It's Called Containing vs Sneer of Cold Command

wow, look at all the problems you guys just solved
A lot of interesting stuff to respond to now. =)

Any time i've set up a premade we had myself, imsocuteyeah, and dimple deciding on comp, and to be honest, I let them do most the deciding - that along with no shows within the guild are at fault when it comes to issues with class/numbers in premades. The rest is lack of communication inside the gulch, which I think is a symptom of lacking synergy simply because we haven't played together frequently enough and are still ironing out a lot of the kinks of strategy.

That being said, I shouldn't have allowed those premades to happen under such circumstances.

Also the person who took the stuff from the guild bank (all the valuable things I've collected over the years that are twink related, BiS, GF'd items and some other things), He took it for his guild Mutiny, I was on temporary hiatus when he was promoted to officer by my head officer/acting GM, I hadn't been on for a few days when I looked at the bank. It is just a game so i'm not going to sweat it to bad.

Glad to hear it. Just because it's a game doesn't mean it isn't demoralizing to have work undone. I have sympathy for anyone who has had guildies abandon them. I don't know what the circumstances were exactly, and it's hard to dispute the outcome. However, I dislike the idea that anyone should stop a premade from happening except under extreme circumstances. I'd first guess that the more core problem was the lack of toughness and persistence among the people who gave up in response to losing. =/

Moving on to other interesting discussions...

1. It's a game - get over it, if you're that obsessed with pixels something's wrong.

2. They had the privileges to withdraw a required amount.

3. I would look to the root cause of this, if the majority of active members agreed on the disband, it would point to a flaw in the leadership. The GM appointed these players to positions where privileges were granted and created a guild environment that was so poor the said members reacted in a certain way.

4. This behavior doesn't breach any rules.

5. I would argue that the community doesn't shrink from this kind of thing, drama feeds the bracket and as you can see by the replies in this thread, people love it.

6. From talking to the disbanding members, the main reason for leaving seems to be poor leadership (which could not be escaped) and the fact that they had to share a guild with another premade team (Hey BB). As many have pointed out, they probably didn't want to be associated with a losing guild that was treated as a there anything wrong with that?

1. Yeah blah blah game blah blah. You ever noticed that you have more fun playing with some people than with others? That phenomenon doesn't have a name to my knowledge, but the point is, I prefer to play with people that I actually enjoy playing with. I'm not concerned with pixels, I'm concerned about people, and how they treat each other. I have a lot more fun when I can trust the people I'm playing with not to be assholes.

2-4, and 6. All good points. There are valuable lessons to be learned here about who is trustworthy and who isn't, and how to tell the difference. That's the real value still available to gain from this whole experience. Few GMs start out with the experience and skills necessary to be excellent. Also, when there are conflicting priorities, it also makes things difficult. What I'm referring to is that the goal of getting premade matches (especially in the beginning) is not always aligned with the goal of winning premade matches. If you think about it, that makes a lot of sense: why play if you're going to lose, and if the only point is to win? Doesn't work out unless you instead the goal is to play and have fun first, and win second.

5. A common argument, and not without merits. However, getting games at random is very different from premades. Premades take actually working with your opponent to plan a time to meet up and beat on each other. Harder to do when you hate the other guy. I'll leave it at that, since a few other people also made good counter arguments.

Never said elite so not sure why you're quoting it....

The GM was never on, the premade leader 'Imsocuteyeah' was never on and the person sponsoring/funding Dimple was never on. You're really not getting that the whole leadership structure failed and members were clueless as to whether or not they were playing, hence an hour before the premade people were getting plugged in at random and ultimately they ran with 9 people...I don't know how you can blame the members who were totally blind as to the situation.

That's flat out a bummer. Ofc, still not a justification for raiding a gbank, which leads me to be a little skeptical about the overall image your description conjures. RL does happen, after all. But it does sound like maybe they should've waited before running premades. Then again, getting a 9v10 is still pretty good imo, especially if you've got the potential to do more, and to refine your strategies. Playing against a superior opponent repeatedly with the same team is a great way to find ways to improve. No one ever learned from rolling pugs all day.
wow, look at all the problems you guys just solved

Hehe, give it time. I'm sure we'll get a recruit or two out of this Rubikz. Despite the stereotypes, there's clearly a number of players in 20-24 who want a better competitive and resilient community, but simply don't have time to build it themselves. And there's probably a few people who don't realize yet that that's what they'd like to have. I didn't get it until I had it explained to me irl.
1. It's a game - get over it, if you're that obsessed with pixels something's wrong.

2. They had the privileges to withdraw a required amount.

3. I would look to the root cause of this, if the majority of active members agreed on the disband, it would point to a flaw in the leadership. The GM appointed these players to positions where privileges were granted and created a guild environment that was so poor the said members reacted in a certain way.

4. This behavior doesn't breach any rules.

5. I would argue that the community doesn't shrink from this kind of thing, drama feeds the bracket and as you can see by the replies in this thread, people love it.

