Hey guys,
arguing is cool, but please stop talking about yourselves.
You are all amazing, just form/join a 10 man or 3 man and hmu.
I'm the best player in my eyes, so i understand that you are your own in yours.
If you don't agree with someone, but please state your point and move on.
No recent accolades still means I shouldn't care, games changed, people change. There aint one way to play.
Rules discussed currently are only to prevent game mechanics from ruining strategy based actions.
cry and cry all u want, don't follow rules? thats fine. Want to wargame my team w/o rules? not going to happen. Does that mean my team is dodging? sure, whatever lets u sleep at night.
I don't care about guild/team stats and all that, I play to play with my friends and to get some competitive spirit in, all that shit that was going on before, dead.
@Livingforce I'll hit you up soon, some of my boys arent done gearing. in the meantime, I'll see you tomorrow to q some 3s games??