Johneffer's holy/prot/ret sets

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Llare said:
That should be the general guideline. Obviously items with over the top stats, such as Jutebraid, need to be considered. With rogues derping around, Arc Mages or Prot Pallys having you in their target (as they should) and the general OTT damage (fury warriors, and all the other burst) you need to make sure you survive these lockout periods.

I'll pass. I've provided enough detail to assure my experience.

im not going to take your opinion untill you show me a 'BiS' paladin of yours.
Johneffer said:
and bro... my Fc set is for holy, that is not it...

Llare said:
Sets should never deviate to Cloth, because you aren't Flag Carrying

Please read more attentively.
Johneffer said:
This set is more effective on D where you would be healing a Fc or something, the health is still nice (1500 - 1600) which is reasonable against a 2 ambush attack. instant heals are the reason why i keep that set, if it wasn't what it is i would trash it. I guess it is also viable for O also. I know how to play paladins, i know that that set rarely fails. Trust me, I know what im doing for the most part, lol.

Read more carefully.
being on O is not something an FC would do, being on D ussualy means to protect the FC or the flag room.
johneffer said:
read more carefully.

llare said:
as a holy paladin you should be flag carrying. If it's a prot pally fcing, or a druid, they're much easier to kill with a group than a holy paladin is. Holys have the best survivability. Sets should never deviate to cloth, because you aren't flag carrying. Think of the melee presence their o might have. The more mitigation you have, the less panic buttons+cooldowns you'll be mashing, and it'll let you do your job easier. If you're forced to cast a fol while in d; with the amount of rogues running around, you should be dead.

Holy paladins like you drop instantly if you get hojd, asd or csd without cds. If you can increase your chance to survive under these conditions, you take it. Cloth, sp and high int will not increase this. It might make your burst healing a tiny bit better. But in all honesty, it just isn't worth it.

For goodness sake. I countered your "arguement" with proper information. Read.
Llare said:
For goodness sake. I countered your "arguement" with proper information. Read.

this isn't an argument. It is a person who actually plays a paladin trying to teach a person who doesnt play a paladin what set is viable for D and O healing! RAGGE!
Johneffer said:
this isn't an argument. It is a person who actually plays a paladin trying to teach a person who doesnt play a paladin what set is viable for D and O healing! RAGGE!

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really suggesting, you have ANYTHING to rage about, YOU FUCKING CREATURE. READ and TAKE IN what I have SAID, it will SERVE YOU WELL IN THE FUTURE. I have PLAYED Holy Paladin for much longer than you. Seeing Darkweave Breeches on a Holy Paladin, at ANY span across twinking history is enough to make me want to SCRATCH MY EYES OUT.

You have stated nothing, absolutely nothing. I have countered every single thing you have said with valid points, then all you do, is pop back with some ridiculous remark. Grow the fuck up and take heed to what people say.
Llare said:
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really suggesting, you have ANYTHING to rage about, YOU FUCKING CREATURE. READ and TAKE IN what I have SAID, it will SERVE YOU WELL IN THE FUTURE. I have PLAYED Holy Paladin for much longer than you. Seeing Darkweave Breeches on a Holy Paladin, at ANY span across twinking history is enough to make me want to SCRATCH MY EYES OUT.

You have stated nothing, absolutely nothing. I have countered every single thing you have said with valid points, then all you do, is pop back with some ridiculous remark. Grow the fuck up and take heed to what people say.

No no, you take 'heed' of what i have to say. Maybe you will learn a little bit and calm down, kid.
Llare thanks for your priceless information and advice that you stated in a wonderfully awesome manner, thanks for providing proof you know what you are talking about and thanks for not resorting to insults.

Best regards,
Llare said:
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really suggesting, you have ANYTHING to rage about, YOU FUCKING CREATURE. READ and TAKE IN what I have SAID, it will SERVE YOU WELL IN THE FUTURE. I have PLAYED Holy Paladin for much longer than you. Seeing Darkweave Breeches on a Holy Paladin, at ANY span across twinking history is enough to make me want to SCRATCH MY EYES OUT.

