Are vets, by nature, who have a huge advantage over levelers, exploiting ?

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Lover of life, pvp and consumables! ;)
Hello again everyone. Let's explore what a "Intended bug" is. This is a quote from Blizzard end user license agreement "cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;: " I would like to emphasize "AND THEREBY GRANTING YOU AND/OR ANY OTHER USER AN ADVANTAGE OVER OTHER PLAYERS NOT USING SUCH METHODS"
If Blizzard launches a patch or xpac and there are Bugs that give overpowered weapons or items or abilities to a player not intended obviously, that give an advantage and then fix it but GF some toons so NO ONE else can ever obtain them, is the GFd toon exploiting? Most with GFd items will say NO! Well, Twinks specifically look for these items at launches hoping to get these GFd items and be THE op twinks.
We were ALL happy when twinks were fighting twinks and leaving the levelers alone, to level through what they love, as we do, PVP. Should f2ps be separated from XP-OFF? Everyone has their opinions but Blizzard decided in their brilliance, to protect the f2ps from the twinks this time. Instead of putting them with xp off toons when they separated again 8 months into BFA, they merged the f2ps with the levelers and made xp-off it's own bracket against only other xp-off, we saw how the queues went and it wasn't long before people unsubbed and went f2p to get games in. No one wants to sit in a 45+ min queue in prime time.
So, the question everyone has to ask themselves is this...... WAS IT BLIZZARDS INTENTION, upon protecting the f2ps from twinks, that the f2ps/vets would then become the major contributing factor to the utter destruction of their precious paid levelers going through the bracket? Answer HONESTLY, do you think blizzard intended for the very players it was trying to protect to become the new era of twinks?? we should separate f2ps from vets for this conversation. For a vet to gain it's supremacy, some of you had to do the quests for items and OP GFd artifact relics, non-azerite azerite gear, etc etc and you had to pay first, gear your toon, then unsub to play as a vet. You worked VERY hard at theorycrafting to be "the best of the best of the best SIR" Is that in itself using methods not expressly intended by Blizzard to gain an advantage over other players not using such methods? Hmmmm, maybe everyone should report all vets that worked way harder than I ever have to get that OP?? BLASPHEMY!!
Nearly EVERYTHING about twinking, and yes, vetting, is unintended by the current blizzard team of protectors but they didn't know what else to do. So here some of you sit, judging and pointing at others using different methods than you to get the same result. I personally just think you're mad that you're not the top dogs for a game here and there, after all that hard work you put into your exploits!! "OMG THERS A 29 DEBUFFER!!!! KEEL HIM!! REPORT HIM!!! BURN HIM ON THE STAKE!!" Tell me I'm wrong! You prey on others just as any other twink does and sit on your pedestal acting so righteous.
I nearly vomit when I read some of these posts by "twinks". But I guess this is no longer "TWINK info" it is indeed "XP-OFF" being inclusive to the entire community of WoW gamers. Maybe we should put a new section into this site and separate the factions of player styles. Maybe "Twinking section" for people that still enjoy and understand the true nature of what "Twink" means and another section called "Skilled Elitists" for the people that don't use ANY exploits or anything outside of what would be allowed in arenas but enjoy low level pvp.
Yes, I get a lil triggered when I see some exploiting elitist pretend he's totally legit by what Blizzard intended and following all righteous guidelines to the T (NOT), and calling out others doing something different. Get over yourselves elitists FFS!! <3 I say this hoping to help you understand that you're no better than the rest of us if you in any way participate in the eradication of levelers with your overpowered toon! "I dont attack levelers, I only want games against other twinks" I call BULLSHIT!! don't point out the splinter in your brothers eye when you refuse to see the plank in your own!! Suffer well brothers and sisters! Can't we all get along.
haha you wish Chops
Vets and F2Ps have been officially recognized by Blizzard like a dozen times over the past few years, they know about vets. I have seen GMs numerous times ending off a ticket with "have fun twinking!"

Yes, it is intended. This is a fact, not an opinion.

Vets are in a bit more of a grey area, but F2P twinks are here to stay and fully intended.

yes, I separated f2p from vets, if you read it, I know it's a long one. I have nothing but MAD LOVE and respect for true f2ps <3 Always have
Somfas. I’ve been playing with/ against you for 10+ years now.

You rolled 24s during cata f2p era.

And have consistently sought out ways over the years to exploit and get more than just the slight edge that a vet or f2p twink gets on levelers of equal level.

you are entertaining as hell and I do enjoy the games and streams.

But you are scum sir. Don’t try to pretend otherwise by stating technicalities.
I once saw a streamer druid fc 19 back when there were no mounts in 19s lose his shit because someone used a tryhard (swiftness) pot to catch and kill him! I was like, Here's your sign! #elitist?
Somfas. I’ve been playing with/ against you for 10+ years now.

You rolled 24s during cata f2p era.

And have consistently sought out ways over the years to exploit and get more than just the slight edge that a vet or f2p twink gets on levelers of equal level.

you are entertaining as hell and I do enjoy the games and streams.

