ilvl 155 gear?

I'm sadly assuming the stamina scaling in bgs won't be enough even with this gear. Time will tell. Otherwise, can't it be done with two f2p accounts?

Jeeeez I hope I don’t have to actually do this on any of my 20’s… I like purple font over blue, I’m that petty and lazy! PepeLaugh
155 ilvl items are good for 20's f2p or vets twinks (finally distance between 20's and 29's shortens), but bad for new playes on BG that are not twinks.
Also those items seems easy enough to get, so i guess more twinks on xpON queue with 155 ilvl against some 30 ilvl levelers with empty slots.
155 ilvl items are good for 20's f2p or vets twinks (finally distance between 20's and 29's shortens), but bad for new playes on BG that are not twinks.
Also those items seems easy enough to get, so i guess more twinks on xpON queue with 155 ilvl against some 30 ilvl levelers with empty slots.
That's probably what would end up getting this fixed lol so it'll inevitably happen because people are scum. :Sadge:

I'm assuming queueing with the xpdebuff never got fixed either though so maybe not lmfao
I'm sadly assuming the stamina scaling in bgs won't be enough even with this gear. Time will tell. Otherwise, can't it be done with two f2p accounts?

@CigNus This is exactly what I was talking about. this is going to kill the only remaining Retail twink bracket. Health pools got nerfed in 10.1.5 when they reduced over all health pools across the board on all levels. People went from having 8k health as a 29 twink to 5-6k health. Hunter aimed shots in 29 WF gear were hitting for 5k followed up with a 3-4.5k arcane shot if right talents are selected. Same goes for Resto Shaman Burrows. hitting for 8.5k. People are already one shotting.

TLDR: 20-29 bracket is already stupid af and basically dead. Queues hardly pop anymore and when they do its seething shores 3v8 and one side stomps. This is 1) going to make 20s probably on the same level as 29s which in my opinion is great. 2) make every class stupidly broken and on equal playing field as MM hunters and shadow priest currently.

The lvl 29 in full 155 gear currently has these stats: 8k health, 475 agility, 100% mastery, and 20-30% other stats. for comparison, hunters in 112 gear had about 300 agility, 30-40% mast, and still one shot.

The stam difference from 155 gear does not make up AT ALL for the dmg output increase. Its going to turn bgs into whoever sneezes on the other player first wins.

Guess end game or classic wows are the only twinking option now unless people are looking for PvE twink content.
The stam difference from 155 gear does not make up AT ALL for the dmg output increase. Its going to turn bgs into whoever sneezes on the other player first wins.
This is what I was thinking would end up happening, was hopeful but yeah... :SadgeW:
I am personally not going to bother farming out a set of 155 but I am 100% all for ppl having some with it until it gets fixed. I kinda wanna see a lvl 10 in full 155turning a dungeon into red mist lol.
I am a f2p player and I really need someone to invite me and my second character to a party to get these items, I can't do it as a f2p. I tried finding someone to help in capital cities but noone reacts. Can someone here please help me? It takes 1 minute. EU server.
While I wont be engaging in PVP with these, I will certainly be having my own fun.......not because I'm ethically superior or anything, I just don't pvp much anymore lol, you can be damn sure I will be tearing some new b-holes in PVE though. I imagine I can survive quite nicely in the forbidden zones of the Maw much easier now.

Honestly I live for these moments, as brief as they are.

One nights investment for godlike power, even if it only lasts a short while is fine by me.

May the Titans have mercy on the BG levelers....poor souls
View attachment 23377

Time for a speed set, I guess.

Just to add onto this, this can be done with 2 accounts rather than 3. And both characters can be 20, just need someone to group them. sync off as boss dies, then sync on to loot
Nice find! Initially I needed the level 50+ to finish off the boss in current timeline, but after getting a handful of ilvl 155s it's no sweat ;) .. now this can easily be done with two F2P accounts (one in SL timeline to start/stop party sync and second in current timeline to run the instance). This helps increase the drop rate too ;)
how far down the lvls can a char do it? can i go on lvl 1 char and get 155 ilvl gear? that would be awesome
how far down the lvls can a char do it? can i go on lvl 1 char and get 155 ilvl gear? that would be awesome
Minimum level for the dungeon as it seems, which would be... 10 or 12? I want to say 10 but I have the number 12 floating in my head for some reason.

its even with speed why is it lvl 50 :(((
Nice find! Initially I needed the level 50+ to finish off the boss in current timeline, but after getting a handful of ilvl 155s it's no sweat ;) .. now this can easily be done with two F2P accounts (one in SL timeline to start/stop party sync and second in current timeline to run the instance). This helps increase the drop rate too ;)
I try and it doesn't work for me...
If I stop party sync during boss fight then boss oneshots me and resets.
If I stop party sync after the boss is dead I loot a 155 level item but it requires level 50 to wear.
If I walk a present time character into the dungeon, carry with level 20 in Shadowlands timeline and stop party sync during boss fight then present time character gets low level loot.
I don't understand how it works without level 50 in group.

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