Hunters lol

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No matter how you slice it, one person isn't going to win a BG all by themselves. It takes a team to accomplish anything in a BG.

As it stands, I wouldn't be the one getting carried anyway. What would happen if I went and got glad at Max level, came back here, and queued up? I'd still be faced with a team that can't use vent properly, can't coordinate properly as a result, and still has a hard time winning anything.

I have watched you lose multiple games for your team because you cant use something as simple as

#showtooltip Flame Shock

/cast [@mouseover, exists, nohelp] Flame Shock

That is shaman pvp 101 right there and the fact that you don't use it has LOST games.
I have watched you lose multiple games for your team because you cant use something as simple as

#showtooltip Flame Shock

/cast [@mouseover, exists, nohelp] Flame Shock

That is shaman pvp 101 right there and the fact that you don't use it has LOST games.

I use Flame Shock all the time. You sir, are a complete moron.
You took a few of my quotes out of context and/or missed information in others.

Donteventrii said:
That contributes, but it isn't the sole factor. If said players are mediocre, but have experience working as a team against mediocre pugs; then they will still be rocked by a group of great players with great communication.

I entirely agree with the above. I do disagree with the characterization that the entire Horde side is mediocre... IF that is what you are trying to say.

Don't sell yourselves short, I'm not buying. As Ohai mentioned, TOast, Rubikz, Zeiren, Skanks, Dori, Dayman and yourself (sorry if I missed anyone) are all exceptional players, with skill levels much higher than the median 29 skill level.

Taken out of context. See my original response, Ohai’s subsequent response, and then my response to that. Never did I say such players were not skilled.

On that note however, I’m sure there are also HORDE players with skill levels much higher than the median 29. We can start that list with you, no?

If you feel you are competent, what are you saying about the median 29? Not competent?

Absolutely nothing.

It means that I think we are all competent players, nothing more, nothing less. There was no inference about 29 skill levels because I have no basis from which to make such an inference.

It's only logical if you had a) no prior knowledge of the median 29 skill level or b) didn't care whether the factions could become unbalanced then yes you are correct. Because in order to meet the "fun" quality, games must either be balanced, or you don't care whether they are balanced or not. But you cannot both want balanced games, and continue to unbalance them while claiming that rolling together as a guild is the "most logical" choice.

The following two statements of mine, that you even quoted, were pretty clear and should answer why we INITIALLY rolled the same faction together.

“ 2. We wish to test our mettle against the current 29s.”

“ 3. We don’t truly know how the faction balance will play out until we actually start BG’ing. Potential is just that, potential. “

Ok, we'll be seeing you in October. But only after acquiring AGM, DMH, and perhaps Charged Gears? You realize those items won't enhance your Horde at all ;)

Lmao Dont. Have a quick read at what I wrote, you even quoted it.

It's incredibly frustrating to know basic mechanics of WoW and to play consistently with others who have no idea that these mechanics exist- despite me mentioning it over and again. They never take the time to go research how these mechanics work on their own, and then are offended when I flame them for being lazy.

There are a great number of 29s that have no idea how to implement these things into gameplay. You and I know how to use them effectively, but we both make mistakes. My qualm is not with us, it's with the players that don't take the time to learn how these mechanics works and implement them into their gameplay.

I agree with Willi in that a lot of what you call “basic mechanics” are not. If they were basic, a lot more people would be using them and it wouldn’t be such a hassle (like you say) getting players to implement them. I also think that your constant insistence that they are basic is a subtle attempt to make yourself appear skilled... not that you aren’t. I do agree that it should be a goal of everyone’s to constantly be improving. Just keep in mind that twinks are more skilled than the general player-base already. That should put things into perspective.

Some players can be quite good without focus just as some players can be quite good at clicking. That doesn’t mean these players wouldn’t be better if they DID use these tools. I definitely feel they would.

That being said, Willi’s justifications for not using focus and scroll clicking are pretty outrageous and quite naive to those of us that do use them.

Perhaps I should have mentioned a defender. Sure, with no opposition even the scrubliest of keyboard turners could pick up the flag and walk it across the Gulch. But you need to step your game up depending on the opposition. If you are going to want to dunk on good opposition, you better learn how to dribble first.

