Hunters lol

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roudy said:
im still not sure why you guys cant just let this die yet...

This is currently the relief valve for all the rage/depression/resentment and hate in the 29 bracket, it was bottled up for a couple of months on the wow forums due to spam reporting, and it built to toxic lvls that are going to take a long time to work out of our systems. Add in the fact that we have more than our fair share of trolls in this bracket and this is what you get - nerd rage, with random pics and gifs strewn everywhere. It should calm down in a few weeks or so. Or when we all get banned by the moderators,,,,, hmm now there is a idea, lets start a betting pool on the lock, in-game gold only please!
I'd imagine letting us vent in this thread is preferable to deleting it and having it spill into a dozen new threads.

allahkazam said:
come on saxx everyone knows 19s is trash. people were shocked that focus macros were being used in 29s up until two weeks ago.

i knw but focus macros are one of the most basic pvp tools lmfao
Willyshatner said:
I also find it hard to agree with you on anything considering the vast difference between alliance and horde in games where alliance has a good team, has always been the level of communication that horde lacks. I'm sorry, but it doesn't take a lot of skill or gear to kill people when you have an entire offense focusing that person down. It's not hard to see why a team does so well when they can FF correctly against teams that don't FF at all. I'm 99% sure it has nothing to do with focus macros or spin jumping, and everything to do with a player calling out a target to kill in vent, and the other players in vent targeting that person (together) and killing it.

I'm also 99% sure that a team who isn't focusing anything down, or staying together as a group, is going to lose simply because of that, barring any amount of individual skill present. 5 v 1 anyone?

Good point. As "one of the worst healers in the 29 bracket" (to quote Fc from Tuesday), spamming flash heal for 1500 can't do shit in a 5 vs 1 situation. Especially with so much FF and CC'ing. If I happen to be alive and healing a group, I'm noticing almost every DPS has a different enemy targeted. Like it mentioned earlier, when someone is targeted by 9/10 of the opposing team, it's not an accident - and very efficient.

Also, if the opposing team is consistently zerging East, why aren't we going West instead of continuing to run into a mob while they three cap us? In addition to lacking coordination, communication, and common sense, Horde is losing because of independent, army-of-one/"I'm gonna PWN!" stupidity. (Do you think vent curtails this at all?) Maybe some stealthies could bypass midfield fighting to pick up, along with one staying close to the EFR to grab whenever we drop.

I realize there's a lot of ways to run the flag, but predictability isn't helping either. If someone plays both factions and plays frequently, it's a safe bet players on both teams have noticed similar patterns. It doesn't take hours of video review or shrieking in vent to know 99% of our FCs will be on the enemy tunnel's roof. On one hand, it's good to know where to go, but so does the opposing team.

Just a few common sense suggestions and observations, not engraved stone tablets carried down a mountain. (The crux being that I lack the grandiosity to feel my opinion are infallible.)
Ohai said:
I'd imagine letting us vent in this thread is preferable to deleting it and having it spill into a dozen new threads.


surprised the eurotrash mods havent locked it yet
Daydra said:
Lol until franchi made me fear the ban bomb..... I'm not willing to be the one to test the waters.

What, too soon? I know, 1963 feels like just yesterday! :D
I realize there's a lot of ways to run the flag, but predictability isn't helping either. If someone plays both factions and plays frequently, it's a safe bet players on both teams have noticed similar patterns. It doesn't take hours of video review or shrieking in vent to know 99% of our FCs will be on the enemy tunnel's roof. On one hand, it's good to know where to go, but so does the opposing team.

A few bones to pick with this

A fc's route is dictated by a number of factors, primarily how competent the enemy is and if the enemy controls mid, if both are the case, you go to the roof of the tunnel to wait for your team to make a effort and push mid, or for the enemy to make a mistake and comit enough to ramp that you can get by and back to your team. Running out GY gets you run down and killed, running out ramp runs you right into the enemy. For the last couple of nights we have been getting OWNED in mid, so getting the flag across takes an act of god, and remember that that big blue glowing thing is visible to everyone on the enemy team. So i would love to look good in the gulch, but i only get to do that when my team isn't getting raped.

Pre MB I would regularly solo run the flag out of the gy and make it to my own team, because the alliance was to busy being stupid in mid, or i would hug the wall out of the ramp side with support, or just straight up charge in mid take the licks and get it past, but because many horde wont use effective targeting and focuses or FF or CC or INTERRUPT or even get in vent and alliance is doing all of those things there really isn't anything i can do other than die much of the time. Hence my frustration and nerdrage.
Willyshatner said:
I would call it more group skill than personal skill having the impact, and largely being due to how well they communicate. I really would love to step up and put forth the same level of communication that they do as a leader, and I would love it if we could get to that point. The first steps in that really are to get everyone in vent.

