If you are still playing ... share your experience or thoughts with the 10-25 DF Prepatch...

Pretty sure Glance is nobody's own... You're welcome to him in your wonderful "thriving" community. :KEKW:

For righteous orbs, old strat drops 1 pretty much each run, from Instructor Galford. Pretty sure it's like a 90% drop rate.

It's 1 for each person in the party, too. 1 guaranteed, 2 each run guaranteed if you use two accounts, 3 for three, etc...

Even if you just clear the whole section after timmy on a high level you'll usually get 2-3 a run solo, looting everything.

edit- It'd be interesting if there's no use for them after tuesday anymore, assuming they dont update the enchant levels (still not sold on that). What's ilvl 50 gear after patch, like level 16 stuff? lol....
"thriving" community. :KEKW:

The community was fine until Blizzard decided they wanted classic levelers to face twinks and not retail levelers...

And then everyone suddenly remembered they had an old level 74 twink they used to love playing and spontaneously wanted to play again.

Sorry our community isn't "thriving" enough for your liking anymore. We knew when to call it quits. Meanwhile you're still out here running in the special olympics throwing shade at other paralympians, you mentally disabled fuck.
Yup, definitely over it. :KEKW:

You're in the level 20 forum starting shit with a community whose worst members are better persons than you.

Over what exactly? You already have your dead bracket, go play with that. You're here quoting Wowhead drops to people like you're contributing something meaningful.

I'm just sticking around to kill even the fluke chance that someone could think you contribute to any community. The only thing you contribute is common knowledge shared hundreds of times before on this same forum - and a reminder not to let twitch emojis become your personality.
Well, I'm sure as soon as the levelers come back you'll "crawl out of the woodwork" to go farm them just like a 29.

Along with "your" undergeared brazilians from "your" old bracket.

It's funny how everything you claim 29 is terrible for you did just the same, only that was right and proper. Weird.

You guys really are hialrious. :KEKW::KEKW::KEKW:

p.s. - and you guys folded a lot faster without your levelers than we did at 60 and 70, congrats on that.

edit- and Glance is the one here stirring up your shit, yet you children just cant help but fall for it every time. :rolleyes:
but somehow you think that having an online argument with him makes you relevant to the bracket or the twink circle somehow? you don't participate in any bracket enough to be relevant,

Thats not really fair glaivypoo is one of the only few players who went on the beta/ptr and tested out various gear/gems/enchants. To say he isn't relevant is a bit of a stretch if anything that alone makes him relevant to all bracket not just your precious 29s.

Also I barely pvp anymore yet post all the time, I spend most of my time pushing my damage in dungeons for fun. Last time I checked you wanted to pay someone to find stuff for you on the beta/ptr lol. Glaives out here doing it for free but whatever rofl.
"You want 20s for your garbo strats to work against someone."

11 words, i apologize.

nah, it works well with even 29s in 112 gears on PTR.


if you choose to queue up as a 20 and aren't skilled or geared enough to make a difference (your choice of class to play is also important, imo play healer/hunter/stealthy), then maybe the bracket isn't for you anymore.
20s folded so fast and hard, they’re still the most active sections of the forums and discord.

Most of them actively cursing out 29 for taking their spot. For doing exactly what they did themselves. PvP community.

I know you choose to only see and speak rainbows for your preferred bracket, but it aint no different when it comes to levelers. And that's totally OK! It really is.... but soon as the levelers come back, all righteous 20 will crawl right out to greet them.

Just like a 29. Aint no difference but time exiled and subscription paid, and I'd like to see THAT get through.

And then everyone will have "moved on".

Oh, and what have yall done with these 20 twinks you love so much? Did you organize games? Did you maintain the community? Did you rally your fellow twinks?


But when blizzard hands you a bracket of levelers to farm again, well you'll all come crawling out of the woodwork talking about these twinks you just love so much youre so glad you get to play them again blahblahblah.

Miss me with that shit.

edit- and before your rainbow glasses inspire you to say "no one is doing that"... right up top prime example:

I'm just sticking around to kill even the fluke chance that someone could think you contribute to any community.
Most of them actively cursing out 29 for taking their spot. For doing exactly what they did themselves. PvP community.

I know you choose to only see and speak rainbows for your preferred bracket, but it aint no different when it comes to levelers. And that's totally OK! It really is.... but soon as the levelers come back, all righteous 20 will crawl right out to greet them.

Just like a 29. Aint no difference but time exiled and subscription paid, and I'd like to see THAT get through.

And then everyone will have "moved on".

Oh, and what have yall done with these 20 twinks you love so much? Did you organize games? Did you maintain the community? Did you rally your fellow twinks?


But when blizzard hands you a bracket of levelers to farm again, well you'll all come crawling out of the woodwork talking about these twinks you just love so much youre so glad you get to play them again blahblahblah.

Miss me with that shit.

edit- and before your rainbow glasses inspire you to say "no one is doing that"... right up top prime example:

lol this guy.

"you can't be angry"

"you can't be angry, either"

"i am right, you are wrong, you are all wrong"


blah blah blah

and he doesn't even PvP...
OK, how about this guy?

Yea and what have yall done with these old twinks you love so much? Did you organize games? Did you create a community? Did you rally your fellow twinks?


But when blizzard hands you a bracket of F2Ps to farm, well here you all come crawling out of the woodwork talking about these twinks you just love so much youre so glad you get to play them again blahblahblah.

Miss me with that shit.

edit- and i guess before he locks it due to an undesirable light shining on 20 PvP...

20s arenas/wargames will happen. Im not sure why yall feel the need to lecture people who have spent the past 12 years adapting. Its not that 29s are scary. Its that theyre pathetic and deserve ridicule.

Its not like we're talking about a historic bracket of storied 29s here. Every single 29 will have a creation date in august 2022. I'll give them a fair shake when theyve got a decade of experience as a bracket organizing pvp regardless of the current state of their random BG ques.

until then... lol fuck em
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why would i lock this thread lol?

Dunno, you kicked me out of the last 29 one someone said you were biased and I never even posted in it, lmao. :KEKW:

Sorry to lump "you" in with the you's posted here, I know and you know not every 20 is like every other. BUT every 20 farming levelers is just like 29, and every 20 coming back once queues get "fixed" is nothing different either. Same evil.

29 does nothing to 20 PvE, not sure why any of it would ever be combined in the same sentence. PvP!=PvE, I agree.

edit- to clarify, cuz I always gotta... ANY mention of 20 community in regards to 29 is ONLY about the PvP community... 29 has zero to do with 20 PvE so bringing that nonsense up as "community" in attempt to counter is bogus and useless.

20 PvP is the same as 29 PvP... just different victims.
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Ok, guy asking for help making his 29 in the 29 forum is a troll thread.... gotcha. Insightful stuff. Good talk. :rolleyes:

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