It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

Actions speak louder than words be sure to watch my teams affliction lock do work if you ever premade us #lightmama

Dory is one of the best locks at these levels. I've seen him play aff to its full potential, it's in no way better than destruction. I have played aff lock as well and know for a fact it is not worth a premade spot. I don't know where the confidence is coming from here, but if two heavily skilled players have tested it and come out with no success, i'm not too sure how it's going to work out in favor for you. I'm not throwing out bland hate here, i'm just a bit confused at how you hold that spec with value. Anyway good luck with getting your premade group together, should be a blast vsing you.
Dory is one of the best locks at these levels. I've seen him play aff to its full potential, it's in no way better than destruction. I have played aff lock as well and know for a fact it is not worth a premade spot. I don't know where the confidence is coming from here, but if two heavily skilled players have tested it and come out with no success, i'm not too sure how it's going to work out in favor for you. I'm not throwing out bland hate here, i'm just a bit confused at how you hold that spec with value. Anyway good luck with getting your premade group together, should be a blast vsing you.

It's all good bro. I'm sure the aff lock will light you guys up with his two dots that tick for substantially less than moonkin dots, and with his complete lack of burst and mobility.
It's all good bro. I'm sure the aff lock will light you guys up with his two dots that tick for substantially less than moonkin dots, and with his complete lack of burst and mobility.

He just shit talked us on stream for opposing aff lock. O, well :)
Can confirm that Affliction warlock works poorly.
A lot of people who were in this premade left the guild because they were upset that 19 twinks beat them, which was inevitable.
Before they left they took almost everything from Conq's guild bank while he was on an extended leave.
SCC lost to 19s who are better than us - get over it, accept it, and improve.
That's my two cents.
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Or rant on a post? Does it really matter what bracket they came from? An azz whooping is an azz whooping Also that's going to happen when u publicly r looking for premades on twinkinfo weekly.

2nd the gbank what can I say, if thoses people were able to get in your gbank they had a rank to do i an you deserved it. That why you have people in charge and a chain of command.

3rd I told conq when he started that guild that he had a few people in there to be careful. He said he had it under control. He could handle all the personalities and egos.

Lastly why am I writing this cause u decided to air out the guilds laundry so y not pile on. Lol

/close thread
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A lot of people who were in this premade left the guild because they were upset that 19 twinks beat them, which was inevitable.
Before they left they took almost everything from Conq's guild bank while he was on an extended leave.
SCC lost to 19s who are better than us - get over it, accept it, and improve.
That's my two cents.

Lol it's so funny that this kid says we left guild due to losing a game against 19's i agree with [MENTION=11098]Honey badger[/MENTION] on this one.
I can't really comment on the reason why 7+ memebers left the guild, but just know its not because we lost to some shitty 19's...
anyway look forward to premading the "19's" again from this guild title.

Lol it's so funny that this kid says we left guild due to losing a game against 19's i agree with [MENTION=11098]Honey badger[/MENTION] on this one.
I can't really comment on the reason why 7+ memebers left the guild, but just know its not because we lost to some shitty 19's...
anyway look forward to premading the "19's" again from this guild title.


If they are shitty 19s then what does that make your group? LOL
my group? i was not in that Premade.

They were running 2 prot paladins 2 disc priest, right there you lost out on 3 major dps.

ICC was mostly ranged, with one rogue.

theyre deffnately beatable. there mage Guccimaneirl is horrible as fuck, not even lining up his DMG right, and pet nova in the wrong places.. lol hes so bad.
This thread (the most recent part anyway) is what happens when people put too much stock into winning. You got beat. Learn, move on.

Or don't... disband and QQ on the forums. S'all the same right?
Not sure why Dimple is talking trash.. he hid his cursor in stream because he's a clicker who's apparently pushed to 2.9k. Right. Anyway, regardless of all this bashing, was a very interesting game to watch. The arcane did some scary damage, props to that guy. Hope to see some more pre-mades in the future, good work on both teams.
A lot of people who were in this premade left the guild because they were upset that 19 twinks beat them, which was inevitable.
Before they left they took almost everything from Conq's guild bank while he was on an extended leave.
SCC lost to 19s who are better than us - get over it, accept it, and improve.
That's my two cents.

