Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

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Natural, so you'd be willing to go down as much as ?

i mean it'd be simple for blizz to actually get enchants going on proff like our talents goes with level.

if you wish i'd say that...

level 1-19 = 1-75 enchants

level 20-29 = 1-150 enchants

level 30-39 = 151-225 enchants

level 40-60 = 226-300 enchants

level 61-70 = 301-375 enchants

level 71-80 = 376-450 enchants

now that would make twinking quite stabilised !

oh and since shoulders and helmets aren't supposed to be appearing until level 20, why let these twinks have em. just delete all those gears at once. and profession (all of them should work the same way.) it would make the things far more interesting for everything to work by levels and not by what you can do or not ! oh ditch the whole item level things, put a required level on all items including the quest items !

natural, this game isn't created for us to be picky at what we should be doing, its made for the people to level characters, get gears for them and all, you already know this. this includes leveling low levels faster until we can get to the fun part faster. the BOA gears have been done with that in mind and they are doing exactly what they were supposed to be.

but hey, why not create yourself your own game see if you can keep everybody happy !

seriously, if they start nerfing things like this, they should nerf the whole system down too. i'm starting to think my idea on the enchants should work for all proffessions. would probably make things gain more popularity when it comes to low level things. imagine low level enchants actually being used and sold, that would make the economy raise to death and it'd be a good thing for everybody !
You do realize half of the crap people have are glitches right?

30 stam/resil or naxx shoulders were never ment to be on a low level toon, 19s weren't ment to have professions past 150, 29 225, etc.

While I do like the leg enchant armor, I can deal without it, this would take us back closer to the days of Orginal wow end/start of BC twinking, about the time cross-realms came out....if you played back in that time period, it was one of the most prosperous for twinking.
Hmm...really? Well...this changes everything...and for the better by far.

Flag Carriers go from 3k health, to...?1.5k? XD -500 from mining, -400 from pants, -300 from shoulders...the 19 bracket is looking much, much more friendly to my eyes...
I guess there's some rumors about the leg patches not working on 80s either at the moment? Not sure though, can anyone confirm this?
Lol seriously, ive been looking around - and its the same thing, but split up into 5 different spots ><

But as for the twinking things, yeah - I am really, realling hoping this isn't some bug, and blizzard has finally stepped in and done something :D
Looks like twinking is taking a big hit. Blizzard listened too the scrubs and is trying too allow moderate amounts of twinking without leaving green equipped hunters from being able to kill a twink. Good time to call it quits if this is all true.
So User let me get this straight, your going to quit because they might be fixxing alot of the problems that were never intended? IMO its a big fix not a big hit, most twinks weren't around for the golden age of cross-realm pvp when it was brand spanking new and bc enchants were just a dream. it was an amazing time for twinks.
It's going to be interesting to see how people react to this, if it goes live. While it makes me a little sad that a lot of the work I've put into my druid will be wasted it's the work I'm mourning - not the gear itself.

I've been twinking since shortly after the first fiery rogue popped up on my server and my first character was a priest. The idea then was that I would be able to support my team and assist in a win, but if the team itself wasn't able to manage basic strats then I wouldn't have a win/lose influence on the game myself. Who knows, she might even be viable to play again. o_O

My concern is that there is already a general leaning (at least on the battlegroups I've played on) towards melee or non-caster ranged for twinking because of the dps output, and the removal of these items may hurt casters more than these. I'd hate to see the bracket (10-19 I'm referring to) lose some of the variety it has picked up since those pre-BC days.
Why not? it messes up my build and twinking takes up alot of time. Ill probably see how it goes first then decide for sure. I really liked the leg enchants, I personally like the fact that building a twink requires a level 80 / gold and planning. My first twink was a reroll as a result of this. Just think about the fact that the leg/shoulder chants could be nerfed and the 450 proffessions left as is.
Heh that would be a pain, personally I never liked the idea of having to have a max level toon to make a twink, I liked it back in the day when all the best gear was from quest/drops/instances, so the most you needed was a friend with a max level toon.
I thought about this Maoko, and It is an unfortunate possibility, Im sure casters will cope with it, and be even more creative to make up for their disadvantage. As for the damage-health input, I hope this will be fixed - or more leveled now.
Maoko said:
My concern is that there is already a general leaning (at least on the battlegroups I've played on) towards melee or non-caster ranged for twinking because of the dps output, and the removal of these items may hurt casters more than these. I'd hate to see the bracket (10-19 I'm referring to) lose some of the variety it has picked up since those pre-BC days.

This hits the nail on the head. Twinking was great back in the old school days, but casters were really gimped because the available gear favored melee classes and hunters.

I like the change to the leggings because there are some really cool pants out there that aren't used because they are bind on pickup. And I'm glad I saved my Atal'ai Leggings of the Monkey and of Agility... :D

What I'm hoping is that these changes don't screw up 39 and 49 too badly, I was really starting to like those brackets.

All in all, I am happy with balancing changes that allow new players to be productive in pvp. The players who use potions, available enchants, BoA's, etc. will still have an advantage...they just won't be able to utterly humiliate ungeared players like they used to.
Mazurati said:
lol. nice fish you have in your bags hehe. those damn lesbian fish!

:rolleyes: yeah, that's the third one of those I've caught in my past four months of fishing on that toon. Still no hat or boots. /sigh
This could go two directions:

1. The "lesser" leg kits, such as 30/12 and 15/25 will still function on low levels. Not only would this make sense by having the twink brackets' available enchantments scale with level and make 29s more viable, it would show a direct attempt by blizzard to balance twinking. If such is the case, combined with all the new twink gear additions and changes (and even the nerfing of major health), we should thank blizzard for finally caring and, ecouragingly (not demandingly), bring up the grandfathering issues. With luck this could be an official turn in the right direction :)

2. Blizzard is directly trying to undermine twinking. The new gear changes are a coincidence as they try to "buff" solo leveling. This would be an unprecedented new direction for Blizzard but not unimaginable.

Personally I think situation 1 is more likely. The possibility of all of these changes occurring without Blizzard considering the twink community just seems to become less and less likely with each passing 3.1 PTR report. I'm very optimistic about this. Even if it's unwise to scale enchantments by level, it could signify the beginning of Blizzard finally supporting twink PvP. That could be a very good thing (depending on how much they listen to our feedback).

Vircy said:
Is it just more or that picture show Inscription of the Gladiator being nerfed, not leg chants? If so that would be another good thing :)

EDIT: lol i got confused somehow but now I understand this pic. Inscription of the Gladiator is still bugged :(
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