It was... shocking. But we moved on.
Yeah.... clearly no.
Not you or a handful of you, but clearly every time Glance stirs his pot the unsilent majority come out in throngs to QQ.
You (f2play/vet) keep saying 29 are begging you all to queue... nope, that's just glance.
You (you) keep saying f2play/vet are "over it".... nope, that's just you.
Too much flagrant and flatulent generalization going round this place and it's really sad. Everyone needs to just speak for themselves and stop lumping every other person they can into their own personal agenda/belief - then you can have true opinion.
I harp on 20 and I harp on 29... as general and broad as I am in that I try to keep clear that not everyone is a whiny, self-absorbed hypocrite. Just most are. Most 29 are not begging anyone for anything, they dont give a shit. They arent even here.
But most geared f2play/vet DID crap on levelers and new players if they did any PvP in the last 2+ years... that's real.
edit- "we" only means you.... almost every time you say it. Like 12 of you, lol. And that's great. But it's not ALL of you.
And Glance, by god, is not ANY of "us". (i dont even f***ing queue lol)