It's Time For Some More Good Games!!! Anti-Gy Farming GROUP QUEUES!

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Now I know why tigers eat their young.
dude wtf? How can you possibly stand against mocha on this subject. A. he is not the only person that wants to report people afk, FOR A REASON: I mean, ffs why wouldn't we report the scumbag gy farmers afk? If the y are removed from group, we can move on with our tink lives and hopefully have a decent game, or a quick one at the very least.

because, I believe, it doesn't promote activity. what right have you to be the judges who stays in a bg and who doesnt? Also, I'm not "standing against" mocha, I'm just pointing out the flaws with this.

Think about it: this script to remove people from games only works if MULTIPLE people use it at the same time... in other words, it doesnt work if just one person (your self proclaimed cyber cop) uses it.

"multiple people" as the ppl in your premade. if mocha targets one player and calls for you to report him, that player is obv. gone very soon. so yeah, all it takes is that one player wants him gone.
Drugs I too have done that in the past. But it was making fun of this kid who used to upload these dumb video clips a few years back on this site. Duckhunt maybe was his name i dunno. Got wasted, logged in and made fun of his reading out loud skills, appearence and over all nerdyness not to mention this dumb hat he wore while "sharing news" to us.

Sorry to derail the thread, but this made me giggle. A lot! Empathy at its finest..

I'll be playing horde tonight too, to spam heals on all you fellas
Drugs I too have done that in the past. But it was making fun of this kid who used to upload these dumb video clips a few years back on this site. Duckhunt maybe was his name i dunno. Got wasted, logged in and made fun of his reading out loud skills, appearence and over all nerdyness not to mention this dumb hat he wore while "sharing news" to us.

Sorry to derail the thread, but this made me giggle. A lot! Empathy at its finest..

I'll be playing horde tonight too, to spam heals on all you fellas

hahahahaha gotta love drunken rants, thats when the truth exposes itself.

@dramatized but you have to see the vision beyond just tomorrow night with mocha. the point of this thread is to promote removing gy farmers in the weeks/months to come, meaning you would need multiple people to be in agreement to get them removed... Also, I have a feeling most peopel would trust mocha's integrity... he would only remove true gy farmers that seriously should be removed.
hahahahaha gotta love drunken rants, thats when the truth exposes itself.

@dramatized but you have to see the vision beyond just tomorrow night with mocha. the point of this thread is to promote removing gy farmers in the weeks/months to come, meaning you would need multiple people to be in agreement to get them removed... Also, I have a feeling most peopel would trust mocha's integrity... he would only remove true gy farmers that seriously should be removed.

I don't think mocha or anyone else would stay 100% objective. and as I previously said, I doubt this'll promote more activity
because, I believe, it doesn't promote activity. what right have you to be the judges who stays in a bg and who doesnt? Also, I'm not "standing against" mocha, I'm just pointing out the flaws with this.
"multiple people" as the ppl in your premade. if mocha targets one player and calls for you to report him, that player is obv. gone very soon. so yeah, all it takes is that one player wants him gone.

I have to agree with this. What gives you the right to decide who can stay and who can go. Just sounds like as soon as 1 guy goes remotely near the gy he is gonna get booted. And what about midfarmers? I dont support it in any way but they essentially can help you win a game by containing opposition O in midfield for an extra 20secs ~ thus delaying them from reaching your fc.
I don't think mocha or anyone else would stay 100% objective. and as I previously said, I doubt this'll promote more activity

It certainly WILL promote activity. Very simple concept really: get caught in the opponents GY, read the BG chat promoting everyone to vote (you) the GY farmer out. If at any time anyone feels this is wrong, simply que the other faction OR /afk. You will only prolong the que times if you /afk out tho. Don't GY farm, don't get removed from WSG. Let your words speak louder then you actions! Wait, or is it the other way around?

This kind of WSG will promote more competitive games, more honor and more HKs. Everything one needs to froth at the mouth while mashing their 4-5 abilities. Remember being GY contained isn't fun, so tonights theme is to not contain at all. Either get on Offense or Defense and play the game...
It certainly WILL promote activity. Very simple concept really: get caught in the opponents GY, read the BG chat promoting everyone to vote (you) the GY farmer out. If at any time anyone feels this is wrong, simply que the other faction OR /afk. You will only prolong the que times if you /afk out tho. Don't GY farm, don't get removed from WSG. Let your words speak louder then you actions! Wait, or is it the other way around?

This kind of WSG will promote more competitive games, more honor and more HKs. Everything one needs to froth at the mouth while mashing their 4-5 abilities. Remember being GY contained isn't fun, so tonights theme is to not contain at all. Either get on Offense or Defense and play the game...

So, just a question for you; how often do you meet ONE gy-farmer? Unless it's a rogue or a feral you're more likely to get farmed yourself, so if it's a "legit" gy-farm, it's always around 5+ ppl. And by Mocha's logic, these 5 ppl would be reported afk, I fail to see how this would make queues faster.

And as imnot said, what about the midfarmers? who are just a few yards closer to mid, but still kill everything that intends to pass.
So, just a question for you; how often do you meet ONE gy-farmer? Unless it's a rogue or a feral you're more likely to get farmed yourself, so if it's a "legit" gy-farm, it's always around 5+ ppl. And by Mocha's logic, these 5 ppl would be reported afk, I fail to see how this would make queues faster.

And as imnot said, what about the midfarmers? who are just a few yards closer to mid, but still kill everything that intends to pass.

Im shocked you're not getting this. Well not shocked, but dissappointed. Apparently it's a concept you are having a difficult time understanding. Either way; very little to no fucks given at all, so, we gravyy! See ya in the gulch tonight <3
I beg to differ gy containment to win one sided games as fast as possible and extensive gy farming.
blizzard made it clear when they lowered the gy in wsg that it was ment to be farmed

who are we to go against the all mighty creators
Guys, nobody is going to kick you if you're in the GY for a few seconds or so, I think Mocha is referring to repeat offenders and known bracket destroyers. . . I could be wrong.
Dontdodrugs, from what ive heard from my searching for a guild you are the person to talk pertaining to LS FTW. As i totally agree with mocha on this subject youre pointless responses to this thread make LS FTW a very impromptu place to further pursue. Good Luck recruiting for your guild. but the pointless response to these threads are not helping you in any way.

On Topic: Cya in the gulch Friday Boyz n Girlz
And he didn't want to believe me when I told him that he makes his whole guild look stupid.
Kallistos - I fail to see why my responses would be pointless, but to each his own, I suppose. I have strong feelings on the subject so I felt like a post of support wouldn't hurt. Keep in mind I first saw this thread when I was shitfaced drunk, so it was not something I could pass up so easily; I absolutely detest GY farming. That said, thanks for your kind words about LS FTW.

Lejn. I don't understand (and, thankfully, don't give a fuck) why you think my responses makes my guild look stupid. Either way, let fact speak for itself: LS FTW is arguably the most active guild in the entire bracket. All of my guildies thoroughly enjoy being apart of LS FTW and we have a ton of fun together. Apparently I'm doing something right. Oh and for the record, it's more that I don't give a shit about your meaningless opinion than me not believing you.

Cash Rules
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Guys, nobody is going to kick you if you're in the GY for a few seconds or so, I think Mocha is referring to repeat offenders and known bracket destroyers. . . I could be wrong.

speaking of "bracket destroyers" werent you the one to terrain exploit with tornado trinket pre-nerf ? and there by giving your opponents nothing else to do than GY farming lol.
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