Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

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If anyone not familiar with why and wants to question it, ask now.

Cant believe I wrote it wrong

Edit: After much discussion I, at least, changed my mind from total ban to: rogues not using it, this is ofc up for discussion, I just want rogues to understand the pros and cons with using it in arena
It changes the games from being skilled based, to proc base, and completely ruins RvR encounters. A faire fired rogue without a priest is as good as dead, and when other classes are crutching on a proc it just degenerates the whole game.
cus the wep makes you win, not skill.

Its like a bracer denying dots to be cast when fighting a lock,

or a neck denying heals to be cast when fighting a healer

or a tabard denying CC to be cast

or a W/e item denying druids to shapeshift

or a mage to blink

or a pally to bubble

or a shaman to use totems

or a hunter to use traps

or a warrior to switch stances

Regulate said:
hmm 2 rogues defending taking away the sword? ruin this bracket more before it begins...i dare u

unlike the BOA or AGM changes beeing discussed, the sword has been denied for at least a year by everyone in cyclone. Were going blackout, but still
I don't know, i hear bitching. It's been in the game since before BC, where as BoAs have been in for a short time. So what if the rogue cant restealth, big deal.
dusky said:
so long as one person is using it, it's disadvantageous to boycott it

No one uses it for other purposes then because the proc so that person has another wep. - Yes I know that

We will most likely have less people if its alowed
We always lived by this rule in EU cyclone, the vast majority agreed it was a fair decision.

If those wish to go against it we will just skip arena or duels with them. It's no skin off my nose.
We managed it in cyclone - the biggest EU 39 twink community, no reason why it will not be enforced again.
No yeti did use one in arena soo we never banned it at all

I cant see how DLS ban or not ban whould be decided by rogues, if we think to the full bracket
nope, he used the sword also, depending on team. Get ur facts straight champ and stop trying to improve rogue chances.

edit - and feral dr00ds who wantz the resets!
No i had a big debate with him and he agreed to stop using it. Talking about rogue chances a load of shit. Have your sword, I'll just take a priest 24/7 and stuff you all.
but cptbear, u said in guild chat that you thought he was the biggest twat you had ever come across? what gives....
Walawala said:
I don't know, i hear bitching. It's been in the game since before BC, where as BoAs have been in for a short time. So what if the rogue cant restealth, big deal.

having the few extra stats from a BOA isn't game changing

not beeing able to restelth is

so ye that is kinda big deal

I don't get why people defend DL, do you really suck so much that you have to rely on a random proc to win?
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