Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

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Naturaltalnt said:
It would be pretty lame if they also restricted original wow enchants as well.
TBH, i'm all for it. if there were level requirements on all enchants, there would be much less DPS and a little less health, and it would be about as balanced as it is now, except with puggers having a fairer chance.

PS: Some of these threads are starting to get long neh druid? woots.

1111 posts
I know, awhile back I ran some numbers..and for awhile you and me held 20% of all posts on twinkinfo..kinda scary lol.

Im all for taking away shoulder enchants, and even leg kits...but taking away librams was a kick in the face imo.

if there are no enchants its still gonna be a gear diffrence and level diffrence, it will never be fair to puggers unless everyone has the exact same gear, talents, items, etc.
Naturaltalnt said:
Im all for taking away shoulder enchants, and even leg kits...but taking away librams was a kick in the face imo.
can you explain why it's a kick in the face? in raw terms all i see it as is a nerf to all twinks, thus evening the playing field. i don't care if they have been out for awhile, they are basically unfair enchantments only more experienced and main-bound players can get.

if there are no enchants its still gonna be a gear diffrence and level diffrence, it will never be fair to puggers unless everyone has the exact same gear, talents, items, etc.

true. and if we reduce the twinks' power but keep the puggers at the same, it will even things out a little more.

i'm not going to say twinks are going to be on par with puggers, i'm just saying if 3.1 has the same changes as PTR, it's going to be fairer to puggers.
1) its not a huge increase of stats

2) its been out forever

3) no one besides twinks use them now

4) they are easy as hell to get

5) its gotten to the point where people sell libram arcaniums for a decent price, so even if you have no idea how to get it..any one can

6) its easy to make a twink... personally keep twinks the way they are and let people QQ keep QQing, they always will..nothing will change even if they get rid of twinks, they will move on to something else.
ok, seriously, any people wanting to do PVP while not geared at all, are just that... crazy people.

when i first entered a BG at 14 to see what it was my reaction wasn't "WTF nerf the twinks so i can have a chance" it was more like "wow, the difference is that big, i better get my gear up a notch !" seriously, people should think before going tinto PVP, it says it all there in 3 letters, P.V.P player against player is bound to be determined by 2 things, skills and stats. its evident before even going into it. so i still wonder why you guys are thinking of PUGGERS. i'm not, they knew what to expect when they joined, and if they weren't, they will by playing. after that if they can't make a small research on it and do as i did and ask people around town how things works, then its their problem, not ours.

i've seen level 15-16 running flag better then many 19 twinks. i'm not going to think of the crazy people at this point.

for enchants, yeah i do understand the TBC, WOTLK enchants going away, aftera ll you're not suppose to have them at any brackets under 60. but i do wonder why the +100hp to chest has been going ? the libram i can understand with all the trouble to get it, its a pain in the ass. might as well get it off. it doesn't phase me that much, hurts but not that much. but +100hp to chest... why kill that one, if not to focus more on dps then life.

i wonder...
I like Arthurians reply...it is player vs player after all, its not like twinks get new gear every week..once you design your guy your finished and can enjoy them.

any one and everyone can do it, even without money/friends/or an 80 you can get the best of the best stuff..or stuff on par with it.

the only people that seem to whine are people that never gave it a chance, I know TONS of people that though twinks were a waste of time...they made one and said it was one of the funniest things they had done in wow.
Sorry if someones already mentioned this, but couldn't be bothered sifting through 11 or so pages.

But I've heard that the JC trinkets, e.g. Black Pearl Panther will require you to keep JC to use them?

Naturaltalnt said:
1) its not a huge increase of stats
so why care?

2) its been out forever
and blizzard is finally able to change it to a more fair way. coding stuff isn't easy to figure out. i'm glad blizzard finally figured out how to make it so only the appropriate levels can get it.

3) no one besides twinks use them now
right, let it be fairer

4) they are easy as hell to get
not necessarily. you need a main to do it. not only that, but you need someone to know how to do it too.

