ilvl 155 gear?

I kinda hate this. As a 30 I don't do PvP anyway, but now the fear of missing out is real. I'd be glad for another 40 odd ilvls, but not like this.

Then again, there is the odd chance that, if 20s and 29s go into bgs with 155 gear, Blizz will actually fix it and/or ban the accounts they catch.

Edit: I'm not saying I want people to be banned. Mostly I just want that fixed and not have it in the back of my head.
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Alright got more used to this and the other user is right, you dont need to leave the party at all just toggle party sync on and off at certain points. You also dont seem to get any loot at all unless you get a piece, so that is normal for this. This one is a little more involved so I would be surprised if it got patched quickly, but with high ilvl on low level toons they do seem to prioritize it so you never know.
The f2p scene is like a small children, if you stop looking at it for 2 seconds chances are it will be choking to death on whatever new weird or dangerous toy it found. I'm not gonna bother with this gear tbh but damn I would be a liar to say I wouldn't like an ilvl 155 set. Guess the best move is to wait and see how it evolves.
.. now I just need a new ooze trinket from PF ;)

Screenshot 2023-08-15 211705.png
I grinded out ilvl 155 helm, shoulders, cloak, bracers, double weps, gloves, and socket ring with double trinket (one with speed hehe). Are there any enchants i can put on this gear ? even through trade window ? Even if not, the gear is more than over powered anyway
I grinded out ilvl 155 helm, shoulders, cloak, bracers, double weps, gloves, and socket ring with double trinket (one with speed hehe). Are there any enchants i can put on this gear ? even through trade window ? Even if not, the gear is more than over powered anyway
The Accord ring enchants cap at ilvl 140 I think. You could maybe try DF enchants. Their tooltips don't state a minimum ilvl.
Pls everybody, as many as possible report this in game.
It clearly is a bug, but I do feel a little bad for the people that found this and are possibly very excited about it. However since this will inevitably wreck what little PvP is left in lower brackets, I have to agree with reporting, even if the bug doesn't directly affect me.
this will bring the first balance to the bracket since DF
I'll take your word for it due to lack of in-depth knowledge on my end. Still, keeping it on the down low is not going to make Blizzard's eventual response better. It'll eventually get out and it's not unprecedented to fear a disproportionate response, like permabanning everyone with ilvl 155 gear below its appropriate level.
I'll take your word for it due to lack of in-depth knowledge on my end. Still, keeping it on the down low is not going to make Blizzard's eventual response better. It'll eventually get out and it's not unprecedented to fear a disproportionate response, like permabanning everyone with ilvl 155 gear below its appropriate level.

I'm not going to say that it's impossible that Blizz will ban you for this, but just based on every time this has happened in the past, it is highly unlikely. As the old saying goes: Exploit early, and exploit often.

Time for a speed set, I guess.

I think I figured it out .. I used three accounts:
1) Account on SL timeline
2) F2P account - regular timeline
3) Level 50+ Subbed account - regular timeline

First off form a group with all three accounts and have account #1 start party sync. Enter dungeon with accounts #2 and #3. When the boss is at low HP have account #1 leave party to end party sync. Finish off the boss with account #3. Next leave the party and quickly reform group (as to not get teleport timer). Now have account #1 activate party sync again. Run back and loot boss. Profit. $$$

View attachment 23360
EDIT: This could help even the score for F2Ps since we can get them too ;)

Just to add onto this, this can be done with 2 accounts rather than 3. And both characters can be 20, just need someone to group them. sync off as boss dies, then sync on to loot
29'S going to get 155 gear as well
but the 20's are gonna pwn them still
Hold on correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean there is basically no advantages to be a 29 besides the extra talent points?
I'm really bad at pvp but can those talent points make that much of a power gap?
Well I'm still not gonna gear for that but that's good news for the f2p and it doesn't make the 29's irrelevant. Maybe it's a good solution overall, everyone can still play (as long as one shots aren't too overbearing I guess). Hunters and Shaman will still be broken tho haha.
Still, it requires everyone to do this very specific method either way the power gap will be way too much.
(as long as one shots aren't too overbearing I guess)
I'm sadly assuming the stamina scaling in bgs won't be enough even with this gear. Time will tell. Otherwise, can't it be done with two f2p accounts?
to add onto this, this can be done with 2 accounts rather than 3. And both characters can be 20, just need someone to group them. sync off as boss dies, then sync on to loot

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