But you are scum sir. Don’t try to pretend otherwise by stating technicalities.
haha I have ZERO delusions about being a scum, you however seem to be in some hazy cloud still <3 see you on teh other side :)
I'd also like to say, when I get rickrolled by some of you that did the theorycrafting and have god-mode twinks and play me as the scrub I really am, I praise you and envy your skill or gear for I am a true twink. If you are a drag racer and love cars, do you not have some respect for the guy that beats you because he made a better engine and drives it better? <3 I fucken love you all!! Mad respect.
Hello again everyone. Let's explore what a "Intended bug" is. This is a quote from Blizzard end user license agreement "cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;: " I would like to emphasize "AND THEREBY GRANTING YOU AND/OR ANY OTHER USER AN ADVANTAGE OVER OTHER PLAYERS NOT USING SUCH METHODS"
If Blizzard launches a patch or xpac and there are Bugs that give overpowered weapons or items or abilities to a player not intended obviously, that give an advantage and then fix it but GF some toons so NO ONE else can ever obtain them, is the GFd toon exploiting? Most with GFd items will say NO! Well, Twinks specifically look for these items at launches hoping to get these GFd items and be THE op twinks.
We were ALL happy when twinks were fighting twinks and leaving the levelers alone, to level through what they love, as we do, PVP. Should f2ps be separated from XP-OFF? Everyone has their opinions but Blizzard decided in their brilliance, to protect the f2ps from the twinks this time. Instead of putting them with xp off toons when they separated again 8 months into BFA, they merged the f2ps with the levelers and made xp-off it's own bracket against only other xp-off, we saw how the queues went and it wasn't long before people unsubbed and went f2p to get games in. No one wants to sit in a 45+ min queue in prime time.
So, the question everyone has to ask themselves is this...... WAS IT BLIZZARDS INTENTION, upon protecting the f2ps from twinks, that the f2ps/vets would then become the major contributing factor to the utter destruction of their precious paid levelers going through the bracket? Answer HONESTLY, do you think blizzard intended for the very players it was trying to protect to become the new era of twinks?? we should separate f2ps from vets for this conversation. For a vet to gain it's supremacy, some of you had to do the quests for items and OP GFd artifact relics, non-azerite azerite gear, etc etc and you had to pay first, gear your toon, then unsub to play as a vet. You worked VERY hard at theorycrafting to be "the best of the best of the best SIR" Is that in itself using methods not expressly intended by Blizzard to gain an advantage over other players not using such methods? Hmmmm, maybe everyone should report all vets that worked way harder than I ever have to get that OP?? BLASPHEMY!!
Nearly EVERYTHING about twinking, and yes, vetting, is unintended by the current blizzard team of protectors but they didn't know what else to do. So here some of you sit, judging and pointing at others using different methods than you to get the same result. I personally just think you're mad that you're not the top dogs for a game here and there, after all that hard work you put into your exploits!! "OMG THERS A 29 DEBUFFER!!!! KEEL HIM!! REPORT HIM!!! BURN HIM ON THE STAKE!!" Tell me I'm wrong! You prey on others just as any other twink does and sit on your pedestal acting so righteous.
I nearly vomit when I read some of these posts by "twinks". But I guess this is no longer "TWINK info" it is indeed "XP-OFF" being inclusive to the entire community of WoW gamers. Maybe we should put a new section into this site and separate the factions of player styles. Maybe "Twinking section" for people that still enjoy and understand the true nature of what "Twink" means and another section called "Skilled Elitists" for the people that don't use ANY exploits or anything outside of what would be allowed in arenas but enjoy low level pvp.
Yes, I get a lil triggered when I see some exploiting elitist pretend he's totally legit by what Blizzard intended and following all righteous guidelines to the T (NOT), and calling out others doing something different. Get over yourselves elitists FFS!! <3 I say this hoping to help you understand that you're no better than the rest of us if you in any way participate in the eradication of levelers with your overpowered toon! "I dont attack levelers, I only want games against other twinks" I call BULLSHIT!! don't point out the splinter in your brothers eye when you refuse to see the plank in your own!! Suffer well brothers and sisters! Can't we all get along.

I'm gonna need a TLDR
yes, I have never made short posts, I am famous for my "walls of text" <3 sorry brother but this is actually one of my shortest threads :) I'm getting better .
For your sake somfas. You have some old toons. I hope you are debuffing on another unlinked account.

As long as we are owning it, it’s all love. I myself am a gfd theory crafter elitist and I take things way too personally sometimes lol. I probably spent more time playing PTR and prepatch than I did SL to date. Character flaw.

All that that said. You should* try your hand at debuff 20-29 pvp. I doubt there’s much competition in 10-19 xpon right?
I agree 100% or even just as is but fix the queues so we can all get pops. Or make 3 brackets xp-off, vets/f2ps, and xp-on. Everyone happy as long as we get pops in decent times.
For your sake somfas. You have some old toons. I hope you are debuffing on another unlinked account.

As long as we are owning it, it’s all love. I myself am a gfd theory crafter elitist and I take things way too personally sometimes lol. I probably spent more time playing PTR and prepatch than I did SL to date. Character flaw.

All that that said. You should* try your hand at debuff 20-29 pvp. I doubt there’s much competition in 10-19 xpon right?

I have dipped into the 20-29s, on toons you prolly don't know, was fun, miss the fuck outta the bracket, I have like 6 toons I need to xfer to a vet account, some of my OGs that I miss playin. I did the vet thing for a short while in BFA but damn, I run out of consumes so fast haha <3
[doublepost=1627419832,1627419579][/doublepost]Legion was great for the fact that it was Easy AF to get geared in the whites for a small 1-2% POW bonus if any at all and EVERY bracket was playable, loved the 79s, 59s etc, even the 49s, but for scrubs like me that rely and crutch on gear and consumes, it was horrid. Skill ruled the day and that ruled me out! #funforall. Why should only skilled players have all the fun? What am I? Chopped liver? sadge. But yeah the pops were good and a huge playerbase pvping
If vet is just as scummy why would there be a need to debuff?
no one is arguing that one is more scummy than the other, its black and white bruh. its either scummy or not. the point was vet is scummy, arguably exploitative, therefore vets cant shit on debuffers as it would be hypocritical
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