6. From talking to the disbanding members, the main reason for leaving seems to be poor leadership (which could not be escaped) and the fact that they had to share a guild with another premade team (Hey BB). As many have pointed out, they probably didn't want to be associated with a losing guild that was treated as a there anything wrong with that?

Is there anything wrong with the baby that cries?
What about the kid that abuses other ppls trust and steals from them?
It really isn't that hard to get better than a team that fields 9 people including an affliction lock. You don't seem to understand, it's not about the ability to be better (which can easily be done, but it's not my point) than the previous's about having the guild that your in field the most competent and complete team possible, if that team gets beaten, so be it. At least they did their best to actually field 10 people who know each other and practice a few times before, none of which happened in the previous guild.

lol ermygawd, our guild didn't field 10man fotm, rob the gbank nau
lol ermygawd, our guild didn't field 10man fotm, rob the gbank nau

not 10man fotm, just 10 people which really isn't that hard, especially since it was known that the premade was coming up for a long time. Regardless, I'm just throwing out reasons that I've heard as to why it happened, not totally justifying all of their calm down
Never said elite so not sure why you're quoting it....

The GM was never on, the premade leader 'Imsocuteyeah' was never on and the person sponsoring/funding Dimple was never on. You're really not getting that the whole leadership structure failed and members were clueless as to whether or not they were playing, hence an hour before the premade people were getting plugged in at random and ultimately they ran with 9 people...I don't know how you can blame the members who were totally blind as to the situation.

I'm always on, that being said i'm currently funding helping people who need enchants or people who want to join SCC and rebuild the ranks, i never agreed with what was done. I find it quite immature that I trusted someone to help lead the guild with me while the guild master was away on break that he just loots the whole gbank someone that i have played with for a few years just to make me look bad now.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining the team, please send me a real ID request, or hit me up on here. looking for all classes for future 2's 3's 5v5 warsong and group warsong. staying away from the premade seen for a bit to refocus the guild and get back into the swing of motions.

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not 10man fotm, just 10 people which really isn't that hard, especially since it was known that the premade was coming up for a long time. Regardless, I'm just throwing out reasons that I've heard as to why it happened, not totally justifying all of their calm down

It's all good mate, just remember that actions speaks a lot louder than words :)
I'm always on, that being said i'm currently funding helping people who need enchants or people who want to join SCC and rebuild the ranks, i never agreed with what was done. I find it quite immature that I trusted someone to help lead the guild with me while the guild master was away on break that he just loots the whole gbank someone that i have played with for a few years just to make me look bad now.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining the team, please send me a real ID request, or hit me up on here. looking for all classes for future 2's 3's 5v5 warsong and group warsong. staying away from the premade seen for a bit to refocus the guild and get back into the swing of motions.

Yet you joined the guild that was responsible for raiding your g bank
I'd like to say something witty ( Insert here ) , but in all honesty that guild/ community was a joke. Funding enchants won't help u target call or focus. Not trolling just the truth.

Only thing you guys can focus target is Gbanks.

You should have streamed you raiding the Gbank

Final Score :

SCC 1 - Gbank 0
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mhmhmhmhmhmhm I need to make some sort of timeline listing dimples various guilds over the past year

it seems wherever he goes, he'll advertise on TI for full funding and sponsorship, build a group of cronies and then proceed to spam TI with his events that hes organized, none of which happen

the guild will self destruct and he'll hop elsewhere, rinse and repeat
The GM was never on, the premade leader 'Imsocuteyeah' was never on and the person sponsoring/funding Dimple was never on. members were clueless as to whether or not they were playing....hence an hour before the premade people were getting plugged in at random....and ultimately they ran with 9 people...I don't know how you can blame the members who were totally blind as to the situation.
If you are going to talk like you know what your talking about you should get your facts straight, I played for 10+ hours a day for months working on SCC. imsocuteyeah was on for hours daily on his toon, as was dimple, I was dimples sponsor, I had another person who was helping me, and we had people who helped over the stream and in guild, people where told to show up and we would choose then because we needed to see how many people we could get on and what classes, it was a stress test, one we, as a guild, failed miserably, people where routinely updated. Please stop spreading misinformation.

1. It's a game - get over it, if you're that obsessed with pixels something's wrong.

2. They had the privileges to withdraw a required amount.

3. I would look to the root cause of this, if the majority of active members agreed on the disband, it would point to a flaw in the leadership. The GM appointed these players to positions where privileges were granted and created a guild environment that was so poor the said members reacted in a certain way.

4. This behavior doesn't breach any rules.

5. I would argue that the community doesn't shrink from this kind of thing, drama feeds the bracket and as you can see by the replies in this thread, people love it.
1. Yes.

2. So?

3. That was what I did, and you are correct about the leadership thing. I tried to run SCC on a "please everyone" platform, and "friendly competition" in a very...dramatic bracket. That combination is incompatible, no matter how well you try to balance the personalities within your hierarchy.

