It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

I'm sure Duo,Brain and Somfas will be in the Premade, y wouldn't they, right? Plus why wouldn't they take their regular people that Que everyday. If you have a good lead.

i don't get why people want premades. all it leads to is drama and shit. even when teams get crushed and eventually the guild disbands, there are always excuses and shit talk.

The entire attitude and "culture" around premades is just messed up. Too many people view premades as a way to gain or lose leverage in calling other people bad. That's been a problem, particuarly in the lower brackets, since Vanilla.

However, when a group or community decides they want premades for the sake of doing premades, and not for the sake of bragging rights or other shit like that, THEN it happens and it's fun. THEN resilience and camaraderie become important, so that people don't get frustrated as much when they lose, because that always happens when someone loses a competition. The key is focusing on improving and on the next fight. Some of my favorite premade matches were actually loses.
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Heh, blame the victim eh? It's difficult to go far and build very much when you're working with people who think it's alright to raid a gbank. It's fine as long as you're successful, but if something goes wrong, you have a falling out or lose face, and suddenly you find that those people who worked with you to betray someone else are now thinking it might be a good idea to betray you.

That's why i'm pretty forgiving of jerks, raging, even exploits sometimes. But you straight up betray me, and not only will i never trust you again, but I won't even be interested in dealing with you at all. The thing is, every time some shit like this happens, the community shrinks a little. And it'll keep happening over time, until they'll realize that farming F2Ps isn't all that fun, and maybe if they hadn't given up after losing a couple times, maybe they could have worked together and learned and improved enough to eventually win.

1. It's a game - get over it, if you're that obsessed with pixels something's wrong.

2. They had the privileges to withdraw a required amount.

3. I would look to the root cause of this, if the majority of active members agreed on the disband, it would point to a flaw in the leadership. The GM appointed these players to positions where privileges were granted and created a guild environment that was so poor the said members reacted in a certain way.

4. This behavior doesn't breach any rules.

5. I would argue that the community doesn't shrink from this kind of thing, drama feeds the bracket and as you can see by the replies in this thread, people love it.

6. From talking to the disbanding members, the main reason for leaving seems to be poor leadership (which could not be escaped) and the fact that they had to share a guild with another premade team (Hey BB). As many have pointed out, they probably didn't want to be associated with a losing guild that was treated as a there anything wrong with that?
Repaying trust with theft because you had the privilege is still theft. It's not against WoW's rules but any decent human being wouldn't loot a guild bank and then leave.

Drama feeds things to a point, but you still get people that tire of drama and quit or just stop playing the bracket. I've been a huge drama causer in the past and it's honestly exhausting to constantly have to put up with other people.

If it's just a game, why the ego problems of being in some "losing guild". It's just a bunch of bullshit and excuses.
As many have pointed out, they probably didn't want to be associated with a losing guild that was treated as a there anything wrong with that?

If enough players theived and left said 'losing guild' to make another guild, what makes said players think they will be anything more than just another 'losing guild'?

I guess they can be known as the 'losing guild' that cannot be trusted, there is that to shoot for, at least.
If enough players theived and left said 'losing guild' to make another guild, what makes said players think they will be anything more than just another 'losing guild'?

I guess they can be known as the 'losing guild' that cannot be trusted, there is that to shoot for, at least.

Nice try to string a witty phrase together.

I really don't think you understand the significance of leadership....they're getting rid of a bad leader who ran bad comps and had half of the premade filled by randoms who logged on during the set time in order to field 10. Fact: the guild leader ran a 9 v 10 for the first premade vs ICC, if that doesn't frustrate people in the premade who are serious about it, I don't know what does....
Why did he run a 9v10? He thought they would win like that?

Any time i've set up a premade we had myself, imsocuteyeah, and dimple deciding on comp, and to be honest, I let them do most the deciding - that along with no shows within the guild are at fault when it comes to issues with class/numbers in premades. The rest is lack of communication inside the gulch, which I think is a symptom of lacking synergy simply because we haven't played together frequently enough and are still ironing out a lot of the kinks of strategy.

That being said, I shouldn't have allowed those premades to happen under such circumstances.
Why did he run a 9v10? He thought they would win like that?

Any time i've set up a premade we had myself, imsocuteyeah, and dimple deciding on comp, and to be honest, I let them do most the deciding - that along with no shows within the guild are at fault when it comes to issues with class/numbers in premades. The rest is lack of communication inside the gulch, which I think is a symptom of lacking synergy simply because we haven't played together frequently enough and are still ironing out a lot of the kinks of strategy.

That being said, I shouldn't have allowed those premades to happen under such circumstances.

Also the person who took the stuff from the guild bank (all the valuable things I've collected over the years that are twink related, BiS, GF'd items and some other things), He took it for his guild Mutiny, I was on temporary hiatus when he was promoted to officer by my head officer/acting GM, I hadn't been on for a few days when I looked at the bank. It is just a game so i'm not going to sweat it to bad.
Nice try to string a witty phrase together.

I really don't think you understand the significance of leadership....they're getting rid of a bad leader who ran bad comps and had half of the premade filled by randoms who logged on during the set time in order to field 10. Fact: the guild leader ran a 9 v 10 for the first premade vs ICC, if that doesn't frustrate people in the premade who are serious about it, I don't know what does....

I really think you're overestimating the ability of 24s (that obviously are only interested in 24s) to get good.

Not only will the "new" guild not be any "better" than the old guild, but they're going to be known as "that group of untrustworthy douchebags that ninja'd a gbank".

Of course to the rest of the slimy douchebags in this bracket, they will be seen as "heroes" that ninja'd a gbank because someone "deserved it for trusting them".
I really think you're overestimating the ability of 24s (that obviously are only interested in 24s) to get good.

Not only will the "new" guild not be any "better" than the old guild, but they're going to be known as "that group of untrustworthy douchebags that ninja'd a gbank".

Of course to the rest of the slimy douchebags in this bracket, they will be seen as "heroes" that ninja'd a gbank because someone "deserved it for trusting them".

It really isn't that hard to get better than a team that fields 9 people including an affliction lock. You don't seem to understand, it's not about the ability to be better (which can easily be done, but it's not my point) than the previous's about having the guild that your in field the most competent and complete team possible, if that team gets beaten, so be it. At least they did their best to actually field 10 people who know each other and practice a few times before, none of which happened in the previous guild.
It really isn't that hard to get better than a team that fields 9 people including an affliction lock. You don't seem to understand, it's not about the ability to be better (which can easily be done, but it's not my point) than the previous's about having the guild that your in field the most competent and complete team possible, if that team gets beaten, so be it. At least they did their best to actually field 10 people who know each other and practice a few times before, none of which happened in the previous guild.

So none of the people in this 'elite' group took the initiative to step forward and organize any kind of team practice? Sounds like a bunch of betas that will get rolled by anything decent.
So none of the people in this 'elite' group took the initiative to step forward and organize any kind of team practice? Sounds like a bunch of betas that will get rolled by anything decent.

Never said elite so not sure why you're quoting it....

The GM was never on, the premade leader 'Imsocuteyeah' was never on and the person sponsoring/funding Dimple was never on. You're really not getting that the whole leadership structure failed and members were clueless as to whether or not they were playing, hence an hour before the premade people were getting plugged in at random and ultimately they ran with 9 people...I don't know how you can blame the members who were totally blind as to the situation.

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