Leg Kits, Shoulder Enchants, & Professions nerfed?

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long time troll(no pun intended)of these forums

I hope someone from blizzard will see this

I dont mind the changes as long as its even and balanced, If Blizz is gonna do this i would hope they also take the time to balance it out so heals can keep up with the dps output. I enjoy twinking because of the longer fights instead of the 3 shot your dead playstyle theyve embraced in endgame.

also i would be interested to know if there are any good private servers running where we could keep things the way they are now?
I got Scryers to exalted for the spellthread just a few days ago, so quite understandably I'm fuming. I spent days farming, and probably close to 1000G on tomes and rings on the AH, and all for what?

A ****ing tabard.
I'm very worried about the state of the 49 bracket after this. I'm not getting my panties in a knot yet... 80s aren't getting the effects of any of this either.

A bracket that's already very bursty is going to get more bursty. Not something that I look forward to. Keeping the leg armor is fair in my opinion, and we can still ave 375 professions. But please scale it for those who have surpassed 375.
With these changes, the only bracket this feels like it really fixes is the 19 bracket. I'm sincerely worried about the already bursty 49s, with everyone's health pools dropping slightly, I wondering how much of a glib-fest it could be.
I think leg enchants should be kept. They help balance the brackets out a little, and they're easily obtainable by everyone.
I've been looking over the numbers for my own warrior in the 49s and not only will this not hit me too bad, but it might actually be a buff if everything else is considered. I'm currently at 4.6K health with 290 in mining... with 3.1 I'll pop on an extra libram of constitution, switch out my Rune of the Guard Captain for that new flashlight with 24 +hit, pop on my Hydralick armor since I won't need the Spiderfang's hit anymore, finish up my mining, and still be at 4.4K health.

So I'm losing 200 health but I'll also be gaining a much more forgiving stance dance, my disarm will work like dismantle, 5% more damage in Def. Stance (taken and giving), and everyone else will be a lil' short on health too.

Talked it over with my Holy Pally friend (also 49), and he's pretty much unconcerned. He's sad to lose the spell power, but other than that he's not worried. Not only that, but we're still looking to switch out his BoA main hand for a BoP from Maraudon that can get the BC spellpower enchant, so that will even out.

My primary concern is for clothies though. Mages/Locks/Priests, are they gonna be able to take the hits in order to be competitive? I can open with a charge->White swing (~300)->Concussion Blow (~700)->White Swing (~300)->Shield Slam (~700) for about 2K damage within three seconds and a stun. That's without critting. I'm hoping clothies can still get at least 2.5K health without gimping their damage much, because as amusing as insta-gibbing a mage can be for me... I don't think they'd like it much. :p
Yea I'm most concerned for the clothies right now.

Oh and what BoP for Mara??! Am I missing something?
Taitaih said:
Oh and what BoP for Mara??! Am I missing something?

Ah the "Inventor's Focal Sword", it has +14 crit and drops from Gizlock. Has no other stats and was probably a melee weapon before the whole caster crit = melee crit thing, but he's pretty pumped about getting crit heals.
Oh, I completely misread your post. I thought you said there was a drop that could take WotLK enchants. Stupid me!

I usually run with Arbiter's Blade or my Azsharite with +63 spellpower depending on my mood. The crit on inventor's is definitely nice but I have 450 skinning (which I'll have to relevel to 375 seeing how PTR is going right now), so my crit's pretty high already.

"I hardly think losing 35 sp and 100hp is going to make casters gimps. And I'm ignoring losing boas and profs because I didn't have those until a few weeks ago, and didn't feel very gimp."

Really? Maybe because your rolling 39's.
Has anyone ever thought if this patch comes out a little bit earlier and it becomes a huge APRIL FOOLS!?! But seriously, I like it with the ZG enchants/BOA's, Naxx, and Porfessions getting nerfed but the leg armor I mean, come on! I just bought a pair of necro legs and put some runic spellthread on them and spent around 600+g and now within less than a month it'll be gone? Or worthless?
I think that's another thing that really irks me is the money that I've lost getting all of the spellthreads... that could have been used to get librams now. Considering I have 6+ twinks with multiple sets of gear on quite a few of them. At least three Silvershells, five Vault legs, and a set of spellshocks (at least those are best in slot for now).

But that's just kinda a side note at the moment. ><
Taitaih said:
I think that's another thing that really irks me is the money that I've lost getting all of the spellthreads... that could have been used to get librams now. Considering I have 6+ twinks with multiple sets of gear on quite a few of them. At least three Silvershells, five Vault legs, and a set of spellshocks (at least those are best in slot for now).

But that's just kinda a side note at the moment. ><

Expect libram prices to skyrocket. So let's hope they wipe libram enchants, too.
No Mojo said:
Expect libram prices to skyrocket. So let's hope they wipe libram enchants, too.

I just bought 15 librams from a player wow was quitting for about 200g for all.

I got-

2x 100HP

2x 8agi

1x spirit

3x intellect

1x haste rating

1x 150 mana

1x the armor one


1x spell dmg
Keep in mind that I've heard (unconfirmed) reports that ALL levels are not getting the BC leg/shoulder enchants at this time. I'll see if I can confirm it this week on my Druid for the legs and shoulders (I'm stuck at a tradeshow from Tuesday to Friday- gogogo gadget laptop!) so it could be that they just "accidentally" turned them off; that may be the case, as they are still "active/green" as apposed to the 100 HP to chest that's "disabled/red."

Rememeber that when they’re coding such a melded game as WoW, one random line of code can have vast changes on the game (Or don’t re remember the sound file chance on Bloodrage that resulted in everything in the game “RAWR-ing” at you?
I've heard that higher levels are in fact getting the buffs from the leg armor. However I can't confirm that myself until I transfer one of my higher characters over.
Taitaih said:
I've heard that higher levels are in fact getting the buffs from the leg armor. However I can't confirm that myself until I transfer one of my higher characters over.

Make sure that you're quailifing which leg enchant you're refering to- The WotLK ones DO work; but reports I've been seeing are that the BC versions are not.....
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