is it me

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Is it me or isn't it a pain the in ass to call targets now with russian? Everytime i try to redirect the attention of a nooby hunter toward a healer, my attempts are without results because he cant read russian names....
Call out "belf priest", "nelf druid" etc, shouldn't be a prob
Call out "belf priest", "nelf druid" etc, shouldn't be a prob

ye that's a possibility, but you can't make a macro to call race and class of i'm using a macro with /s Attack %t" but it's useless...
ye that's a possibility, but you can't make a macro to call race and class of i'm using a macro with /s Attack %t" but it's useless...
This one should work for you :) You can replace "say" with "Yell" or whatever
/script SendChatMessage("Focus "..(UnitName("target")).." the "..(UnitRace("target")).." "..(UnitClass("target")).."!", "Say", nil, nil)
/i target me press "F" you jajas
the problem is, the german 24s arent even a premade.. since 5.4 you have 2 kind of german horde groups: first one is 7+ 24s even without premading, second one is 5+ 1,2k hp ppl who never played wow before

edit: i dont see any problems with the gurubashi surf club, free wins for horde

i was refering to pwnadin, goare premading with 24s from english+etc realms...
No need to be mean Kill, instead you would rather give me some tips how i can improve my rogue gameplay, since you seem to know so much about it!!! Thanks

kiwi: "rogue isnt fotm".

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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kiwi: "rogue isnt fotm".

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

proof i said that. for sure rogue is fotm but ill always say that it isnt.

on topic: that russian premade with 4k monk which i mentioned before. yesterday we met them again. getting farmed again. forgot to take SS. the only good thing. at the cost of farm we killed that monk many time also.
proof i said that. for sure rogue is fotm but ill always say that it isnt.

on topic: that russian premade with 4k monk which i mentioned before. yesterday we met them again. getting farmed again. forgot to take SS. the only good thing. at the cost of farm we killed that monk many time also.

You also say that Hunter is the best FC nowadays and RDruids are shit, jajaja^^
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ok lets explain to finish this.

for me rogue has two roles in pve / pvp. once is dealing damage. other one croud controlling.

i have three priorities while playing a rogue in battlegrounds. first hathor used that word disable, so ill use it also. disable doesnt meaning u need to kill it. if u can kill its better. sap, cripling is disable also.

1- Disabling the damage dealers. (mainly 24 hunters, 24 sp, 24 mages, and other classes/people who is dangerous).
2- Disabling the healers.
3- Killing the enemy flag carrier, returning the flag.

also there are some other priorities which we see in battlegrounds. stalking around. seeking people who has 30% health, and ambushing it. if no1 around hidden all game with zero damage.

so if u choose to play a rogue, depending which role or priority u select, rogue can be really fotm or hard class to play.

before discussing which is best flag carrier in bgs, for that ill open a thread, need to say. u are really good mixing things together and offending people. while we were talking about rogue, selecting my words which i used for flag carrier in bgs before, using it to make me look like fools. also are u wife/husbands always attacking people in pairs ?
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