey the social hierarchy, or you're not welcome there. If that means walking past Felix to find a free pool, so be it. Is isolating yourself from the rest of the server really worth it? Don't make waves in your society. You will obey, submit and be happy. Abide to my will or get the fuck out.

This repeated idea of a set in stone social hierarchy is starting to irk me, i must admit. I know there are people who have been here since the start, and I thank them sincerely from the deepest corners of my heart, please know that.I know they are special, and well liked, and so very much part of what makes the core of the community. But no one will ever convince me that means I have to lie down and let them roll all over me, before I am accepted into the community, to me that seems like an alien idea, not at all fitting to the type of people I'd imagine would set up a community such as this one. You ask is isolating yourself from the server really worth it? I ask is mindlessly following another fellow player, abiding entirely to his will and therefore sacrificing your beliefs really worth it to be accepted in a game? My answer is no. 'Respect cannot be learned, purchased or acquired-it can only be earned.'

And just so you know, its sentences like your last one that really make me angry. Before I post anything, I always check it from the viewpoint of a new player in the community, and I would never post something like that. Ever. Lack of respect, rudeness and serious profanities all in one sentence, forgive me, but I can't help think it's things like this that bring the server down.


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