Increase the Twink Cup 2019 Prize Pool for FREE!!

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Greatest of all Time
Hey everyone!

I'd just like to highlight this method that will allow people to contribute to the prize pool for FREE without having to sign up to anything, and can be attainable in a couple of clicks. I would also like to point out that this method is repeatable / farmable by spam creating new accounts on the platforms that Matcherino allows you to log in to and each time you do and contribute via the discount code it will add to the prize fund. To learn how to do so in a few simple steps, keep on reading!

Navigate in your favorite internet browser over to the Matcherino site or click this link below:


Sign In either using Twitch, BattleNet, Twitter, or any other option of your choice so that you have a unique account through the website! (Note: this process can be repeated on numerous accounts you own and all will contribute to the prize pool. So get spamming!!)



Once you have signed into your account, Select the “Contribute” button.


Under the coupon code simply type the code “resurgent1” and click Contribute!


That’s it!! You’re done!! Now go and check out other completely FREE ways to add money to the prize pool without even having to leave the site!

Also following the certain pages on social media that you can see in the first image, whilst logged into Matcherino will contribute additional money to the prize pool again, for free!!

It is also possible to do a regular donation to this page towards the event.


Thanks for taking the time to read and support this thread!
So how much are you making off these referral link clicks?

Fuckin amateur hour here
I'm making nothing from it, just finding ways to boost that prize because this year people won't put their hands in their pockets. Change my mind

Conq owes me $0.01, go ask him for it.
Nothing in life is free after all, my dear friend.
Twink Cup is in my opinion only 10$ worth. Why is it even called Twink Cup if it's only 19s. I feel like this site is only using donation for this bracket. Personally I don't get why people get over thousands of dollar for 19s. Instead of dividing the money and hold in every active bracket a tournament. If you would organised like twink cup you will see more activity I'm brackets where u thought that it was dead bracket. Even 250$/bracket (not all are decent active) can support these brackets more and it would bring more entertainment. Only holding every year same funny bracket is awful
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Just ask for an entry fee like most any contest with a prize and BAM! there is your cash.
100% of the intake must go to the prize pool.
Each participant must pay an entry fee of $10(x) That’s $100 team of 10. Presuming 8(y) teams will be participating and you will have $800(z). The less (or more) entry fee(x) charged multiplied by the number of team’s members(y) will directly affect the $$$(z).
X*(10)Y=Z. Who said you would never use algebra?
75% goes to 1st place. 25% to 2nd place. Done deal.
Just set up a PayPal/Venmo/whatever account to gather make payments.
And just like any other paying contest. You don’t pay, you don’t get to participate. It really is that simple.

Twink Cup is in my opinion only 10$ worth. Why is it even called Twink Cup if it's only 19s. I feel like this site is only using donation for this bracket. Personally I don't get why people get over thousands of dollar for 19s. Instead of dividing the money and hold in every active bracket a tournament. If you would organised like twink cup you will see more activity I'm brackets where u thought that it was dead bracket. Even 250$/bracket (not all are decent active) can support these brackets more and it would bring more entertainment. Only holding every year same funny bracket is awful

Ah ah!!! Someone may be seeing the light.
As seen in my debate in this thread here.
I have always held the opinion the “official” TC should be for everyone that visits the site, and held to a single bracket each and every year without fail no matter the circumstances.
Not that my opinion matters any more than anyone else’s. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.

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Twink Cup is in my opinion only 10$ worth. Why is it even called Twink Cup if it's only 19s. I feel like this site is only using donation for this bracket. Personally I don't get why people get over thousands of dollar for 19s. Instead of dividing the money and hold in every active bracket a tournament. If you would organised like twink cup you will see more activity I'm brackets where u thought that it was dead bracket. Even 250$/bracket (not all are decent active) can support these brackets more and it would bring more entertainment. Only holding every year same funny bracket is awful
Host your own?
why did you organize an event without a proper prize pool first?

My friend this was all 6 months in the making, Conq knew he would jew me out of tinkinfo and keep my penny for the tink cup prize pool. Its the master plan, shhhhh just let the esportsers esport.
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Host your own?
That statement makes no sense. I'm not looking for a tournament, but I'm debating the prioritization of a single bracket with the donations of a Twink Community page (Yes exactly and that doesn't only mean level 19). This community site supports only one bracket. And it has been for years. And no I don't speak ONLY for 70. I also speak of other brackets like level 20, 29, 59(meanwhile). It is irresponsible to support only one bracket and to pulverize over thousands of dollars for only one bracket, instead of accepting a little more donations from other brackets and thus having a higher prize pool that you can spread over several brackets.
That statement makes no sense. I'm not looking for a tournament, but I'm debating the prioritization of a single bracket with the donations of a Twink Community page (Yes exactly and that doesn't only mean level 19). This community site supports only one bracket. And it has been for years. And no I don't speak ONLY for 70. I also speak of other brackets like level 20, 29, 59(meanwhile). It is irresponsible to support only one bracket and to pulverize over thousands of dollars for only one bracket, instead of accepting a little more donations from other brackets and thus having a higher prize pool that you can spread over several brackets.

Ok great, so host your own.

Tink cup is notorious for happening in the 19 bracket. Why you nd that dinosaur beboba think you are going to change the organizers minds is laughable. Either make the effort for your own event or piss off with the walls of text.
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That statement makes no sense. I'm not looking for a tournament, but I'm debating the prioritization of a single bracket with the donations of a Twink Community page (Yes exactly and that doesn't only mean level 19). This community site supports only one bracket. And it has been for years. And no I don't speak ONLY for 70. I also speak of other brackets like level 20, 29, 59(meanwhile). It is irresponsible to support only one bracket and to pulverize over thousands of dollars for only one bracket, instead of accepting a little more donations from other brackets and thus having a higher prize pool that you can spread over several brackets.
You could set up a donation page to cover the prize pool of a tournament in any bracket of your choosing and you'd get just as much "support" as any other bracket. I don't understand the complaint here
Twink Cup is in my opinion only 10$ worth. Why is it even called Twink Cup if it's only 19s. I feel like this site is only using donation for this bracket. Personally I don't get why people get over thousands of dollar for 19s. Instead of dividing the money and hold in every active bracket a tournament. If you would organised like twink cup you will see more activity I'm brackets where u thought that it was dead bracket. Even 250$/bracket (not all are decent active) can support these brackets more and it would bring more entertainment. Only holding every year same funny bracket is awful
Maybe I should do a 3.3 39s tournament ... :^]
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