Most gear we have now will be useless. People will use white rings and necklaces that have an ilevel of 80 or something. People will use random shit like the ilevel 400 trinket.
90% of the gear we use will be replaced with an item with a higher ilevel which is pretty fucking stupid
Most gear we have now will be useless. People will use white rings and necklaces that have an ilevel of 80 or something. People will use random shit like the ilevel 400 trinket.
90% of the gear we use will be replaced with an item with a higher ilevel which is pretty fucking stupid
I see a lot of people upset with the time they put into their gear and they're scared that it will all be a waste (even though we won't really know if this is to be true even at all, and likely it won't be true... but again, no one knows yet)
The relevance and/or significance of gear went out the window with cata when boas + enchants meant more to a player's ability than their own level of skill. To me, this is when twinking for gear really died. When anyone could gear BIS and completely dominate and pass off as though they are exceptional (shadowstep ambush much). I know this sounds silly, that to me gearing became irrelevant when it was most powerful, but I think it truly speaks to my era when gearing used to be more about gearing your twink to your play style instead of going cookie cutter gear, play style, twink names, and cookie cutter social interactions as well. Back in wotlk and before, rogues were either stacking AP and missing out on the crit, dodge, and armor that agility offered in order to hit harder, or vice verse that in order to survive longer. Some were using ambush glyph and playing mainly in stealth and then truck sticking AB backstabs with +5 weapon damage, or glyphed into SS combo point and playing as a past version of a WW monk. Hell we still had dodge rogues back then too and there were even options for lifestealing rogues / debuffing rogues. Paladins could FC, heal, block shield dps, or play a complete life drain play style that would heal them for roughly 200 hp on every melee attack they use. There were SO many different ways of gearing and playing and it was all about running different gear sets vs different twinks
Since cata, there's been pretty much 1 viable bis set of gear for every viable spec and nearly everyone has been able to obtain that set or at least so close to it, that no one would be able to see a noticeable difference except for the armory / inspect window. At that point, gear loses it's relevance and/or significance as everyone is put on the same chopping block. At that point, we could have done away with all gear and our outcomes wouldn't have changed in respects to comparing two of the same specs to each other.
If you've played pre cata, chances are you're well aware of all of this and you have not put much value in your own gear for the past few years as there are still pieces of gear in our bags that we used to use daily that we can no longer equip. "BIS" has been a laughable epeen buff that to me, has never been of any desire. I know some people like going for that status, but I believe many take it too seriously. Most of the time back in the day, we spent more time premading on horribly geared violet hat wearing random CC classes that were needed over our main bis twinks. I don't think any of my casters have mindthrust bracers equipped yet I've had more than enough pairs for everyone of my twinks and multiple sets since back when they even gave - stamina. I simply don't care to equip gear that will result in 0 noticeable difference to me on toons that I rarely play just to say "BIS M8". (Will I equip them on my casters, sure when I feel like it since I have them and they're dropping daily now)
I think an interesting saying has needed to be made clear to this community, is similar to:
You should never put more value in pixels, than the enjoyment of obtaining said pixels is worth to you.
Which means, since mmos are constantly changing, if you're going to go for a valuable / rare / difficult to obtain item, the enjoyment in grinding it alone should bring most enjoyment... not the actual item itself as chances are that item can lose it's rarity, significance, or even availability. I understand no one really enjoys grinding gloomshrouds more than actually having them on their armories, but long story short, don't pay $250 out of pocket for something now that's nearly impossible to obtain if shortly after everyone and their mother will be able to easily farm the item and that will devalue the "grind" you paid to get the item.
off topic reflection: Perhaps most of my opinions are out of the complete lack of feeling as though I need to impress anyone in this community as that has always resulted in an ignorance that prevents the community from adapting things that are seen to be outside of the norm. (Inc Cata Crusader rogue back when snd resulted in loads of sader procs which boosted AP by 200 and was stackable yet I was the only rogue back then to discover / use it and was mocked, despite me making a good majority of the best of 19s lists at that time)
[MENTION=6446]Mocha[/MENTION] It quite amusing how some people get wrapped up in being "BiS". On what I would call my "main" level 20 twenty P2P toon I do no even have Magefists equipped. Yet, I own five of them. Mostly because I am constantly buying and selling the damn things just to make gold.
BTW, these changes may be coming in September-October. The prepatches normally come around 30-45 days before the expansion. We have about 11 more months to speculate. No need for us to get our panties in a wad just yet.
Yeah let's prematurely judge shit that hasn't even been added to the beta of the game that won't be released in over six months from now.
This idiotic ignorance of reading one post or seeing something in patch notes and then spewing all over forums is exactly what holds the community back.
Blaze is introducing known items to speculate about how things may be... However, we haven't even the single slightest clue of the magnitude of any changes, nor will we until they hit beta and are tweaked. Once things are introduced to beta, educational speculation will start to come into place. Until then, we haven't the single clue of any significance.
People need to not overreact and try to over-speculate.
As we've seen countless times, (idk if this is you guys's first expansion or not, but most of you are acting like it is) anything and everything can and will change no matter if it's a last minute, prebeta, beta or even if it's been added to the game already.
This is one if not the main reason why twinking even exists. Getting the best gear/enchant etc. possible. Quite amusing that you find it amusing that people care about being BIS.
The only one in this thread who should take a chill pill is you my friend
This is one if not the main reason why twinking even exists. Getting the best gear/enchant etc. possible. Quite amusing that you find it amusing that people care about being BIS.
If the changes stick, I expect all shamans to be mature about it. Luckily, most shams are not 14-year old pathetic fotm rollers as of now (Unlike 95% of 19 rogue and 29 BM's). I for one will not be abusing the set (except the 1-2 games to test and confirm). We should all make sure people don't abuse it by reporting them afk or simply by not fighting them.
If the changes stick, I expect all shamans to be mature about it. Luckily, most shams are not 14-year old pathetic fotm rollers as of now (Unlike 95% of 19 rogue and 29 BM's). I for one will not be abusing the set (except the 1-2 games to test and confirm). We should all make sure people don't abuse it by reporting them afk or simply by not fighting them.
If the changes stick, I expect all shamans to be mature about it. Luckily, most shams are not 14-year old pathetic fotm rollers as of now (Unlike 95% of 19 rogue and 29 BM's). I for one will not be abusing the set (except the 1-2 games to test and confirm). We should all make sure people don't abuse it by reporting them afk or simply by not fighting them.
If the changes stick, I expect all shamans to be mature about it. Luckily, most shams are not 14-year old pathetic fotm rollers as of now (Unlike 95% of 19 rogue and 29 BM's). I for one will not be abusing the set (except the 1-2 games to test and confirm). We should all make sure people don't abuse it by reporting them afk or simply by not fighting them.