If you relied on not levelling past 20 because you're F2P I believe you *might* gain this XP. IIRC this was an issue for people in MoP Remix when Blizzard had a free play weekend and lots of people, myself included, had 20 Holy Priest twinks in F2P accounts.

AFAIK you can resolve this by simply XP locking BEFORE you subscribe to guarantee you won't level. You can turn that off once your subscription expires, if you wish.
TL;DR — If you lock XP before adding gametime and wait until it expires before unlocking you should be OK.

I’d wait 24 hours after sub expires before unlocking just to be safe.
ill be able to add a full confirm in 18 days, but so far, so good for me, 20's have been logged into with their xp off, etc.
Any other bracket can practically PVE, not just 10/11.
The scale for 10/11 is just too busted that it can steamroll through anything while shutting down your brain, hence why its the most popular in the PVE scene.
I do PVE with my 20s normally, and some 30s aswell. Questing, exploration, achievement hunting etc.
Obviously some classes are amazing regardless of level bracket, and some are extremely underwhelming. But you get the gist of things.
10-11 will have a time penalty when searching for dungeons due to stopped experience and a smaller selection of available dungeons, but the best scaling.
You can also:
1. Trial mod - create trial account (wow2...) and make 20 characters there by dressing them in TW or tBC items with sockets.
2. Veteran mod - create new (wow2) account for the 20th character, purchase chants / stones and wait for the time to expire to play at level 20 without the penalty of stopping the experience. (The main thing is not to run into a free weekend).

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