You have stated nothing, absolutely nothing. I have countered every single thing you have said with valid points, then all you do, is pop back with some ridiculous remark. Grow the fuck up and take heed to what people say.

You wont take anyones advice that isn't your owns unless you idolize that person, just like me. I think we are done here.
Eliot said:
Llare thanks for you priceless information you stated in a wonderfully awesome manner, thanks for providing proof you know what you are talking about and thanks for not resorting to insults.

Best regards,

Lol Eliot! <3 you
Eliot said:
Llare thanks for you priceless information you stated in a wonderfully awesome manner, thanks for providing proof you know what you are talking about and thanks for not resorting to insults.

Best regards,

You aren't having a debate with this person. He is obviously wrong. I stated my information properly, well meaning, and all I've seen is ridiculous comments. There is right, and there is wrong; the facts I have stated provide enough evidence as to why his gear set is beyond wrong. You're a guildie.

Johneffer said:
No no, you take 'heed' of what i have to say. Maybe you will learn a little bit and calm down, kid.

You are the one, making a thread/the effort for a video, with subpar items, which every decent paladin has known for an age NOT to use, asking a community for Ratings/advice. That's the whole point. If you disregard fact, which I have proven with every bit of effort in me that I can, then what is the point in even visiting a forum such as this.

Johneffer said:
You wont take anyones advice that isn't your owns unless you idolize that person, just like me. I think we are done here.

But your "advice" is wrong. We've established the right way to gear, here in EU. If you're suggesting I idolise anyone, you're mistaken. The information/facts I've stated has been me trying to reason with you.

Don't try and end convosations you should very well know are far from won. You are BEYOND wrong, and any decent Holy Paladin will tell you so. Stop being an ignorant cretin and read, and take in, what other people have said.
Llare said:
You aren't having a debate with this person. He is obviously wrong. I stated my information properly, well meaning, and all I've seen is ridiculous comments. There is right, and there is wrong; the facts I have stated provide enough evidence as to why his gear set is beyond wrong. You're a guildie.

You are the one, making a thread/the effort for a video, with subpar items, which every decent paladin has known for an age NOT to use, asking a community for Ratings/advice. That's the whole point. If you disregard fact, which I have proven with every bit of effort in me that I can, then what is the point in even visiting a forum such as this.

But your "advice" is wrong. We've established the right way to gear, here in EU. If you're suggesting I idolise anyone, you're mistaken. The information/facts I've stated has been me trying to reason with you.

Don't try and end convosations you should very well know are far from won. You are BEYOND wrong, and any decent Holy Paladin will tell you so. Stop being an ignorant cretin and read, and take in, what other people have said.

You are fighting a 2v2 battle my friend. Eliot Johneffer versus you and kam or what ever his name was. I dont think you are getting that there is an equal amount of people on my side and on yours. your turn :)
Johneffer said:
You are fighting a 2v2 battle my friend. Eliot Johneffer versus you and kam or what ever his name was. I dont think you are getting that there is an equal amount of people on my side and on yours. your turn :)

While we are on this subject, lets us move to something on higher importancy.

Do you think Mcain woulda been a better president then Obama?
Johneffer said:
You are fighting a 2v2 battle my friend. Eliot Johneffer versus you and kam or what ever his name was. I dont think you are getting that there is an equal amount of people on my side and on yours. your turn :)

Wha.. what does that have to do with anything? Everything I posted pre 4.0.1 has been agreed on, many of the times with Elliot, not personally, informally via this forum. He should know that I know what I'm talking about, since every thread before on Holy Paladins, both I and him contributed to. I'm well aware he is a perfectly alright paladin, you on the other hand, I'm not so sure, you weren't even geared when we were talking about this.

Why would I go to all this effort, stating facts, if a) I don't play a Holy Paladin, b) I'm not experienced, and c) What I'm saying is right. You're desperately trying to defend your frankly awful gear set; I'm stating legitimate facts in attempts to help first off, you, your guild (perhaps) and make sure people are gearing properly. You're trying so fucking hard to deny me this simple act? Why?

Everything I've posted is good solid evidence, you've replied, and I've stated why this is wrong. I provide enough information, and not just "I don't think so".