4. This behavior doesn't breach any of blizzards rules.*
Apparently they support Mutiny, literally. I've been a very generous patron of theirs for 10 years off and on, and it's disgusting that their not willing to do anything about it. Clearly they don't value their costumers.

5. We are of like minds

mhmhmhmhmhmhm I need to make some sort of timeline listing dimples various guilds over the past year

it seems wherever he goes, he'll advertise on TI for full funding and sponsorship, build a group of cronies and then proceed to spam TI with his events that hes organized, none of which happen

the guild will self destruct and he'll hop elsewhere, rinse and repeat

Half the things you say make sense, half don't, i'm not sure where this one falls but such a bold claim should not be made without evidence.

Oh and speaking of Mutiny, supposedly if I pass dimple guild leader the people who joined Mutiny will come back, and salt will give me the items as well, I said I would if he made me and officer in the guild...but i'm getting side tracked, I still don't know who the guild leader of Mutiny is, some mystery level twenty rogue with dimples doomspike and axe of the enforcer that where robbed from the guild bank equipped. So to be honest i'm not doing anything until I find out who that rogue is and feel more confident in the hands i'd be passing it to, if for no other reason than value of a 25 guild alone, but mostly it's caution, coincidentally I was robbed in real life as well, the same day, that situation will be settled far sooner than this one, thankfully. Needless to say trust isn't exactly coming easily at this point.

Anyway, I'm putting all this out there because SCC is transparent, and unlike our president, I don't lie about it.

Everyones so interested in my buisness you should all know I had the most amazing acid trip as well the other day. It was life altering, I want to go hard this summer and I also have work 48 hours a week. the grueling physical labor kind, not the kind that involves sitting down at a computer desk. I'm considering leaving this game, I don't think Blizzard deserves me as costumer.
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I'd like to say something witty ( Insert here ) , but in all honesty that guild/ community was a joke. Funding enchants won't help u target call or focus. Not trolling just the truth.

Only thing you guys can focus target is Gbanks.

You should have streamed you raiding the Gbank

Final Score :

SCC 1 - Gbank 0
Now i'd probably feel a bit different if that actually happened but theres a part of me thinking about the reaction that being streamed on the SCC twitch would get out of the community and I lold.

About that, I tried to focus on far more than just sponsorship, Dimple and I used it as an advertising technique, true. In fact, A lot of the time that was the focus, to be completely honest it was a struggle just to keep up with giving people the enchants and items they needed, most of it came straight from my pocket which was essentially what SCC's guild bank functioned as, because everything I had I instantly gave to SCC and 90% of what was SCC's came from me, and that on top of having most professions at 600, I spent a lot of time crafting and enchanting, and very little pvping or doing guild activities, which would have been a bit more enjoyable but people didn't exactly stick around long enough to build communication and synergy. I was going for quality, then quantity, then synergy, we made the first two, couldn't follow threw with the third I guess, the fourth step would have been longevity. However SCC to me was a success while it lastest, what ever it's future becomes I learned from it and it was successful while it lasted, I'd like to see it evolve into something useful to the twink community, with or without me playing an active roll.
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Half the things you say make sense, half don't, i'm not sure where this one falls but such a bold claim should not be made without evidence.

I can provide clear evidence on how Dimple has guild hopped over the past year, let me write a little timeline for you:

1. <Best in Show> Darkspear
2. <Midfield Superstars> Darkspear
3. <Miley Cyrus Twerk Team> Darkspear
4. <The Korgathians> Korgath
5. <SCC> Argent Dawn
6. <Mutiny> Argent Dawn
7. <SCC> Argent Dawn

All of which have been established/joined by Dimple over the past year. A simple look at his started threads on TI proves this point well. This does not bode well for any future guilds he may join, will he stay? Will he hop? Only time will tell.
glad you keep up with me like that, thanks for the follow.
Also i dont mind being apart of guilds though, and sponsoring people.. i just enjoy playing the game and dont mind spending my real life or in-game money/gold to help people out. Anything wrong with that?
Twinkinfo kids will never stop talking shit. No matter what you do or what happens best thing to do is move on an not feed the trolls. #SCC comeback. Also the fact that dimple is always apart of guilds and trying to help fund and organize events for them is a bad thing?? I'd rather be that guy; in comparison to the one kids that spend they entire day and dedicate time and effort into talking shit on players better than them. Thank you Conq and Dimple y'all have done everything possible for the guilds best interest and have invested a lot of time in it. We in SCC will recover and rise up to the occasion and become better because of the ninjas and shit talkers. Curious to see the shit talking responses to this should be entertaining as always.
damn dimple a muzzle needs to be put on you

SCC got flat out ripped by ICC, stop saying that they're trash..they romped SCC, idc about your comp excuses

apparently SCC is totally dead now so a few people raided their Gbank and started up something idk the reasons behind it...honestly if they had the privileges to take stuff then its the GMs fault.

shyheals ur awful and got benched

Why would you want a resto druid FC in premades?
I was never benched to begin with, use the small amount of brain power you have please.
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