Lets Fix Our Bracket

Too many noobs see kiddies farming and winning and sadly after seeing this and losing to it they assume that's how winning teams play,

As they hardly ever see anyone else doing it, they don't attempt to move as a group or even tactically with their healers.

If we want our bracket to improve,

we need to stop the "vote this kid afk", point them at Twinkinfo.com and preferably in a whisper, just a general "/bg" post is mostly ignored.

Anyone who's been in a game with me knows I post it first thing before gametime.

Hell, I've made it a macro so I can whisper that horribly geared kid quicker

Deal with a bad in the hopes he'll someday be good.

However i still struggle not to Faceroll on my keyboard every time I see a >600 hp punk trashtalk like he destroyed a WT premade solo...
I tried to make a guild on my server, everytime I clicked ma macro in trade chat I had like 3 peaple respnding with LOL19's, LOL70's are better, LOL ya get farmed by hunters sounds like loads of fun bro.

I eventually found 2 other 19 twinks that were active on my server and they wouldnt join, they wanted to stay in thier lvl 25 lvling guilds for the perks. You know, the guilds that spam starting areas and have like 3 new players joining at once all day.

I met one rogue 'twink' while doing dungeons for my satchel belt and cloak, I tried to help him out and re-direct him to this site.....he was a combat rogue who prefered gloves of the fang over foreman gloves and boa cloak over satchel cloak
Putting up a macro saying something like "Have you joined the webs largest 19 twinking community yet? If not, head over to www.twinkinfo.com and sign up now, plenty of helpful twinking information, etc. etc." followed by trying your hardest to completely refrain from raging at that 600hp rogue will do wonders.

My macro says " Dude ur gear is garb, please accept this inactive buff and when u die just sit in gy till it kicks you.Then for ur 15 min deserter please check out twinkinfo.com and attempt to get some of the gear assoiacted with ur class. Atleast then when u "s" key and die we cant blame ur gear! Thank you and take care!"
My macro says " Dude ur gear is garb, please accept this inactive buff and when u die just sit in gy till it kicks you.Then for ur 15 min deserter please check out twinkinfo.com and attempt to get some of the gear assoiacted with ur class. Atleast then when u "s" key and die we cant blame ur gear! Thank you and take care!"

Reasons why the community is ****.
My macro says " Dude ur gear is garb, please accept this inactive buff and when u die just sit in gy till it kicks you.Then for ur 15 min deserter please check out twinkinfo.com and attempt to get some of the gear assoiacted with ur class. Atleast then when u "s" key and die we cant blame ur gear! Thank you and take care!"

If it's a Guaranteed kick, then chances are they might bother to check it out.. terrible as it sounds..
The only way 19s will change is if experienced guilds recruit the new garbage tinks and take them under their wing. Because Playing with better people in a well coordinated objective driven manner improves even the worst of players...

But it's not gonna happen. So welecome to the 19 bracket
The only way 19s will change is if experienced guilds recruit the new garbage tinks and take them under their wing. Because Playing with better people in a well coordinated objective driven manner improves even the worst of players...

But it's not gonna happen. So welecome to the 19 bracket

quit posting at work u n3rd
The only way 19s will change is if experienced guilds recruit the new garbage tinks and take them under their wing. Because Playing with better people in a well coordinated objective driven manner improves even the worst of players...

But it's not gonna happen. So welecome to the 19 bracket

^ This.

Also 19s have always involved flaming, trash talking, and drama and have survived this long. You won't get rid of those things so give up. In some cases, guild drama especially, those things are good for the bracket. Its the people who take the **** personally that are the problem.
The guild Owned on thrall should be getting the numbers soon to be able to setup a premade guild soon.

Best of luck with the bracket
this bracket's gameplay is simply awful - it is the drama etc that actually drives it
I have honestly tried to help people on occasion. Quite a few of them don't take my advice, they think they know it all. It's hard for most to take any sort of constructive criticism.

I honestly am not sure what will "fix" this bracket anymore. If we start babying every new person who joins a bg, it will never stop really. My account is down right now, so to be honest, I'm not sure how bad the bracket is today. One day the alliance are dominating every game, to the point that I have to stay on my horde pally to try and even things out a bit. The next day, horde are completely farming alliance.

But in all honesty as far as helping someone get gear. Then ones I've tried to help, and actually listen (read) what I have to say, just sit and bug me all game about what do I need? Where do you get that? and so on. After I've told them several times to go to twinkinfo.com and research, they continue to aske the questsions to the point where it's just annoying to play.
I have honestly tried to help people on occasion. Quite a few of them don't take my advice, they think they know it all. It's hard for most to take any sort of constructive criticism.

This. Most of them won't even listen when you're trying to tell them what they could improve. They consider themselves twinks the second they equip their heirlooms and goggles.
This. Most of them won't even listen when you're trying to tell them what they could improve. They consider themselves twinks the second they equip their heirlooms and goggles.

True true, but it can be done. Pizza did it back on cyclone when he had Pizza Hut and Whatever his starter guild was, and when your gear/skill was viable you were promotes to the actual pizza hut. Doing something like this would give new players something to aspire to and also increase guild activity
If you want to talk REAL talk here's what needs to happen:

Kids stop dodging premades. This is a huge activity booster and the main attraction at the 19 bracket. This also means YOU brown. It's FACT that MGC is better than you, it's FACT that you're going to get beat, and it's FACT even though you will get beat you will be a better guild afterwards. After MGC lost to WT, we got a lot better because I realized no matter how good you may be at this game, the 19 bracket doesn't have the skill curve that it used to have, therefore anyone can really be successful as long as your coordination and communication is better than the other team. Don't get me wrong, some skill does come into play, but anyone who has played this game for 6 years in the 19 bracket like myself will understand that. I thought stacking my team with experienced and skilled players without them playing with each other wouldn't matter, but obviously not. MGC is the best guild at the 19 bracket, but we got beat by a better strategy and organized team Waw Tawent, so hats off to them.

The problem that MGC is running into is rolling pugs and 3-0ing guilds gets really old, really quick. We aren't WT and farm for achievements or can q on a 19 hunter every day for the past 2.6 years. We are hoping to schedule a series of premades with WT in late jan/early feb and praying for a MB comeback.

It baffles me with the activity we have, that 4 guilds don't get together and field 5 players each and have weekly premades. LSFTW/WT vs MGC/LS etc etc. We have public vent, use it. I also don't understand with the amount of decent players that are guildless don't get together and make a guild. Waw Tawent can field a premade every week if they wanted to, but because PIzza doesn't want "Waw Tawent loses" on a TI thread no WT members get anything together. Give me a ******* break, grow up, god forbid you lose a game. No matter if WT, LS, LSFTW, CL, TTU, BTB, THE CW play every week, MGC is still #1 and will be forever, we do that for the 19 bracket as the favor so you kids don't have to worry about it.

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