Agreed, but I’ve seen very few players in this bracket, if any, that cannot dribble. The occasional, under-geared, 1400 HP player comes to mind.


The Horde doesn’t suck. Coordination and vent are important. MB are not big bad wolves with the intention of rolling Horde toons POSSIBLY 20 years from now. Everyone should always be trying to improve. Lets give it some time.

Willyshatner said:
I use Flame Shock all the time. You sir, are a complete moron.




nasty you want to take this for me i simply cannot deal with this lvl of stupid
Franchi said:
nasty you want to take this for me i simply cannot deal with this lvl of stupid

Willy not using mouseover flame shock has never lost us a game. If that's seriously the only reason you think you lost a game, I want fraps footage of it, because that's so highly unlikely.

Ohai said:
Willy not using mouseover flame shock has never lost us a game. If that's seriously the only reason you think you lost a game, I want fraps footage of it, because that's so highly unlikely.

last night he said in vent that he saw a rogue and couldn't get his shock off, a pass was attempted and intercepted by said rogue, alliance scored, he has said this many times.

His response to me should prove how clueless he is, apparently he thinks all that macro does is flame shock.

it also keeps you from having to target the rogue and allows you to keep your primary target targeted, allows you to keep a focus up for windsheer, and requires only one button press.

do you need me to go on about how that is superior to click targeting said rogue, and then clicking your flame shock?
Dorigon said:
mayb he tab targets which is superior to moving ur mouse

tab targeting to try and flame shock a rogue, if he is doing this...........

that's such an EPIC FAIL


edit: obligatory gif
Dorigon said:
works just fine so long as there is nothing else in range to target, wouldn't expect an ignoramus to know that tho

fixed that for you
last night he said in vent that he saw a rogue and couldn't get his shock off, a pass was attempted and intercepted by said rogue, alliance scored, he has said this many times.

His response to me should prove how clueless he is, apparently he thinks all that macro does is flame shock.

it also keeps you from having to target the rogue and allows you to keep your primary target targeted, allows you to keep a focus up for windsheer, and requires only one button press.

do you need me to go on about how that is superior to click targeting said rogue, and then clicking your flame shock?

Probably because the rogue sapped me and I didn't have a trinket up? I mean seriously, if you think I have problems shocking a rogue who walks in front of me while stealthed, you really are a moron.
Franchi said:
last night he said in vent that he saw a rogue and couldn't get his shock off, a pass was attempted and intercepted by said rogue, alliance scored, he has said this many times.

His response to me should prove how clueless he is, apparently he thinks all that macro does is flame shock.

it also keeps you from having to target the rogue and allows you to keep your primary target targeted, allows you to keep a focus up for windsheer, and requires only one button press.

do you need me to go on about how that is superior to click targeting said rogue, and then clicking your flame shock?

cant tell if serious

you don't like willy. we get it. can you stfu now
And refusing to step up your game to a lvl you claim to be capable of while complaining about others not getting in vent coordinating or focusing targets is pathetic.

Willy you flat out refuse to do things that will improve your game play, i show you a macro that you should be able to understand the value or atelast the use of if you can play at the lvl you claim you can and you respond as if i told you to take flameshock out of your spell book and put it on your bars.

please for reference anyone from MB who doesn't use focus frames make a post saying so.
please for reference anyone from MB who doesn't use focus frames make a post saying so.

you gave him a mouseover macro

@daydra lol at secret talk in vent <3 i love girlie players~! i hope you make her do the mission we planned :D /cheer

@willy- its so many pages back but yah. maybe its cultural diff? idk all ppl i know are from popular ones and they are quite competitive.

only weird things about my country tho, when you apply for job you need to put 4x5 size pic of your front face, full body and side body and list all sizes (chest, waist, hip, shoes and also height & weight!) no jk!


hard to believe you dont remember what you said to your own friends but whatever

i know upenn and penn state is quite diff coz my ex graduated from upenn.

ehh idk anything else other than fashion coz im not so smart but little stuff i learned at columbia still helps to do my job better than most ppl.

lol@ ohai gif - i can do moon walk too lmao!
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