It's Time For Some More Good Games!!! Anti-Gy Farming GROUP QUEUES!

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All of you people who say you "strongly" oppose gy farming are off farming in mid and/or farming the FR anyways, and quite frankly I don't see the difference between the three. Either way youre extirpating the opposing twink faction while one of your teamm8s is off pursuing and capturing the flag. Oh and shame on you mocha for wanting the abuse the afk system like that.

On a side note: If you allow yourself to get gy farmed, its YOU and your teams fault. And if you don't like it youre more than welcome to afk
and also, HB didnt come back "Under" my leadership. He is my co-gm and we share the responsibilities of leadership jointly; it was a good decision because "two heads are better than one".

When it comes to public image on TwinkInfo, I think one head may be better than two.
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All of you people who say you "strongly" oppose gy farming are off farming in mid and/or farming the FR anyways, and quite frankly I don't see the difference between the three. Either way youre extirpating the opposing twink faction while one of your teamm8s is off pursuing and capturing the flag. Oh and shame on you mocha for wanting the abuse the afk system like that.

On a side note: If you allow yourself to get gy farmed, its YOU and your teams fault. And if you don't like it youre more than welcome to afk

as long as someone is still making an effort to cap flags people can do w/e the fuck they want farming wise, but it's just a cunt move to farm and not even try to cap flags like you guys were doing yesterday
so your answer for better games is to have a 5 man horde grp que up? when its horde who steamrolls 90% of all games?
When it comes to public image on TwinkInfo, I think one head may be better than two.

agreed. which is what we do. Im in charge of recruitment, which is why im on TI a lot.
Why do people take what kitn or anyone from tC so serious? Self proclaimed #1 because they beat a sub par Waw Tawent..
and also, HB didnt come back "Under" my leadership. He is my co-gm and we share the responsibilities of leadership jointly; it was a good decision because "two heads are better than one".

Mocha it's almost 8, where you at? :(
everybody get your diaper masks on cuz were gettin shitfaced tn!
If you allow yourself to get gy farmed, its YOU and your teams fault. And if you don't like it youre more than welcome to afk

This has got to be one of the worst points I have ever seen anyone make an attempt at making on this website. That's like telling Sneaky it was HIS fault he was hacked.

Confident, you simply are not at the mental level to converse with myself, which as I fully understand is not your fault for your lack of intelligence.

And for the record.
Not all of us /afk to save ourselves from another loss on our statistics page.
This has got to be one of the worst points I have ever seen anyone make an attempt at making on this website. That's like telling Sneaky it was HIS fault he was hacked.

Confident, you simply are not at the mental level to converse with myself, which as I fully understand is not your fault for your lack of intelligence.

And for the record.
Not all of us /afk to save ourselves from another loss on our statistics page.
His point is actually better than anything I've ever seen from you on this website.
Confident, you simply are not at the mental level to converse with myself, which as I fully understand is not your fault for your lack of intelligence.

When trying to make an intelligent-sounding sentence goes wrong ;p
This has got to be one of the worst points I have ever seen anyone make an attempt at making on this website. That's like telling Sneaky it was HIS fault he was hacked.

Confident, you simply are not at the mental level to converse with myself, which as I fully understand is not your fault for your lack of intelligence.

Are u serious Sneaky getting banned and GY farming or on two completely different things what are u trying to compare,
im with Con, its you and your teams fault for letting yourself be farmed, what makes the enemy team so different that there is nothing you can do, being horde?
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