5) its gotten to the point where people sell libram arcaniums for a decent price, so even if you have no idea how to get it..any one can

no. if you have no idea how to get it, you're not going to get it. i'm confused by your statement actually : /

6) its easy to make a twink... personally keep twinks the way they are and let people QQ keep QQing, they always will..nothing will change even if they get rid of twinks, they will move on to something else.

it's not necessarily easy to make a twink.

i know that without librams or leg kits, it will be easier. you can't just say it's easy though when you need relatively high leveled enchants.

anyways, the point is - no librams = easier twinking and fairer pug games.
Druiddroid said:
they are basically unfair enchantments only more experienced and main-bound players can get.

one could easily redirect to also include BoA gear.

-trinkets with + spell power, haste, resilience, mana back, health back, etc. there are none within the game that really even compare or better yet....not even available thru drops or thru PVP vendors.

-shoulders none in the 19 bracket even come close to BoA shoulder

-with the latest PTR changes the caster mace/staff boost at 39 level makes them better than anything at 49 level. i saw a 55 blue staff drop in stratholme today and it's not even close to being as good as the BOA staff at 39 stat level.

-BoA melee weapons in most situations are only .5 to .8 less DPS than the ingame items, but the stats attached make up for and recover that difference.

-BoA ranged weapons are proving to actually be better than ingame ranged weapons.

BoA gear is basically unfair gear in PVP only more experienced and main-bound players can get.
yes, i'm against BoA items too. although i don't have much ground to stand on when i don't have an 80.

however, they are much more likely to make people level to 80 that much more quickly, which is for better or worse what blizzard wants. if some guy figures out that if he gets to 80 that he can have an orange weapon with really good stats, he's going to be more influenced to level to 80. librams don't have that same effect.

i guess in the end they are unfair to non-twinks, but will keep WoW addictions flowing : /

overall i do like the 3.1 changes and the removal of librams. fairer play will make it more challenging for twinks, which should allow skilled twinks to shine more. i can live without BoAs :p
i really don't know what you guys have against BOA really, its not as if they killed the game. the thing is, i hate leveling characters, i'm not alone in that, i have like 1 80, 2x 70+ and i really hate it to level another class just because i want more diversity. those BOA are quite cool cause i don't have to lose time on those dungeons just to get better gear and go on. makes my life better on this part.

as for BOA, i really don't know why you are making it big of a deal, its not as if they had replaced all gears at any level now have they ? seriously, at 19 the only thing good is the shoulders and at that it depends on your views on it. i can tell you what it is... on my hunter its barely 1 more AP if i compare them to the +9agi shoulders i had. true they have intellect, but its not that great and so are the crits, not that great either !

what'S the problem about them ?
ArthurianKnight said:
i really don't know what you guys have against BOA really, its not as if they killed the game. the thing is, i hate leveling characters, i'm not alone in that, i have like 1 80, 2x 70+ and i really hate it to level another class just because i want more diversity. those BOA are quite cool cause i don't have to lose time on those dungeons just to get better gear and go on. makes my life better on this part.

as for BOA, i really don't know why you are making it big of a deal, its not as if they had replaced all gears at any level now have they ? seriously, at 19 the only thing good is the shoulders and at that it depends on your views on it. i can tell you what it is... on my hunter its barely 1 more AP if i compare them to the +9agi shoulders i had. true they have intellect, but its not that great and so are the crits, not that great either !

what'S the problem about them ?

i'm not going to make a big deal about them. but i don't like them being twink items personally because they just seem like a gimmick that gets you to level to 80, at least for twinks. as far as the stats go, i'm not going to make a huge deal if someone has a bit more stam or spellpower than me (although i do have slight envy). they earned it, anyways...

i'm just talking from the eyes of a twink here, not someone who wants to experience end-game content.
The main problem with BoA's will become evident when they add more of them, especially if they put a level requirement on enchants rather than the current item level requirement.

Imagine you'd have to farm 400 Badges to gear your twink in BoA's... This would completely undo the advantage of the current changes, which is easier twinking.

Oh, almost forgot: Again there are no changes in the new PTR Build (9742)
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