You’re putting on regular twink tournaments? Cool. Lemme know when the next one is.
Presumably you are regularly attending them?
You’re putting on regular twink tournaments? Cool. Lemme know when the next one is.
With 4 teams a tournament can happen. Anything less however is something that will have to be dealt with a little further down the line. At this stage all we can do as a community is promote the event, encourage existing players to form teams and hope for the best - as we do every year@Blackout
With 3 confirmed teams, [RI/GSC/LSN] and 1 50/50 [SPIT] their is a question that needs to be answered.
Is 4 teams enough to 100% confirm Twink Cup 2019 will be happening?
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ikr dubble rog rdru meta ere we gowow look at all these rule changes, this is going to look like a completely different game compared to the last twink cup
cant wait to see all the spooky original team comps that come out
super hyped
Why no Allied Races?
Why no Allied Races?
Twink tournament.
Requires level 120.
Probably something like that.
I mean I can definitely understand these two points. Guess I was just excited to actually see something new. This already boring tournament is going to be just as boring as the past ones now.if i had to guess i'd say its because of kul'tirans knock, straight up.
playing around 1-2 is absolutely fine but playing around 10 would be so bad for games its unreal
you might think 'yeah but what team is gonna bring 10', i can guarantee at least 2 would bring full kul'tirans to the tc.
then you factor in that its only available through real-world purchases and stuff its a bit lame.
if it was free and available for under lvl 20s by normal means i'd hope the organizers would rather push for a 1-2 kultiran limit.
but as it stands, paying for a race-change goes against their 'organic' means of accessibility
Imagine soaking some fun and excitement out of a minimally funded event because you're too lazy to farm KT.
It doesnt cost real life money to join a group of 10 and play wsg. I guarantee KT isnt gamebreaking. This is pure laziness.I guess some people don't appreciate the idea that the meta is shifting towards a point where being able to participate at the best level in the cup will cost more real-life money than the current total prize pool for said cup.
But that's just people being lazy I guess.
It doesnt cost real life money to join a group of 10 and play wsg. I guarantee KT isnt gamebreaking. This is pure laziness.
It doesnt cost real life money to join a group of 10 and play wsg. I guarantee KT isnt gamebreaking. This is pure laziness.