is it me

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prolly. i met a 10 man russian team today. if they can just make us groupped with english servers again. i can play vs any1. dont mind, german, russian, french etc.

met alot of em, they are like german and french now, they cant be on our team (unless they are queueing with an english person as leader of the group, which is how they have been in our bgs until now) but they can be the opposing team.
If you play on alli and horde you can complain about both

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lmao that russian premade. after posting my first comment, i met same team 2 times again. but im glad to see that horde side has same problem also. now u can feel the pain welcome the club.

comparing non english oppenents,

french : i werent facing them alot. even we faced them, not much 24s or they werent playing good, so they were beatable. and they were farming rarely.

german : like french, was facing them rarely. more p2p' s and healers. better than french groups. they were also farming rarely. but mostly healers and sitting on horde roof together.

russian : i saw them alot even in 1 day. full geared 24s nearly half of the team. hard to beat them. they were playing better than other non english realms or its the gear/class. also farmers.

houston we got a problem here.
Russian, Fench, German, Chechnyan........doesn't matter

The only way i'll acknowladge a 10 man p2p premade...... is if they can beat an Aggra 10 man f2p since that has never happened nor i believe it is possible........from my perspective,no wannabe 24 premade is viable enough.....atleast to the point of having my respect and skill recognition....why?....cause only then when skill & teamwork are matched will the diff in gear/ench/etc. come out and make a diff.

So till such a thing occurs, 24 premades are bunch of buffed up ppl who compensate their paying advantage with pure skill and teamwork.....
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dont underestimate 24s. all 24s are not fools and skilless noobs. with a 10 man aggrammar premade prolly you can beat a team with 5 p2p + 5 f2p. till now our record in spine is 8 24 on horde which we beat. dont think with a 10 man aggrammar premade you can win a game vs 10 p2p. think those guys from 24vs24 wargame. you really think you can beat them?
dont underestimate 24s. all 24s are not fools and skilless noobs. with a 10 man aggrammar premade prolly you can beat a team with 5 p2p + 5 f2p. till now our record in spine is 8 24 on horde which we beat. dont think with a 10 man aggrammar premade you can win a game vs 10 p2p. think those guys from 24vs24 wargame. you really think you can beat them?

You misunderstood me friend.

24's who are skilled are usually individuals......not groups....that's atleast 90% of time.....

Thing i am refering to is that i still haven't met a full 10 man 24 premade and thought that they are skilled, why ?...because i was in an idiot pug with maybe 1-2 other good the outcome was ''we were naturally GY farmed in 5 min'' and that wasn 't because they were strong but rather cause we were weak.....big diff there.

Also from what i have seen Aggra is currently the strongest community where 3/4 of the most skillfull f2p players of this bracket play.

So to anwser your question : YES i do believe that a top Aggra group can go against any 24-10 man premade seing top Aggra players are extremly skillfull and know about teamwork.
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mostly i can not disagree. not seen to much 10 man premades in bgs. but it makes me fear always if we face a 10 man. prolly a team with teamspeak, ventrilo etc or at least every1 know his role. facing a 5 p2p or 5 p2p in premade and some other p2ps as pug is not so hard. couldnt face a 10 man russian group with our 5 man till now. we will see soon. but im thinking they are a bit better or better geared than other p2p' s we faced till now.
So to anwser your question : YES i do believe that a top Aggra group can go against any 24-10 man premade seing top Aggra players are extremly skillfull and know about teamwork.

While I would hesitate to encourage violence of any sort, if you do end up smashing a bunch of 24s, please, please, make sure that you upload video of this for us all to enjoy.
With german players it's like this:

Alliance: all split up, no team play (or rarely), mostly rogues/ huntards, not many healers, bad teamplay. Loose against a lot of teams.
Horde: most of them on one or two servers (appear to be premades), a lot of healers, a lot of good dps, tons of 24s but also a lot of the high end players left, good team play but also zerging.

And I remember that we tore apart an Aggramar premade when I was pugging on german Horde. Don't ask me who that was, because can't recall. I only bear in mind all the fuzz that was made.
And I remember that we tore apart an Aggramar premade when I was pugging on german Horde. Don't ask me who that was, because can't recall. I only bear in mind all the fuzz that was made.

Aggramar is horde so I kinda doubt your horde team did that. Something in that sentense is wrong.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
YES i do believe that a top Aggra group can go against any 24-10 man premade seing top Aggra players are extremly skillfull.

yes. all five of them....

edit: and one of those is a p2p.
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atleast u dont have to face 24 premades everynight.

clinic, some german baddies... etc...

the problem is, the german 24s arent even a premade.. since 5.4 you have 2 kind of german horde groups: first one is 7+ 24s even without premading, second one is 5+ 1,2k hp ppl who never played wow before

edit: i dont see any problems with the gurubashi surf club, free wins for horde
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this thread is great.
Meaning that Aggramar has only 5 good ppl ? or that it can go up against 5x24's rather than 10 ?

meaning aggramar has 5 people that are fieldable vs another premade.

the rest have no XP vs a decent team.

no offence to agg, i <3 you all. sept kamicowzi (or how ever it's spelled). ​guy's a real tool.


your words, not mine was a top agg team... who would you put in this team?

lets say..... your warrior spot, who would you put there?
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