Just wanted to say that BOA's or no BOA's, Dazzling longsward is still a no-go

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Med'an said:
having the few extra stats from a BOA isn't game changing

not beeing able to restelth is

so ye that is kinda big deal

I don't get why people defend DL, do you really suck so much that you have to rely on a random proc to win?

No, but a sword is a sword, and twinks use any item to get the upper hand. If you rely on Vanishing or stealthing every fight as a rogue, give up now.
rogues qq too much, as classes go rogues have some of the best/easiest ways to escape a nuke at 39. Plus, the proc chance on that sword aint even good, its just a little bonus if it procs - as twinkytoes said, if u rely solely on stealth resets gtfo tbh
Regulate said:
rogues qq too much, as classes go rogues have some of the best/easiest ways to escape a nuke at 39. Plus, the proc chance on that sword aint even good, its just a little bonus if it procs - as twinkytoes said, if u rely solely on stealth resets gtfo tbh

"the proc chance on that sword aint even good, its just a little bonus if it procs"

So in other words 100% luck based, except the bonus isn't just little, its game changing. You could say a druid also has fari fire, but he actually has to cast it, taking away the luck based part. + they are balanced around it

"if u rely solely on stealth resets gtfo tbh"

No, but I want to remove RNG like 99% of the rest of the ppl that play rated/unrated arena.

- I cant tell you what to use or what not to use, but if you use DL in a match and it procs, you wont ever win because of skill but because of a proc. (Do you really want to win because of one proc?) The people that played in cyclone understood this and didn't want or even need a low random proc to win. I'm not saying you need it to win, you might own without it, but its no way of knowing if you bring Dazzling.

Do you need to be carried by Dazzling? I honestly don't think you do, show me!:)
if you ban Dazzling Lonsword then you might as well ban dismantle and disarm as well. they both effectively take away certain classes ability to attack. at the same time you should ban all counterspell type spells as casters can't cast for a period of time

just my 2c and another point of view to look at.
Sanitarium said:
if you ban Dazzling Lonsword then you might as well ban dismantle and disarm as well. they both effectively take away certain classes ability to attack. at the same time you should ban all counterspell type spells as casters can't cast for a period of time

just my 2c and another point of view to look at.

I actually thought someone would mention dismantle or counterspell. Dazzling proc lasts for frikking 30 sek while dismantle only lasts for 10 sek or in most cases 5 sek. Dismantle is also a class ability with a CD. You have to decide to use it and where to use it, its not a rng proc based ability. Witch makes the dazzling proc and dismantle/counterspell totally incomparable in my eyes.
meh, it was just a quick post i made without putting any thought into it. you bring up good points and i'd rebuttal but i really don't care and i'm not invested enough in the situation to care.

GL to EU 39s, I know they're hella fun in the US. Hopefully you guys get to a point where DLS/BOAs/AGM are all allowed due to the ease in being able to obtain them.
Sanitarium said:
meh, it was just a quick post i made without putting any thought into it. you bring up good points and i'd rebuttal but i really don't care and i'm not invested enough in the situation to care.

GL to EU 39s, I know they're hella fun in the US. Hopefully you guys get to a point where DLS/BOAs/AGM are all allowed due to the ease in being able to obtain them.

np, wasn't an angry reply to your post. You kinda helped me actually:)

- DL is not hard to get and that's not why were having this debate

Thanks for the support;)
Please, Med'An, stop bitching that much.

Just because you are mad about the fact, that AGM isnt 'allowed'

If you rely on vanishing, give up now, as Twinkytoes also say.
With DLS its kinda the same thing with boa's and agm. If this bracket get bigger, how exactly are we going to be able to control that someone no using agm, boa/boas and DSL in a warsong battle for exampe?

I hope people get that it's not fun to go against someone with DSL in a arena, its like a general agreement that we going to try keep it fair. Since if everybody just try get the upper hand with DSL for example, people gonna lose intrest in the bracket (= bracket die's).
Splenda said:
Please, Med'An, stop bitching that much.

Just because you are mad about the fact, that AGM isnt 'allowed'

If you rely on vanishing, give up now, as Twinkytoes also say.
Also tell people to stop bitching about thing's is really not the way to go. We have to be able to keep a dialog about thing's, things like this.
"No, but I want to remove RNG like 99% of the rest of the ppl that play rated/unrated arena."

f this is what you want, quit WoW.
Twinkytoes said:
"No, but I want to remove RNG like 99% of the rest of the ppl that play rated/unrated arena."

f this is what you want, quit WoW.
This is about EU, twinkytoes. go kill some more mage's.
elocon said:
With DLS its kinda the same thing with boa's and agm. If this bracket get bigger, how exactly are we going to be able to control that someone no using agm, boa/boas and DSL in a warsong battle for exampe?

I hope people get that it's not fun to go against someone with DSL in a arena, its like a general agreement that we going to try keep it fair. Since if everybody just try get the upper hand with DSL for example, people gonna lose intrest in the bracket (= bracket die's).

Double post. I'm hoping that everyone in the bracket isn't a rogue. And Med'an is just QQing because he is a rogue, and of course, he doesn't want to be gimped. Lifes not fair buddy, and people need to counter rogues somehow, after the 2min stunlock of course.
Splenda said:
Please, Med'An, stop bitching that much.

Just because you are mad about the fact, that AGM isnt 'allowed'

If you rely on vanishing, give up now, as Twinkytoes also say.

The part about AGM and BOA's were a troll, but if you don't know me its hard to see, so I'm telling you now:)

DL however isn't. The point of this thread was to explain to people why it should be banned, but if you insist on using it that's 100% your own choice.

It is IMO, like Elocon mentions

"(Also tell people to stop bitching about thing's is really not the way to go. We have to be able to keep a dialog about thing's, things like this)"

important that we can discuss certain things without hating each other, its a small bracket and we can only rebuild it together. I have nothing against you and look forward to playing with/against you even though we don't agree on everything. So please, even though it might hurt a little, try to keep the discussion friendly and to the point. And ps, don't take this as a "This is how we should do it, Son" comment

Also, nearly everyone that could potentially use Dazzling are rogues. Others could use it, but its much rarer seeing a warrior using it or another class. If we ban Dazzling it will be beneficial for all the rogues since no one uses it against them either. Only rogues I can see that would support DL usage are the ones with the same mentality as a suicide bomber (witch requires no skill whatsoever) "I don't care what happens to me as long as I fuck up for someone else" - PS, not directed towards you Splenda, but over all.

If we cant convince all the classes on not using DL, we should at least agree us rogues that none shal use it, much like biological bombs, it has a nice usage but it brings to much negative with it. Yeah, I just compared DL usage on a rogue with biological bombs:p
Splenda said:
I'm going to use that sword against you, everytime i see you.


cus you have no chance of winning without

-What's your main class anyways
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