Kam hasn;t posted anything more on this topic. He is infact right, nonetheless, and it is common knowledge that a cloth heavy set, such as yours, is pretty damn terrible.

It's 1v1, Elliots not posting anything to support you, as he knows you're wrong. And you're trying to defend a losing battle. Fold.
Llare said:
Wha.. what does that have to do with anything? Everything I posted pre 4.0.1 has been agreed on, many of the times with Elliot, not personally, informally via this forum. He should know that I know what I'm talking about, since every thread before on Holy Paladins, both I and him contributed to. I'm well aware he is a perfectly alright paladin, you on the other hand, I'm not so sure, you weren't even geared when we were talking about this.

Why would I go to all this effort, stating facts, if a) I don't play a Holy Paladin, b) I'm not experienced, and c) What I'm saying is right. You're desperately trying to defend your frankly awful gear set; I'm stating legitimate facts in attempts to help first off, you, your guild (perhaps) and make sure people are gearing properly. You're trying so fucking hard to deny me this simple act? Why?

Everything I've posted is good solid evidence, you've replied, and I've stated why this is wrong. I provide enough information, and not just "I don't think so".

Kam hasn;t posted anything more on this topic. He is infact right, nonetheless, and it is common knowledge that a cloth heavy set, such as yours, is pretty damn terrible.

It's 1v1, Elliots not posting anything to support you, as he knows you're wrong. And you're trying to defend a losing battle. Fold.

Eliot supports me on my decision to use this gear. He doesn't disagree with me in other words.

Now now folks, John I'm sorry to tell you I do not agree with or support your gear 100%. Llare I do agree with most of your points however John is correct that I do support him on his decision to use that gear. He finds this gear suits him well and I am okay with that, do I use that gear on my paladin? No, but he has every right to use that gear. Llare I do thank you greatly for trying to help out however I see no point in resorting to insults. :)
Johneffer said:
Eliot supports me on my decision to use this gear. He doesn't disagree with me in other words.


I have no idea how any decent Paladin would let there friend+guildie continue to gear as you are without at least mentioning it, for better premade results also. All of this was intended as constructive, but it was forced to go to a debate; you not taking into account what people've said. I took it upon myself to attempt to alter your view on normal Holy Paladin gearset. If I was unsuccessful, well then, you just can't take in someone's arguement over your own.

If I ever saw a guildie of mine in such a gearset I'd make it clear, quickly, it's not the way to go. As seen in this thread you were probably hostile, thus making Elliot not provoke an arguement. In all honesty, he should've put you in your place.

Edit: this was posted before seeing the Elliot comment. Part of a good healthy guild community should be helping your guildies strive for the best gear/items. I know you knew this, and, following the way I've guilded and the well informed people I've been with, I expected it to come first hand.
Llare said:
I have no idea how any decent Paladin would let there friend+guildie continue to gear as you are without at least mentioning it, for better premade results also. All of this was intended as constructive, but it was forced to go to a debate; you not taking into account what people've said. I took it upon myself to attempt to alter your view on normal Holy Paladin gearset. If I was unsuccessful, well then, you just can't take in someone's arguement over your own.

If I ever saw a guildie of mine in such a gearset I'd make it clear, quickly, it's not the way to go. As seen in this thread you were probably hostile, thus making Elliot not provoke an arguement. In all honesty, he should've put you in your place.

because they know that I am indeed being successful in bgs! what are you trying to prove! and are you serious...
Llare said:
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really suggesting, you have ANYTHING to rage about, YOU FUCKING CREATURE. READ and TAKE IN what I have SAID, it will SERVE YOU WELL IN THE FUTURE. I have PLAYED Holy Paladin for much longer than you. Seeing Darkweave Breeches on a Holy Paladin, at ANY span across twinking history is enough to make me want to SCRATCH MY EYES OUT.

You have stated nothing, absolutely nothing. I have countered every single thing you have said with valid points, then all you do, is pop back with some ridiculous remark. Grow the fuck up and take heed to what people say.

yeah bro, im extremely hostile. oh and i highly doubt you played holy paladin longer then I.
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