Even if we really are at a lower level than them at first, we really don't have to be. We can step it up, but that first step is still going to be getting everyone in vent. I know it's hard right now, but all we can do is keep trying.

While I totally agree, being in vent will also require some to restrain themselves from destructive criticism or irrelevant chatting during battle. From what I've seen so far on this forum and Bliz's, I don't know if that's possible.

I believe we can do better, too. I'm not a quitter.
Being on the roof as an FC forces the other team to commit to the roof, and you can use LOS there to fight it out, drop to the cap, drop and go GY, drop and go second floor, or drop and loop back up the tunnel and onto the roof again.

In short it leaves you the most options, with the quickest route to be able to cap, and makes the other team have literally ONE way to get to you that is easily a chokepoint.

Getting everyone in vent is something we are not going to get on horde side short of a premade, we are lucky most of the time if we get half the team in vent, even luckier if those 5 in vent have mics.

You'll never know unless you try.

Calling out interrupts CC and focus targets is wonderful, and you may have noticed we do it on d all the time, but it really makes no difference when half the team isn't there to hear it.

The only people who need to hear you call out stuff on D, is the people on D with you.

So willy whats your magic plan to get all the horde in vent?

Keep posting the vent info before each game?

Thanks for finally getting a macro made after what now 3 months?

NP, I have been meaning to do it, but just too lazy.

The simple fact is that many horde never have and never will join vent. and because on occasion they get into games against bad alliance they think it's fine and that they don't need vent.

I am not going to make assumptions as to why people aren't getting in vent. There's no point. All I can do is continue to stress how important it is, hope people catch on, and look forward to games where everyone is in vent. That may or may not happen, but there's no point in not trying.

So how about we concentrate on things that we actually have influence over and try to get better?

Yes, because I am sure ignoring the communication and teamwork aspect of a team based activity will improve the over all quality of your play experience.

But he shouldn't have to learn to play, the rest of his team should get in vent so he can get carried.

No matter how you slice it, one person isn't going to win a BG all by themselves. It takes a team to accomplish anything in a BG.

As it stands, I wouldn't be the one getting carried anyway. What would happen if I went and got glad at Max level, came back here, and queued up? I'd still be faced with a team that can't use vent properly, can't coordinate properly as a result, and still has a hard time winning anything.
Wineheals said:
While I totally agree, being in vent will also require some to restrain themselves from destructive criticism or irrelevant chatting during battle. From what I've seen so far on this forum and Bliz's, I don't know if that's possible.

I believe we can do better, too. I'm not a quitter.

Right click the name in vent that so offends you select user, select mute.

roudy said:
i just find it amazing that its mostly horde players fighting among themselves, is it really that bad right now?

They make up a very small and i do mean teeeeensy portion of the horde players. Most of the time in game you'd never even realize threads like this were out there....

Except for with poor amy/kow jeez that got stupid. I'm very glad to have them as part of my D entourage. I wish people weren't so brutal with thier personal opinions or thoughts on things but so it goes.

In wsg though we are there to play and i think you'll enjoy the guild :) Keep an open mind.
Ohai said:
Being on the roof as an FC forces the other team to commit to the roof, and you can use LOS there to fight it out, drop to the cap, drop and go GY, drop and go second floor, or drop and loop back up the tunnel and onto the roof again.

In short it leaves you the most options, with the quickest route to be able to cap, and makes the other team have literally ONE way to get to you that is easily a chokepoint.

Yeah, I get that, but it hasn't had better results than any other route lately. Seems all we're doing is choking ourselves off. (I'll refrain from a gif to illustrate choking oneself off...)
Franchi said:
Right click the name in vent that so offends you select user, select mute.

Ah, I've done that in raids, but sometimes it interferes with communication. It's okay, though, I'm personally not bothered by chatty cathys or idiots in vent. Mostly because I don't use vent. :D
roudy said:
Black Stone Cherry - White Trash Millionaire - YouTube

since i dont have cool gif's ill just link these songs

For the disadvantages among us (such as myelf) who dont have a stockpile of gifs I present how to gif

search with Google for images of what you are looking for type gif in the search bar after what yo uwant, click the one you want select from the side bar "view full-size image" copy paste the web address into your post and surround it with [im g] and [/im g] just remove the space from img.

For example animated funny gif gets you.....

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