Interesting Item thread (No flaming, only constructive replies please)

here is an interesting...technique:

to farm this boss (this may apply to other bosses too)

all you need to do is, grab a high level, walk up to him and one shot him from the water (where you cannot reach his corpse to loot), then zone out and reset, later on, the drop will be mailed to you.
later on, the drop will be mailed to you.

The thing is... when do you stop? Unless you got a portable mailbox or the racial, it takes longer to go check than to just go around. I bet you could drag some trash from the beginning into the water with you and AoE loot him tho.

I do so much miss master loot... :(
I bet you could drag some trash from the beginning into the water with you and AoE loot him tho.

that's smart! edit: after testing, it doesn't work because trash mob corpses sink to the bottom of the pool. but apparently DH can glide their way to this boss very easily. got my belt after like 20th kill.

This trinket has no GCD, proc chance is dependent on haste and the damage is reasonably high at 20.

It does around 2% of my damage as Arcane, Elemental Blast around 4%, but I'm not haste stacking (yet).

this is interesting...not in game right now, what is the proc at level 20?

any other interesting drops from that place?
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It's 70 damage flat (non-crit), I think from 10 all the way until 25 where it starts going up.

Not sure if it's impacted by anything like SP/AP, doesn't look like it.
I put in a bug report on items from rare mobs in lbrs requiring lvl 23, I doubt anything will change but I was bored and i want my rivenspike enh shammy.
I put in a bug report on items from rare mobs in lbrs requiring lvl 23, I doubt anything will change but I was bored and i want my rivenspike enh shammy.

if enough people do it, they will change it. Maybe we need a thread for each of these petitions.


All of these trinkets look interesting from a druid's perspective, especially the last one...anyone know how to get the versions with socket? just pure luck? (potential with rejuv spam?)
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if enough people do it, they will change it. Maybe we need a thread for each of these petitions.


All of these trinkets look interesting from a druid's perspective, especially the last one...anyone know how to get the versions with socket? just pure luck? (potential with rejuv spam?)

AFAIK you cannot get Thrumming Gossamer and Shivermaw's with socket. and also the shivermaws is definately something that could be interesting anyhow it only gives 1 vers. so your probs better of with a vers stick with a socket.

Thrumming definately could be a thing not sure what it scales to at 20 but i'm pretty positive that a stat stick would probs be better there aswell. especially since neither of them can socket.

( This is for vets, since they can get stat sticks with sockets)
The Loaded Dice is definately a decent trinket, that can also get a socket. So definately something to try out for. it has decent uptime and i use it sometimes on my Enh shammy. Sadly does not proc vers so most of the time it's one dead/semi-dead stat.
AFAIK you cannot get Thrumming Gossamer and Shivermaw's with socket. and also the shivermaws is definately something that could be interesting anyhow it only gives 1 vers. so your probs better of with a vers stick with a socket.

Thrumming definately could be a thing not sure what it scales to at 20 but i'm pretty positive that a stat stick would probs be better there aswell. especially since neither of them can socket.

( This is for vets, since they can get stat sticks with sockets)
The Loaded Dice is definately a decent trinket, that can also get a socket. So definately something to try out for. it has decent uptime and i use it sometimes on my Enh shammy. Sadly does not proc vers so most of the time it's one dead/semi-dead stat.

1, how do you tell if they can or cannot get socket, please elaborate, thanks!

2, i think the point for shivermaw is that the speed debuff is % based (the vers buff is not active at 20 anyway). imagine slowing down a FC in the midfield with this.
@Brilliant None of us have EVER gotten ANY Legion Dungeon gear to proc Socket/Tertiary at low(er) Levels. We know as fact they can proc at 45+.

@glancealot Harlan's Loaded Dice is meh tbh, but it 100% CAN proc Socket and Tertiary. Also, don't trust most of what Wowhead says since pre-patch.
1, how do you tell if they can or cannot get socket, please elaborate, thanks!

2, i think the point for shivermaw is that the speed debuff is % based (the vers buff is not active at 20 anyway). imagine slowing down a FC in the midfield with this.

Well all the BFA Dungeon trinkets can proc sockets. all the BFA BoE Greens can proc sockets. all the legion dungeon drops can neither warforge proc tertiary or socket. all the BoE Epic Legion can proc sockets and tertiary and also the BoE Greens can proc sockets and tertiary.

I believe that if u get above level 40 is when things start procing sockets in legion dungeons also warforge.
@Brilliant None of us have EVER gotten ANY Legion Dungeon gear to proc Socket/Tertiary at low(er) Levels. We know as fact they can proc at 45+.

@glancealot Harlan's Loaded Dice is meh tbh, but it 100% CAN proc Socket and Tertiary. Also, don't trust most of what Wowhead says since pre-patch.

That's also what i said.
after testing, it doesn't work because trash mob corpses sink to the bottom of the pool.

Thats funny, makes sense too... maybe if you looted em real quick... :D

Not sure if it's impacted by anything like SP/AP, doesn't look like it.

Used to scale with specs that had flat mastery nature damage increase, I think they changed all those to "abilities that do" damage tho.

anyone know how to get the versions with socket?

Pretty sure they can only get sockets at max (expansion) level, never saw any legion dungeon boss drop upgrade in normal.
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easy reset

If you're using more than one account, just

invite a different character on the second account to the party
run as normal until point you wish to reset
log off the 2nd acct character inside the instance
log in to the 2nd acct character outside the instance
promote that character to leader
log out main character
have leader outside instance reset instances
log in main
log out/in other two

Looks like a lot of steps but it isnt. Everyone inside the instance will now be inside the entrance of a fresh instance.

BUT if you do that past the 10/hour cap all inside get ported to their hearthstone locations, i believe. So dont. ;)
Thats funny, makes sense too... maybe if you looted em real quick... :D

Used to scale with specs that had flat mastery nature damage increase, I think they changed all those to "abilities that do" damage tho.

Pretty sure they can only get sockets at max (expansion) level, never saw any legion dungeon boss drop upgrade in normal.
Maybe a loot a rang? Dunno how far it is
what am i vaguely half-remembering.. wasn't there one piece of pvp gear sold in winterspring that didn't obey its stated level req or something?
There is a tbc boe staff that has 15 vers 31 int that I might get for my druid if I cant get foamspittle for a vers set, think its called sanctified staff or something.
what am i vaguely half-remembering.. wasn't there one piece of pvp gear sold in winterspring that didn't obey its stated level req or something?
Shaman helmet?

Essentially I am looking for interesting 1handers for hpally that I can farm out.
So I'm making 20 vet warlock and got a

Seems really good? 1346 heal (when you need it) every 90 seconds.

Also does anyone know if these legion boss dungeon drops can proc a socket? My lvl 60 loots sockets but I've yet to see one on my 20.


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