Lol it's so funny that this kid says we left guild due to losing a game against 19's i agree with [MENTION=11098]Honey badger[/MENTION] on this one.
I can't really comment on the reason why 7+ memebers left the guild, but just know its not because we lost to some shitty 19's...
anyway look forward to premading the "19's" again from this guild title.


Personally, I find it more troubling that people ninjaed from someone's guild vault before starting their own separate guild, than that they lost or that they left because they lost.

I find it troubling that you spent that post only defending yourself about why you left, and didn't say a thing about the claim that you stole from a guild bank. Is it that you believe that the most important rep to have is that you're a skilled player, not that you're trustworthy?
damn dimple a muzzle needs to be put on you

SCC got flat out ripped by ICC, stop saying that they're trash..they romped SCC, idc about your comp excuses

apparently SCC is totally dead now so a few people raided their Gbank and started up something idk the reasons behind it...honestly if they had the privileges to take stuff then its the GMs fault.

shyheals ur awful and got benched
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Holy Crit's premade team isn't even going to be representative of the guild. It's probably going to be a bunch of people there to win free stuff and stomp on shit players like Livingforce and then a bunch of random 19s he can find willing to sport that awful guild tag for a bit.

Also come on....... really? No one knew this was going to happen? I play WSG day in and day out against/with etc. these people. Anyone who didn't see ICC STOMPING SCC was blind, an idiot or in SCC (read: both). The disparity in quality of play is so obvious...
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damn dimple a muzzle needs to be put on you

SCC got flat out ripped by ICC, stop saying that they're trash..they romped SCC, idc about your comp excuses

apparently SCC is totally dead now so a few people raided their Gbank and started up something idk the reasons behind it...honestly if they had the privileges to take stuff then its the GMs fault.

shyheals ur awful and got benched

Heh, blame the victim eh? It's difficult to go far and build very much when you're working with people who think it's alright to raid a gbank. It's fine as long as you're successful, but if something goes wrong, you have a falling out or lose face, and suddenly you find that those people who worked with you to betray someone else are now thinking it might be a good idea to betray you.

That's why i'm pretty forgiving of jerks, raging, even exploits sometimes. But you straight up betray me, and not only will i never trust you again, but I won't even be interested in dealing with you at all. The thing is, every time some shit like this happens, the community shrinks a little. And it'll keep happening over time, until they'll realize that farming F2Ps isn't all that fun, and maybe if they hadn't given up after losing a couple times, maybe they could have worked together and learned and improved enough to eventually win.

i wunder what's going to happen to HC during the prelude to our match? is icc a guild killer?

Imo, those idiots who left are the guild killers. But that's just me. Maybe they will be able to get enough people to trust them in spite of stealing from others that they'll be able to build a new guild. Or maybe the drama will just spread.

I am curious to see if HC's members are more resilient though, or if ICC's members are more resilient, depending on who wins ofc. ^.^
Holy Crit's premade team isn't even going to be representative of the guild. It's probably going to be a bunch of people there to win free stuff and stomp on shit players like Livingforce and then a bunch of random 19s he can find willing to sport that awful guild tag for a bit.

Also come on....... really? No one knew this was going to happen? I play WSG day in and day out against/with etc. these people. Anyone who didn't see ICC STOMPING SCC was blind, an idiot or in SCC (read: both). The disparity in quality of play is so obvious...

To be fair, if you've never faced another coordinated premade team before, it's hard to know what you're going to be up against when you actually do. I still remember the first time my 39 guild faced a legit premade. We got crushed 3 times, then barely pulled out a single narrow win after turtling hard for almost an hour. Then... you guessed it, half my guildies quit on me. Took me 6 months to rebuild.

Some people find high level competition enjoyable, and some don't. There's nothing wrong with that! But when the former run into the latter, things get tricky, especially if people don't see it coming.

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